Mea culpa: Bang & Olufsen A8 revisited
Jun 15, 2004 at 10:05 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 16


Headphone Hussy (will wear anything if it sounds good)
Jun 26, 2001
Long-time no post, I know

Long-time Head-Fi members know that I've generally been, well, less than kind to the Bang & Olufsen A8. The few times I had heard them in the past I was quite unimpressed. Although I liked the design, I thought they sounded mediocre and were completely overpriced at $160. I even went so far as to state that the $15 Sennheiser MX 400/500 were better sounding earbuds. In short, I thought they provided horrible *value* for the price.

A friend of mine here in the Bay Area is a technology writer who is currently evaluating some earbud-type headphones, and one of those is the A8. I decided to give them a try again.

First, let me state that over the past year I've softened my hardline "Who cares what it looks like?" stance -- I've met too many people who really, really, really want headphones that look good. I've come to the conclusion that while some people can be convinced to listen for sound first, others will never buy something they think is "ugly" -- or, at the very least, will want the best looking option among those that sound good. I say this because I don't think you can fairly evaluate the A8 unless you place them in this context.

That out of the way, here's the thing: I kind of liked the A8 this time. For whatever reason, the ones I spent time with recently sound much better than the several units I heard a few years back. Perhaps newer models are improved over older versions? I don't know, to be honest. But I do know that whereas I previously felt that both the Sennheiser MX 500 and Sony MDR-E888 were better than the A8 in terms of sound quality, I can no longer say that in good faith. All three of these "earbuds" are quite good -- considering the limitations of earbuds, of course. Which you'll prefer, sound-wise, will probably depend on your preferences. As my previous posts have explained, I personally like the MX 500 slightly better than the E888, mainly because they cost 1/4 a much, but I can see how some people would prefer the E888. The A8 are very similar to the E888 in that they don't quite have the bass of the MX 500 but they have a lot of good detail (though a bit too much for my taste at times). I would say that between the A8 and E888, that the A8 have a bit better treble, whereas the E888 have a bit better midrange.

TIP: The A8 are fairly sensitive to placement; if they aren't seated properly in your ears, they sound pretty bad. Thankfully, you can get them to "fit" however you like, thanks to adjustable earclips and movable (height and angle) earbuds.

So, assuming that the E888/A8 sound is more to your preference than the (much less expensive) MX 500 sound, what do you get for the extra $80 (the difference in cost between the E888 and A8)?

* Better build quality: the E888 are built a bit better than most earbuds, but the A8 are tank-like by comparison
(On the other hand, they also have more moving parts, so perhaps after a few years they might not hold up as well; I don't know.)

* Much better comfort: the A8 are one of the most comfortable headphones I've ever worn. I like their fit even better than my old comfort standby, the Koss KSC-35 -- the A8 basically disappear.

* Design: As with any B&O product, you pay a lot for design. Granted, it's good design that results in comfort, attractiveness, and "gadget factor." But the fact remains that you're paying $160 for a pair of earbuds.

My new position on the A8: They're among the better sounding earbuds on the market, but they're still earbuds. If you're looking for the best sound for $160, there are a LOT of better options out there. If you're looking for pretty good sound in a comfortable, portable package, and you're willing to pay more for good looks/design, give them a try. They're certainly better than the stock headphones that come with most portable players.
Jun 16, 2004 at 4:25 AM Post #2 of 16
I find it hard to believe that there have been no replies. Nevertheless, welcome back!

I'd give the A8 a look, but I've got my trusty KSC35. What more could anyone ask for?
Jun 16, 2004 at 4:51 AM Post #3 of 16
Oh wow, talk about a blast from the past! Hope things are going well for you and your robot, MacDEF. Thanks for the updated impressions.
Jun 16, 2004 at 11:18 AM Post #5 of 16

I will probably buy an iriver ihp-140. Now I'm looking for better ear phones and found the A8.

Your wrote, there are better phones for US$ 160 - which one? I don't like in-ear-phones such as Koss plug and I don't want other people to hear my music

Which one can you recommend for let's say US$ 200 max?

Thanks a lot

Jun 16, 2004 at 12:44 PM Post #6 of 16
If only you would stick them in your ears, it would be easy to recommend some canalphones, but for a 200 max budget, and I'm assuming this is for portable use, I'd say the Sennheiers HD25-1. I haven't spent much time with it, but it's closed, small, and sounds great.

Otherwise, I'd recommend the Ultrasone HIFI-650 trackmasters, but they're really too big for portable use and have a long cord that will get in the way.

edit - I don't have them anymore, but from memory, my 8a's were reliable. Until that point, any kind of earbud would always end in distorting the sound, which the 8a's did not do. Macdef is right, they aren't the anti-christ in terms of sound, but you do pay a lot more for the design.
Jun 16, 2004 at 4:52 PM Post #7 of 16
I never thought beo earphones were bad in terms of sound.
I only thought these phonese were bad in terms of economic.
However, they're very durable and tank-like. I used them sometime since my friend has them for 3 years. Just overpriced!
I would consider those audio technica aluminium or titanium earphones or shure e2.
Jun 16, 2004 at 5:00 PM Post #8 of 16

Originally Posted by Franklin2K

Your wrote, there are better phones for US$ 160 - which one? I don't like in-ear-phones such as Koss plug and I don't want other people to hear my music

Which one can you recommend for let's say US$ 200 max?
Thanks a lot

Like all other earbuds the A8's leak less compared to the full-sized headphones but others can still hear it easily if you crank it up. Unless you prefer the presentation style of the earbuds or need something really portable, you'll find many closed headphones that will sound better around that price range. Off the top of my head I can think of AKG K271, Sony V6, Beyer 250, Ultrasone 650, etc.
Jun 16, 2004 at 6:06 PM Post #9 of 16

Originally Posted by BigD
I never thought beo earphones were bad in terms of sound.
I only thought these phonese were bad in terms of economic.
However, they're very durable and tank-like. I used them sometime since my friend has them for 3 years. Just overpriced!
I would consider those audio technica aluminium or titanium earphones or shure e2.

Definitely more durable - and thus more economical - than the e888s. I really enjoy my A8s. So you don't think the ATH-CM7 and CM7Ti are overpriced? Plus I've seen reports that they're large and heavy so they won't fit everyone

(typing while trying to determine whether to return my e3c)
Jun 16, 2004 at 9:38 PM Post #10 of 16
Hi leon,
I see what you're saying. However, I found exact replica of beo in China for us$20 without the drivers. Can I justify $140 elsewhere???
Hmmm now I'm thinking about where I dump these samples?
Jun 17, 2004 at 7:22 AM Post #12 of 16

well I'm a little confused. As it seems there are many who like the A8 and the others hate them
I read some german forums, the people there love the A8, in contrary to the posts here.

Well, I'm looing for earphones, that
- are not closed and therefore too big, they should be compact
- should work together with the iRiver iHP-140 perfectly
- have a good bass and clear mids
- do not make other people hear my music
- are not in-ear-buds
- are not over US$ 200

What can you recommend?

Jun 17, 2004 at 2:39 PM Post #13 of 16
Two of your requirments contradict. You can't have open headphones that don't leak sound. Open by definition means it leaks sound.

However, there are two options, one is the Sennheiser px200, which is small but closed and does a heck of a job at sounding good and not leaking sound. Then there's the px250, which is the same design with added noise-canceling.

Then up the chain we have the Sennheiser HD25-1. They are also closed, supraaural (meaning they rest on the ear rather than enclose the ear), and are great headphones for just under your budget. Both of these are readily available in shops, so I'd suggest seeing and listening to them in person.


Originally Posted by Franklin2K

well I'm a little confused. As it seems there are many who like the A8 and the others hate them
I read some german forums, the people there love the A8, in contrary to the posts here.

Well, I'm looing for earphones, that
- are not closed and therefore too big, they should be compact
- should work together with the iRiver iHP-140 perfectly
- have a good bass and clear mids
- do not make other people hear my music
- are not in-ear-buds
- are not over US$ 200

What can you recommend?


Jun 17, 2004 at 7:06 PM Post #14 of 16

Originally Posted by BigD
Hi leon,
I see what you're saying. However, I found exact replica of beo in China for us$20 without the drivers. Can I justify $140 elsewhere???
Hmmm now I'm thinking about where I dump these samples?

You said it for yourself - headphones are worthless without their drivers, however cheap they are in that state. LOL

Not to mention perceptions of price changes according to the standard of living - a lot of Japanese might not find $140 exactly that expensive if they have to shell out that kind of money everyday.

I can't justify the A8 for $165 (which I recall is the proper MSRP in the US), but if you saw my post in the other thread, I think $100 or $120 (which you can often see on eBay) is acceptable.
Jun 18, 2004 at 5:27 PM Post #15 of 16
Hi all, I've been lurking here for quite a while and this is my first post here.

Here are some comments about A8 I wish to make, I believe the new version is more or less the same as the old one, instead the changed the 'wire splitter' to make it more durable. I broke my first pair of A8, which I had been using them for about 3 years, because the wire connected to that part has broken. And I stupidly threw them away because I don't know that B&O offers repair service for them!!!

I suppose A8 does sound quite bad at the beginning, but as it burns it in, it improves hugely. I thought I've got ripped off as soon as I plugged them into my discman, as it sounds so harsh and I couldn't believe I have spent so much money on a piece of shxt like dat (well I suppose it wasn't that much since it cost me HKD $550 at that time which is roughly about USD $70?). One of my friend then told me to burn-in before I sell them out on some online auction site. I left it in my discman for about a month almost non-stop since I was busying with loads of school's stuff at that time, and I did found that the sound changed, well perhaps not as much as I have expected, but it is quite noticeable. I have bought two new pairs after I broke my first one as I left my second one on da plane a week ago, and it costs me HKD $680, roughly $85 USD. But to be honest, none of them sound as good as my first pair...

The E888 is not so good in my opinion, as I don't like how it presents the music to me, maybe it has too much colourisation? I also liked the MX500especially when it is connected to an amp, it sounds totally different with an amp IMO, but it was broken cuz my brother was messing wid it and I am going to get a new pair in maybe two weeks time. I didn't like KSC35 as the are not as 'analytical' (not sure if it is the right word that express what I want to say) as the others, and plus it's not a ear bud.

Wow it's a long post, didn't realise that until I look back at what I've written...Anyway hope you guys won't find this boring and don't mind a newbie posting his opinions

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