Massdrop x Alex Cavalli Tube Hybrid Amp (CTH) - Dropping Monday
Aug 6, 2018 at 1:00 AM Post #842 of 1,442
You saying "iIt’s a known fact" doesn't make it so. I could say it's a known fact that the moon is made of cheese. (The Moon is made of cheese by the way)

Evidence please, not just words.

Do your own research -

Dear Friends,

It is with a heavy heart that I would like to inform everyone that Cavalli Audio will be closing its doors on October 31, 2017.

I have been involved with this community for a long time and am forever grateful that I could play a part in the evolution of both the hobby and community since 2000. I have been privileged to watch and be part of the growth of a niche of dedicated headphone listeners, always in pursuit of better sound. I recall many conversations about how to improve sound and produce a better overall experience through headphone listening. This community has spurred much innovation in headphones, headphone amplifiers, and associated gear. Some of this innovation is now part of the products we can buy off the shelf. Truly something to be proud of, as few industries have been this influenced by the members of its community.

For my part, I have been fortunate to create amplifiers that most people seem to really like. I am grateful for the support for these amps and for our fantastic customers.

The reasons for ending CA are purely personal. I have been semi-retired during the life of Cavalli Audio and had always intended to pass along the baton once I had been able to establish a robust company with excellent products. I have been looking for such a partnership for some time now and have, unfortunately, not been able to form a reliable partnership with anyone to continue my legacy and at this point, there are a number of things more demanding of my time, including an ever-increasing collection of grandchildren.

I have worked to keep certain aspects (the best aspects) of CA alive after the end of the company.

The first part of this has been the work with Massdrop (as most of you are aware) to continue to make Cavalli designs available at affordable prices. When I was still considering moving forward with CA I had begun to create an entire line of lower cost, but still great sounding amplifiers. Though there are no certain plans beyond the CTH and Carbon, with any luck a few more of these new ideas can be made available through MD.

With the closing of the company, all warranties will expire. I realize that this will concern many, but the amplifiers will continue to be supported by a reputable service and repair facility. To ensure this support, Avenson Audio has agreed to continue servicing CA amps. Avenson has done final assembly for every big CA amp and currently do all the repairs to CA amps. Current owners will be in good hands if such a need arises. A link to their website is on the CA website.

I know that this news may come as a shock to many while others might have anticipated this transition. I would like to thank everyone for their support over the years. I love this community and its passion for all things headphone and have been made to feel part of its extended family. My obligations to my own family, however must take priority at this time.

My thanks to all of you.

Aug 6, 2018 at 1:40 AM Post #844 of 1,442
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Aug 6, 2018 at 10:00 AM Post #845 of 1,442
All you have done is proved he is working with Massdropp. Nothing more, nothing less.

@Shoomer - Alex Cavalli designed the amp, selected the components to be used and approved the final prototypes. Massdrop sources the Cavalli-approved parts, has them assembled in a factory in China according to Cavalli’s specs, and then markets, sells and distributes them. There’s no conspiracy here. It is a fairly straightforward manufacturing partnership. Many of Massdrop’s “X” series products are designed, manufactured and marketed in the same way.
Aug 6, 2018 at 10:10 AM Post #846 of 1,442
Don't waste your time with 6922 tubes. Get yourself a e88cc to 6c8g adapter and 2 socket savers. Ken rad 6c8g , or my favorite, Tung-sol 6c8g. These tubes deliver exactly what you're looking for and then some. The soundstage is also massive on these tubes.
Adapter= $15
Socket savers(bakelite)= $6 pair. Tubemonger savers $60 pair. The cheap ones work fine.
Ken rad 6c8g= about $20 shipped
Tung-sol = about $50 to $70 shipped.
So.. for around 40 bucks or less you can have the Ken rad setup that'll smoke all the 6922 tubes known to man. Lol.

link for the adapter please. im not finding the correct one with a search e88cc to 6c8g adapter.
Aug 6, 2018 at 10:37 AM Post #847 of 1,442
Aug 6, 2018 at 10:49 AM Post #848 of 1,442
Do 6SN7 tubes work on MCTH with the Garage adapter?
Aug 6, 2018 at 10:53 AM Post #849 of 1,442
Aug 6, 2018 at 2:55 PM Post #850 of 1,442
You’re obviously clueless, again, do you your own research -

“The Massdrop x Alex Cavalli Liquid Carbon X is made by Massdrop, a larger company covering many enthusiast communities & manufacturing in China”


Massdrop in fact only manufactures in China.

"Massdrop in fact only manufactures in China" ...So? I never said it wasn't. What exactly is your point? Oh, and the word you were looking for is 'manufactured'
Aug 6, 2018 at 3:01 PM Post #851 of 1,442
"Massdrop in fact only manufactures in China" ...So? I never said it wasn't. What exactly is your point? Oh, and the word you were looking for is 'manufactured'
Actually, "manufactures" is perfectly correct here, since it is referring to ongoing manufacturing, not merely to past events. And since your initial point (to the extent you ever had one) was to determine Alex Cavalli's role in producing the CTH, and which as pointed out to at length you is well known and documented, why do you continue to post and make a fool of yourself?
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Aug 6, 2018 at 3:12 PM Post #852 of 1,442
It’s a known fact that pretty much everyone here knows already.

This is dead wrong. Dr. Cavalli himself has posted in this very thread on numerous occasions about the design of this amp, which he created collaboratively with Massdrop. Stop trolling.
Aug 6, 2018 at 3:20 PM Post #853 of 1,442
Hansotek put it as succinctly as possible. Read his post and let’s move on.
Aug 6, 2018 at 8:03 PM Post #854 of 1,442
Just a thought: Personally, if I was going to try a tube like the 6C8G I would remove the top panel and enlarge the hole so I could use just the E88CC to 6C8G adaptor. I don't like the idea of using 2 socket savers and then an adaptor myself; too many contact points. Since Cavalli really only recommends a 6922 or 6DJ8 tube, I assume that's the reason the stock tube opening was made as small as possible to discourage tube experimentation. Don't get me wrong, I like to try different tubes myself, but Cavalli has stated that the MCTH was designed for one tube type and doesn't have much headroom in the power supply to allow for experimentation with other tube types.
Aug 7, 2018 at 2:00 AM Post #855 of 1,442
Nobody is twisting anyone's arm to roll tubes in this amp. Cavalli does not recommend the 6c8g. Only the tube supplied.
It's really not that complicated. Either you give it a go, or don't.
people who do. Will be greatly rewarded. Lol.

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