Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Oct 9, 2012 at 4:35 PM Post #8,161 of 48,580
Thank you for your suggestions.
An ASUS Xonar DGX ,whish has dolby headphone.
It cost even cheaper than a ASUS Xonar U3 at my local electronic store. Should I go for that?

Yeah, I'd go for that...unless you play anything that uses the DirectSound3D or OpenAL APIs, in which case I'd recommend the X-Fi Titanium instead. But both are good sound cards, no question about that.
Oct 9, 2012 at 7:55 PM Post #8,162 of 48,580

OMG! I do NOT know when the hell this happened, but there is an option WITHIN Blu-Ray playback on the PS3, where you can set the Bitstream (basically meaning the optical out) to Mix, instead of Direct. Direct basically means that there is no touching the audio signal whatsoever. I dunno what the hell Mix is and if it FOUND a Dolby Digital signal embedded in the Blu-Ray OR converted DTS to Dolby Digital, but YES! I can watch Blu-Rays in Dolby Digital!
The last time I checked those settings, that option was NOT there, or it WAS but since I didn't know what it did, I left it on Direct, since it's the raw signal! This was apparently added two years ago.

So no receiver necessary! EVERYONE who has a PS3 as their main Blu-Ray player, make sure to change the audio setting to Bitsream MIX! I dunno about any other BD player and if such an option is available for them, but I certainly hope so.
I just found this, after seeing this option for the first time!
What the hell Sony? I'd have to love to know what the hell this was AGES ago. I almost spent money unnecessarily to get DTS to work for my headphones!

HOLY S***! *bows down to MLE*
Thank you, thank you!!!
Oct 9, 2012 at 11:49 PM Post #8,163 of 48,580
Its just crazy that I'm 2 years late. Who would've known that it does that? Even on the PS3 when you press Select while watching a BD movie, the sound still says DTS. Only when someone mentioned Dolby being possibly embedded on the discs even without being able to change to Dolby, did I start looking around.

Sigh. Sony needs a full explanation as too what all options do. This is huge for Mixamp owners and the like. I guarantee the vast majority of Mixamp/DSS/etc users are listening to their movies in stereo, because they don't realize this option exists, or know what it does.

I tested it with Avatar. The scene where the jackals surround the main character has pretty amazing rear cues that were obviously missing prior to using Bitstream Mix. I had noticed this because of the time Nameless had let me borrow the SU-DH1 and its DTS decoding.
Oct 10, 2012 at 1:23 AM Post #8,164 of 48,580
I know that feeling with features not being documented well enough, especially in the world of PC hardware and games with all sorts of .INI file options you can edit.
I even forget at times that what's become second nature to me is really ridiculously obtuse for the layman, which isn't helped by inconsistent UIs and whatnot. Seriously, I need to write up a new section of the PC gaming audio guide dedicated to understanding a proper X-Fi sound card's capabilities and where all the options are located. (I'd write similar guides for other sound card models if I had some to experiment with.)
Oct 10, 2012 at 3:17 AM Post #8,165 of 48,580
Seriously, I need to write up a new section of the PC gaming audio guide dedicated to understanding a proper X-Fi sound card's capabilities and where all the options are located. (I'd write similar guides for other sound card models if I had some to experiment with.)

I only received my Titanium HD and I can already say that I'd be definitely interested! Lots of options are confusing and can actually degrade the sound. I found an existing guide on head-fi that was pretty useful but not complete. Googling the rest wasn't always easy.
Oct 10, 2012 at 6:04 AM Post #8,166 of 48,580
I would go further than Mad by saying, based on personal experience and research (and taste to a degree), that the Q701 is the better headphone. They both can reach adequate volume (I'll check for you how much headroom the MacBook Pro has left once I get home, but my guess is not much), and IMO even without an extra amp you can hear that the Q701 is very good, but the Q scales up more and will make you most happy when powered by a receiver or desktop amp.
Going on Mad's comment about the HD598's balanced signature and non-headlining bass performance, I'd actually suggest that the Audio Technica is even better than the HD598 if bang-for-buck in your first hi-fi headphone. A small EQ boost at 80hz and lower can help fill in the bass, but the AD700 always excels in soundstage and "sparkle."
I personally feel the soundstage of the Q701 and AD700 is great for movies, though for movies with explosions and submarines you may want to boost the bass beyond neutral/natural, which is where the average person seems to like it more.
If you REALLY want bang-for-buck, Koss KSC-75 clip ons. Not the last word in detail and refinement, yet a very pleasing sound and just $12-$14. Definitely a good walkabout to pair with any reference headphone you keep at home.

So let me get this straight.  The Q701 makes a great gaming headphone because of its soundstage.  This means that the bass is neutral/natural so you're able to pinpoint where the enemy is coming from for example.  Is this right?
Aside from that, if I wanted to kick in a bit more bass I would have to buy a desktop amp or receiver.  That way I can immerse myself in movies with explosions for example.  Is this also right?
Oct 10, 2012 at 6:34 AM Post #8,167 of 48,580
Bass isn't exactly tied to amping. Like say the Q701 with a neutral amp (O2) wouldn't add any more bass, more than just give sufficient power to let the bass fill out the sound more, as opposed to making it stronger.

You could easily hook up the Q701 to something as cheap as the Fiio E5 and turn on the bass boost. It actually works well, though alters the sound a bit too much. The E7 while being a very weak amp, has three bass boosting options. EQ1 is subtle, and adds a very nice amount of bass and warmth without altering the Q701 negatively. Still, it's too weak for the Q701.
Oct 10, 2012 at 7:07 AM Post #8,168 of 48,580

Which model of the DT990 would compliment the HE-400?..In your opinion which headphone is technically better as a all rounder CAN, but best at gaming for directional audio cues? I also have an old reciever that will drive the highest impedance cans along with low impedance also.

I have only tried a DT770 80ohms and 250ohms and both were like earthquake bass made my face vibrate from the bass but it was flabby bass to my ears so I returned both pai after auditioning them. Does the DT990 have the same type bass and all Around close signature as its sibling the DT770?? How different are those in your words for gaming top priority but also as all rounder?? I'm a sound whore in all Cod's and that is what I play mostly when I game..Thinking of picking up a used 600ohms but not sure I will get better than my beloved He-400v2..Hey if it's better at gaming cues hell I'll have another can to add to my collection.

Oct 10, 2012 at 7:57 AM Post #8,169 of 48,580
Hmm... the Premium DT990 is most definitely different from the DT770 pro 80 mammoth bass. The DT990 Pro however may have more similarity to the DT770 Pro 80, so avoid that one. The premiums have a strong midbass, but more like an EQ-ed DT880, as opposed to a basshead can. It's GOOD strong bass, not bloated or super exaggerated.

If you have a receiver, the 250ohm would definitely suit you more.

As far as the HE400 vs DT990. No contest. A properly driven HE400 will smoke the DT990 in pretty much all aspects. HOWEVER, the DT990 has a more energetic sound signature, and the bass PRESENCE is a bit more emphasized. The HE400 is definitely more natural sounding and intimate. The DT990 works better for rock and faster music, IMHO. Vocals are a no brainer. The HE400 all the way.

I enjoyed the DT990 even next to the HE400, but the HE400 just has it all, and unless you feel the need for more bass presence than the HE400 gives, the DT990 is not necessary for you, whatsoever.

I just prefer the better comfort on the 990, the lighter weight, bass presence, and energy. Positioning is also slightly better because the DT990 has a drier tone, making it easier to pick up minute sounds. The HE400 is very full sounding which may make notes a bit heavier and harder to pinpoint. Overall though, positioning on both is pretty excellent, and shouldn't have problems gaming with either for both fun and competitive.

The DT990 sounds like a headphone, and the HE400 sounds like a speaker next to it. Imaging is just a supernatural strength on the planars. Seriously, it's a stupid decision to sell the HE-400, but a decision I made regardless (I still can't believe I did that).. They are literally the best headphone I have ever heard. I might like the D7000 sound a little more due to preferences in sub bass being stronger, but the HE400 ticks so many boxes, everyone with $400 to spend should definitely try them.

I might have to revise the comfort score on the HE-400/HE-4 though. The DT990 is definitely more comfy, yet I gave it a lesser score.
Oct 10, 2012 at 10:44 AM Post #8,170 of 48,580
So let me get this straight.  The Q701 makes a great gaming headphone because of its soundstage.  This means that the bass is neutral/natural so you're able to pinpoint where the enemy is coming from for example.  Is this right?

Aside from that, if I wanted to kick in a bit more bass I would have to buy a desktop amp or receiver.  That way I can immerse myself in movies with explosions for example.  Is this also right?

The Q701 makes a great gaming headphone because of it's soundstage, but also it's detail retrieval and something I forgot to mention before - the ability to make different sounds distinct from eachother. That last ability is hard to describe in one word... but it's like when you listen to music through the Q701s for the first time, you may discover that there was another instrument playing alongside the lead guitar, where on lesser headphones it is hard to make out anything but the most forward instruments. Bass is natural, but that only helps you to pinpoint directional cues in the sense that the bass doesn't distract you with overpowering presence.

Explaining the difference an amp makes to someone that hasn't experienced at least some of it is even harder... Kind of like describing the taste of a really great fillet mignon to someone who has only ever had steak, or someone who has always been a vegetarian. I totally agree with Mad that better amp power isn't like using an EQ, that what really happens is the sound fills out more with a greater sense of body, but does that mean anything to you? Just trust me, if you can afford it, try the fillet.

One more thing I can say about the AKG Q701... If anyone has complaints against this headphone, it is just a matter of taste preference to something else. These are definitely very good headphones in every way, and it struck me last night listening again just how musical these are. I'm trying to A/B with my AD700, trying to analyze specific differences at the beginnings of songs... at first it's just that 5% change, a little thing here or there I can pick out, but then I realize that my feet are waving to the music, and I play each song longer on the Q701, till eventually I can't tear myself away and I just listen to a few songs in a row, all the way through, until finally I see the time and I've been awake 19 hours and I'll need to be awake again in 5 hours, and call it a night. The Q's are definitely competitive, but they definitely earn their stars as engaging, fun headphones.

By the way Mad, I didn't put my foam cushion under the headband last night, and the bumps didn't really bother me :) Have you ever worn a headphone more comfortable than the DT990? If 10 is highest rather than a theoretical impossibility, then maybe the DT990 deserves a 10 rating. If 10 is reserved for an ideal, then use some calculus to determine that your fav comfort headphone is approaching what is theoretically possible and give it a 10 anyway ;P
I still think that competitive doesn't get any better or easier than the AD700, so those are a great value and a great starting point, but the Q's give me everything. Is it bad that I'm starting to compare my girlfriend to the AD700? LOL! PLEASE DON'T REPEAT THAT! :wink:
Oct 10, 2012 at 11:11 AM Post #8,171 of 48,580
The Stelseries Siberia V1, post headband stretched M50s are more comfy than the Beyers. The Beyers however, have the most comfy pads I have ever worn.
Oct 10, 2012 at 11:13 AM Post #8,172 of 48,580
@Evshrug and @Mad Lust Envy
Is there any way of boosting the bass on the Q701 without altering it negatively?
I thought of maybe just buying the AD700 for "competitive" gaming, and a separate headphone to immerse myself in movies and on single player campaigns.
Would this be my best bet?
Oct 10, 2012 at 12:42 PM Post #8,173 of 48,580
Really epic review and thanks to all posters for your inputs.

I have a question concerning my current setup. I have a Creative X-Fi Fatal1ty XtremeGamer sound card (a 2008 version so it's getting old but still freaking good) I have coupled it with a DT 770 pro 250 ohms but I cannot get fully impressed by it because... This sound card doesn't have a built-in amp so it's not giving it's best.
I am a kinda competitive gamer, I love having a precise positioning but don't mind if bass take over it. I want my Beyerdynamic beast to be released !

What is my best bet:
Buy a new sound card with a built in amp ? If yes, which is your best advise for an audiophile/gamer ?
Buy an amp and stick it to my X-Fi. Tough I still wanna enjoy the CMSS-3D. Is it possible with an amp ? if yes which ?
In both case I'm ready to put up to 170$

Thanks a lot in advance for your replies.

Oct 10, 2012 at 1:10 PM Post #8,174 of 48,580
Hmm... the Premium DT990 is most definitely different from the DT770 pro 80 mammoth bass. The DT990 Pro however may have more similarity to the DT770 Pro 80, so avoid that one. The premiums have a strong midbass, but more like an EQ-ed DT880, as opposed to a basshead can. It's GOOD strong bass, not bloated or super exaggerated.
If you have a receiver, the 250ohm would definitely suit you more.
As far as the HE400 vs DT990. No contest. A properly driven HE400 will smoke the DT990 in pretty much all aspects. HOWEVER, the DT990 has a more energetic sound signature, and the bass PRESENCE is a bit more emphasized. The HE400 is definitely more natural sounding and intimate. The DT990 works better for rock and faster music, IMHO. Vocals are a no brainer. The HE400 all the way.
I enjoyed the DT990 even next to the HE400, but the HE400 just has it all, and unless you feel the need for more bass presence than the HE400 gives, the DT990 is not necessary for you, whatsoever.
I just prefer the better comfort on the 990, the lighter weight, bass presence, and energy. Positioning is also slightly better because the DT990 has a drier tone, making it easier to pick up minute sounds. The HE400 is very full sounding which may make notes a bit heavier and harder to pinpoint. Overall though, positioning on both is pretty excellent, and shouldn't have problems gaming with either for both fun and competitive.
The DT990 sounds like a headphone, and the HE400 sounds like a speaker next to it. Imaging is just a supernatural strength on the planars. Seriously, it's a stupid decision to sell the HE-400, but a decision I made regardless (I still can't believe I did that).. They are literally the best headphone I have ever heard. I might like the D7000 sound a little more due to preferences in sub bass being stronger, but the HE400 ticks so many boxes, everyone with $400 to spend should definitely try them.
I might have to revise the comfort score on the HE-400/HE-4 though. The DT990 is definitely more comfy, yet I gave it a lesser score.

Well I just pulled the trigger on the DT990 600ohm for
250 used to try them out if I don't like em I'll return It real fast. You Selling the HE-400 is cool though I know how you feel about the he-400's bass if it was a tad more prominent in the lower end and a tad more tighter or impactful i think you would have kept it...V1 I feel had all the bass weight and impacfullness I ever wanted too bad it kept cutting out and i had to get a v2 He-400.
Bass is not bad at all in v2 but v1 was just more of it and clean to boot from what I remember. Im sure if you had a chance to listen to a v1 you would not have wanted to part with it.

Oh well you tried the HE-400 you liked now it's, "been there done that",so now you moved on for whatever reasons that's cool... I just hope the DT990 is just as good at fps games for
me and does music well or even better than my he400's do because I lost warranty on my set for modding it and now I have a pin hole in one of the drivers due to leaving the set out Of it's travel case once and my little one getting a pin through my fiberglass mess screen to tear the trace on one of the drivers.

Almost just purchased another He-400 because HiFi Man does'nt sell drivers separately but for 400.00 I don't think so.. Since my warranty is gone I'll try to repair the torn trace.
Oct 10, 2012 at 1:15 PM Post #8,175 of 48,580
I would have not wanted it, because it'd be too dark and smooth. I prefer bright and sparkly.

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