Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Jun 25, 2012 at 4:56 AM Post #5,926 of 48,579
DH1, 2, 3 (room modes) are different settings for Dolby Headphone. They are NOT on the Mixamp. The Mixamp uses DH2, as that's the 'best' mode. DH1 has less of a surround effect and the 'room' where the sound is spread around you is smallest. DH2 is what all console DH amps use, and I've been told that it's the best of the three. DH3 sounds like you're in a big room, with a lot of echo/revervb, and sounds more processed.

If you're using the headphone setting (IN GAME options) in black ops, you're not getting Dolby Headphone at all. Those types of options are either turned back to 2 channel audio optimized for headphones, or adds it's own software surround emulation which doesn't come close to Dolby Headphone, but if you think its better, sell your Mixamp and stick to that. That is, unless you were using that headphone mode WITH the Mixamp... in which then you were using two different surround processings at once, which SHOULD sound like crap. But hey... I'm not you.

Black Ops has it's best DH audio when you set it to Quiet + Theatre. That is the general consensus, and one I agree with.
Jun 25, 2012 at 11:39 AM Post #5,927 of 48,579
How does this sound for my new gaming/movie/music desktop setup

DT990/Q701 (whichever i can get for less)
O2 Amp
(Inbuilt soundcard)

My Question is will this be enough to power and making these beasts sound to their potential ?
Also can I make this setup any cheaper ? (maybe a cheaper amp )
Jun 25, 2012 at 11:51 AM Post #5,928 of 48,579
How does this sound for my new gaming/movie/music desktop setup

DT990/Q701 (whichever i can get for less)
O2 Amp
(Inbuilt soundcard)

My Question is will this be enough to power and making these beasts sound to their potential ?
Also can I make this setup any cheaper ? (maybe a cheaper amp )

Built in sound usually means low cost DAC.
Used Asus Xonar DX or D1 sound card ($55)
SMSL SAP-100 amplifier ($65)
I'm guessing the DT990 is cheaper then the Q701.
Jun 25, 2012 at 11:52 AM Post #5,929 of 48,579
How does this sound for my new gaming/movie/music desktop setup

DT990/Q701 (whichever i can get for less)
O2 Amp
(Inbuilt soundcard)

My Question is will this be enough to power and making these beasts sound to their potential ?
Also can I make this setup any cheaper ? (maybe a cheaper amp )

I have one question: why no Dolby?
Jun 25, 2012 at 1:12 PM Post #5,931 of 48,579
I sort of doubt the optical port was damaged.  Unless the jack has popped out of either the xbox or the AX720. 
The CALs are low impedance, you may be able to hear the hissing on the AX720.  It wouldn't be intermittent though, it would be constant low level hissing. 
AD700s (32 ohms + lots of treble) were pretty bad combination with the DSS. Annoying hiss if you were at a quite part of the game.  Q701s are great with their darker-and-harder-to-drive-ness.  They're dead quiet when the game is also quiet. 
You could try moving the setup over to a DVD player and testing it out on the DVD players optical jack. 
  1. If the problem is fixed, it may be the xbox's optical jack is screwed up.
  2. If the problem persists (and you already tried using another optical cable) it's probably in the AX720 somewhere. 

Finally found the culprit.  It was my iPhone.  The AX720 volume is definitely not shielded.  I was able to replicate the issue by calling the phone.  It was weird though because the sound happened even when I wasn't getting a call or text.
When I hold my wireless landline handset (during a phone call) over the top of the AX720 volume control, there is a loud hum in the left ear only.  When I hold it under the volume control, loud hum moves to the right side.  That explains the left side only problem because the volume control was always facing up and the iPhone was next to it.
Thanks to everyone who helped me try to solve this issue.
Jun 25, 2012 at 4:09 PM Post #5,934 of 48,579
Yeah, that's the thing with the GSM spectrum that AT&T, T-Mobile, and every other carrier in the world uses. Whenever a GSM phone accesses data over the towers it will emit a frequency that makes audio buzzing that you can hear over speakers/headphones/microphones. It pretty much means that something in the chain is low quality and lacks good shielding. There's really no practical way around this than to go into airplane mode or to turn off the phone completely. You can try changing all the cables in your audio chain to a shielded cable or one that has those magnet things on them. Or wrapping the Tritton amp in aluminum foil...
Jun 25, 2012 at 5:31 PM Post #5,935 of 48,579
Do you remember those amazing 480p graphics?!!!
4 8 0 p

What's even more impressive is that the original Xbox actually does support 720p mode for a select few games, back when HDTVs were still hideously expensive.
I actually happen to have one of those games...
huh? What is DH1, 2, 3? 

Different Dolby Headphone modes. The basic difference is that DH1 has no added reverb, DH2 adds a little, and DH3 adds a LOT.
The simplified chipset in the Astro Mixamp and Turtle Beach Ear Force DSS only supports DH2 because it was considered the most popular mode, but the older JVC/Victor SU-DH1 allows you to switch between all three. So does the Dolby Headphone plugin for foobar2000 and any sound card that supports DH.
Jun 25, 2012 at 7:20 PM Post #5,936 of 48,579
Finally found the culprit.  It was my iPhone.  The AX720 volume is definitely not shielded.  I was able to replicate the issue by calling the phone.  It was weird though because the sound happened even when I wasn't getting a call or text.
When I hold my wireless landline handset (during a phone call) over the top of the AX720 volume control, there is a loud hum in the left ear only.  When I hold it under the volume control, loud hum moves to the right side.  That explains the left side only problem because the volume control was always facing up and the iPhone was next to it.
Thanks to everyone who helped me try to solve this issue.

The phone will trigger the interference whenever it checks your email if it isn't connected to wifi.  
Jun 25, 2012 at 7:58 PM Post #5,937 of 48,579
That's a flashback to my past. I used to game on a Logitech Z-5500 set, and it would always make the weirdest sound if my phone was receiving a text/call.
Jun 25, 2012 at 8:03 PM Post #5,938 of 48,579
No Money and I almost forgot about that.
If you tell me a setup within 100$ (excluding the headphones ) with it then great because even the O2 is a tad on the expensive side for me :)

I can't, because PC audio isn't something I know anything about. But I think Nameless's thread (link on 1st post) will be able to help you with sound cards; without the right sound card you'll be hearing in stereo only, and not virtual surround (whether Dolby or any other software).
Jun 25, 2012 at 8:09 PM Post #5,939 of 48,579
I can't, because PC audio isn't something I know anything about. But I think Nameless's thread (link on 1st post) will be able to help you with sound cards; without the right sound card you'll be hearing in stereo only, and not virtual surround (whether Dolby or any other software).

I have a 5.1/7.1 surround sound mode in my soundcard settings though

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