Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Mar 22, 2013 at 4:45 PM Post #12,511 of 48,580
I never do this but...friggin' DAY ONE!!!11!11!
Mar 22, 2013 at 6:16 PM Post #12,512 of 48,580
What about Mickey Mouse and Donald Ducks world of illusion?!
What a game!

Mar 22, 2013 at 6:42 PM Post #12,513 of 48,580
What about Mickey Mouse and Donald Ducks world of illusion?!
What a game!

damn I remember when platforming was THAT hard, q.q I miss them ole platformers! 
Mar 22, 2013 at 7:00 PM Post #12,514 of 48,580
Mar 23, 2013 at 12:42 AM Post #12,516 of 48,580
Needs more Darkwing Duck IMO...

Also, wtb PC port!

also willing to bet there already is a hacked pc upscale some where :3
still... I never knew the NES could look that good :O 
Mar 23, 2013 at 1:36 AM Post #12,518 of 48,580
Picked up a multi-headphone stand at Bed Bath and Beyond that someone had mistakenly mis-labeled as "mug holder."

Mar 23, 2013 at 2:11 AM Post #12,519 of 48,580
Hey guys and thanks Envy, your guide is a huge help for me as I get into the world of head-fi.
I'm in need of some sway here as I'm basically torn between the 3 choices below. My budget is looking at around $550 max (less is best!)
  • Q701 - $290 new ($240 used)
  • A40 2013 Ed - $250 new
  • DT990 600ohm - $340 new ($240 used!)
At first I was all for the Q701, but then I came into thinking that the A40's mixamp would be the best price ratio when coupled with its set of cans... and THEN I find the DT990s at a pretty competitive price used. So now I'm stuck on these choices.
Oh and it gets a litter more interesting, as I also would like to get a good amp for one of these as well. Since I'm primarily a PC gamer, I don't think I need to worry too much about virtual surround boxes (be nice to have later on as I do play on my PS3 plenty). My motherboard itself comes with an X-Fi chipset with optical audio output, but I'm still unsure as to how a DAC would fit in all that. Would I need it? Would it be redundant? I also have an old X-Fi Xtremegamer Fatality Ed., but I'm not at all sure as to how well it fairs now (plus I gotta fish it out of the closet and pray my SLI setup won't be messing with its placement).
As for the AMP, I was looking at Schiit's Magni and FiiO's E09K, but it seems they would be better off with their DAC counter parts for that clear sound channel which confuses me further in my choice (and also increases the price overall by another $100 at least).
So my questions are as follows: Given those 3 choices, what best way should I go about getting them properly setup for my PC? Should I go with just the AMP or go for a AMP+DAC combo? Or should I just get an Astro Mixamp + one of the choices above?
Someone help me out of this bind! I'm dying to hear some audio bliss and clarity in my games without bothering my next door neighbors! 

Mar 23, 2013 at 3:22 AM Post #12,520 of 48,580
I have AX-PROs
Thanks for the help in understanding how open affects me.

Dang.... If you had the 720s you could have reused the AX Decoder box. Unfortunately I don't know of a way to use the Pro DB with your own headphones because the signal it outputs is 7 channels. 

Oh and it gets a litter more interesting, as I also would like to get a good amp for one of these as well. Since I'm primarily a PC gamer, I don't think I need to worry too much about virtual surround boxes (be nice to have later on as I do play on my PS3 plenty). My motherboard itself comes with an X-Fi chipset with optical audio output, but I'm still unsure as to how a DAC would fit in all that. Would I need it? Would it be redundant? I also have an old X-Fi Xtremegamer Fatality Ed., but I'm not at all sure as to how well it fairs now (plus I gotta fish it out of the closet and pray my SLI setup won't be messing with its placement).
As for the AMP, I was looking at Schiit's Magni and FiiO's E09K, but it seems they would be better off with their DAC counter parts for that clear sound channel which confuses me further in my choice (and also increases the price overall by another $100 at least).
So my questions are as follows: Given those 3 choices, what best way should I go about getting them properly setup for my PC? Should I go with just the AMP or go for a AMP+DAC combo? Or should I just get an Astro Mixamp + one of the choices above?

[size=medium]Nameless and a few others seem to be the go to guys for PC audio, however since i've got a short post up and running atm I can give some general advice:[/size]

[size=medium]The DAC is largely unrelated to gaming, but will make a improvement in music listening. So you'll have to decide if its worth it. [/size]

[size=medium]I think one of the main reasons that the Mixamp, DSS, and other external decoders are talked about so often on this thread is the fact that console gamers are at the mercy of the manufacturers when it comes to components. Unlike a PC where we can just go about ripping out or replacing components to better suit our needs/wants. Suffice to say that you might be better served goring for a higher end soundcard, which can act as both the decoder as well as the amp, like the Xonar Essence STX.[/size]

[size=medium]If you want cross compatibility between your PC and Mixamp, you'll have to get an external decoder like the mixamp for PS3 purposes. I'm not too sure how well the mixamp pairs with the PC though. You'll also have the added hassle of switching the optical cable when you want to change the source.[/size]

[size=medium]A year ago I'd have totally recommend ditching the A40s.... but from what I've read (not experienced) the 2013 editions seemed to have upped its game significantly, however, I’d still have to give the DT990s or Q701 (or if you can swing it, the 702 65th)  the higher recommendation. Between the Q701 and the 990, with your decision based only on gaming, your desire's for single player immersion quality vs competitive performance will most likely be a determining factor. [/size]
Mar 23, 2013 at 4:08 AM Post #12,521 of 48,580
You can use the E09k and Magni just fine with any sound card, there's nothing about the latter that makes it particularly optimized for Schiit's own DAC... Other than the fact that they're built in identical cabinets and look cool when stacked. The E09 has a dock for their DACs but it also has regular RCA inputs so, again, you can hook it up and take full advantage of it with any sound card.

A sound card's a DAC (or has a DAC in addition to a few other components), external USB DAC are just a different type of DAC... The easiest/cheapest way to get virtual surround sound for PC is with a sound card, so if your old X-Fi can fit on your mobo with your SLI setup then it's worth digging out, it's probably still better than your mobo's on board audio.

External USB DAC usually don't do virtual surround (with a few exceptions like a Mixamp or a Recon3D)... If you need a new card you can grab something like a Xonar DGX or used Titanium HD for under $60 and pair it with any amp you want. Low budget USB DAC aren't really an improvement on decent sound cards, they're just more portable and/or easier to configure.

The STX is a pretty good value for a very nice sound card and a very competent built in amp, specially if you can find it closer to $160... But going with a cheaper card and an external amp might be preferable if you're thinking of getting a Mixamp later, since you can then pair it with your amp as well.

Those prices for the Q and DT 990 are pretty high btw, where are you located?
Mar 23, 2013 at 8:51 AM Post #12,523 of 48,580
Picked up a multi-headphone stand at Bed Bath and Beyond that someone had mistakenly mis-labeled as "mug holder."

grrrr dang it man don't rub that in lol. I need to buy one of those well I need a place to put mit first, lolI jerry rigged a can stand <3 and it works nice but only one spot left for new cans
Hey guys and thanks Envy, your guide is a huge help for me as I get into the world of head-fi.
I'm in need of some sway here as I'm basically torn between the 3 choices below. My budget is looking at around $550 max (less is best!)
  • Q701 - $290 new ($240 used)
  • A40 2013 Ed - $250 new
  • DT990 600ohm - $340 new ($240 used!)
At first I was all for the Q701, but then I came into thinking that the A40's mixamp would be the best price ratio when coupled with its set of cans... and THEN I find the DT990s at a pretty competitive price used. So now I'm stuck on these choices.
Oh and it gets a litter more interesting, as I also would like to get a good amp for one of these as well. Since I'm primarily a PC gamer, I don't think I need to worry too much about virtual surround boxes (be nice to have later on as I do play on my PS3 plenty). My motherboard itself comes with an X-Fi chipset with optical audio output, but I'm still unsure as to how a DAC would fit in all that. Would I need it? Would it be redundant? I also have an old X-Fi Xtremegamer Fatality Ed., but I'm not at all sure as to how well it fairs now (plus I gotta fish it out of the closet and pray my SLI setup won't be messing with its placement).
As for the AMP, I was looking at Schiit's Magni and FiiO's E09K, but it seems they would be better off with their DAC counter parts for that clear sound channel which confuses me further in my choice (and also increases the price overall by another $100 at least).
So my questions are as follows: Given those 3 choices, what best way should I go about getting them properly setup for my PC? Should I go with just the AMP or go for a AMP+DAC combo? Or should I just get an Astro Mixamp + one of the choices above?
Someone help me out of this bind! I'm dying to hear some audio bliss and clarity in my games without bothering my next door neighbors! 

i'd go for a dac amp combo if this is your first set up, in addition if ur  pc gamer there is another thread that will sooon be recommneded to you, but for pure quality again I'd go dac combo for your pc, it's what I have an I enjoy it, although I'm not a competitve gamer [or not one that needs to hear where ppl r coming from] 
In addition I really dig the dt 990, if you get the Pro 250 ohm version they should b nice n extra cheap <3
And lastly, nice Fooly Cooly avatar :3, we all make that face when we make our first post here xD
Mar 23, 2013 at 1:56 PM Post #12,524 of 48,580
Dang.... If you had the 720s you could have reused the AX Decoder box. Unfortunately I don't know of a way to use the Pro DB with your own headphones because the signal it outputs is 7 channels. 

Dang! Are you sure?
I`m sure this sounds super stupid but what do you mean its signal output is 7 channels? The box itself has the standard ports on the front for connecting the AX-Pro headset and three alternative jacks at the back of the box for 5.1 analogue output...
Mar 23, 2013 at 4:31 PM Post #12,525 of 48,580
Picked up a multi-headphone stand at Bed Bath and Beyond that someone had mistakenly mis-labeled as "mug holder."

And this is the type of thinking that will ensure the human race lives on long after the zombie apocalypse.

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