Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Feb 5, 2012 at 12:52 AM Post #3,812 of 48,601
Or won't sound right without warming up first.

Well some amps have parts that can change value with temperature but if an amp doesn't have any tubes, large heat sinks, or a case that gets a lot warmer than ambient then it might just be in your head.
Feb 5, 2012 at 4:14 AM Post #3,813 of 48,601
I have an NFB-5!  Be aware that I have reason to believe that it isn't a truely transparent amp, but this is based on tests of their discrete op amps and that NwAvGuy says the electrical engineering theory on their site is a bit bananas. I don't hear anything wrong with it, but I felt it relevant to mention. I dunno if it's good or bad that even with sighted listening I couldn't hear any difference between it and my X-fi on audio creation mode with my A900's. Of course, I have heard that the A900's sound basically the same out of most any source. 
Feb 5, 2012 at 4:38 AM Post #3,814 of 48,601
OOH, interesting!

Phos, what filter do you like best? Also, is the A900 the only can you have? I wouldn't doubt that you can't hear a diff. Those cans are absurdly easy to drive, like the AD700, which tome sounded the same off everything.

You like your NFB5? All that power deserves some power hungry cans. :wink:
Feb 5, 2012 at 7:05 AM Post #3,815 of 48,601
Well Chico, I hope you're happy... just placed an order for the White Qs... :mad:
I don't mind the lack of bass or lack of prowess with EDM or hip hop (compared to the OTHER can), as that's what my D7Ks are for. I do however need a mid rich, full sounding, open can for non-bass heavy genres, TV shows, anime, and these seem to fit the bill. I'd have went with the DT880 Pros, but I'm all Beyer'd out, and don't want as sharp a treble for my secondary cans.
Come on Qs... you better live up to the hype. The K701 had some glaring flaws. Hopefully the warmer, fuller sound will be enough.
I'd have saved up for the HE500, but I REALLY don't want a heavy pair of cans. The HE-4 was quite heavy, and for the type of relaxed listening, it's not what I'm looking for.

Well, that means that if I do end up enjoying them more than the K701s, they will make my PC360s obsolete, so before I put up a listing for them in the near future (assuming all goes well), I'll let you guys in the US know now, that I'll be selling the PC360 for $120 total to the US only. Perfect condition sonically, the only physical issue being the stupid headband cushion (which for some ungodly reason snagged on something sharp at some point...)

That headband padding damage is just hardened glue... (sorry, stepfather got crazy ideas on how to fix the tear). It does not hamper comfort or anything else. I've been extremely happy with this headset, mic and all.

if I do get a buyer, I will still put up a for sale listing on head-fi for legit reasons, as well as giving each other feedback. Feedback always helps. I should be at +6 by now but the people I dealt with didn't bother giving me feedback. :rolleyes:
Feb 5, 2012 at 7:33 AM Post #3,816 of 48,601
Re: all the K70x burn-in comments over the last page
Can I just say how much I appreciate the level-headedness in this thread vs almost any other thread on a similar topic in Head-Fi. You are all full of win.
Feb 5, 2012 at 9:36 AM Post #3,817 of 48,601
The Q701 has foam pads behind the Qunicy Jones logo. As far as I know the K701 doesn't have those.

That could be a reason for a different frequncy response. Time for K701 mods, I guess.
Just wanted to ask my question about the DAC qualities of the mixamp again:
How's the SQ on the mixamp just as a DAC for music if you bypass dolby headphone and feed it digitally via spdif? Is its DAC comparable with something like the fiio e7? It should at least be better than onboard sound.

Feb 5, 2012 at 10:12 AM Post #3,818 of 48,601
Anyone know what gaming is like with 558's? I'm about to bit the bullet for a pair. I figured it might be a step up from the PC360's since they're basically the 595's. I was going to do the foam removal mod aswell.
I do competitive Dota 2 and Counter-Strike, but I also love playing games like Mount & Blade, Battlefield 3, Skyrim, Racing Games, and the lot basically, so I want them to be enjoyable for that aswell.
Edit; Screw it, did it anyways!
Feb 5, 2012 at 10:24 AM Post #3,819 of 48,601

OOH, interesting!
Phos, what filter do you like best? Also, is the A900 the only can you have? I wouldn't doubt that you can't hear a diff. Those cans are absurdly easy to drive, like the AD700, which tome sounded the same off everything.
You like your NFB5? All that power deserves some power hungry cans.

I also have the pc360, but they're also easy to drive and I can't connect them anyway because I don't have an adaptor. More recently I got a HE-400, but their left channel went out. They sounded really nice while they were working though. If you already think the HE-4 is heavy, you probably don't want to get the HE-500, it's even heavier. 
I also can't tell the difference between the DAC filter settings. I like it, but I'm looking for a transparent DAC/amp, so I'll probably sell it when the ODAC is ready. Like I said, I can't rreally hear anything wrong, it's mostly a philisophical thing. 
Feb 5, 2012 at 12:03 PM Post #3,820 of 48,601
Just installed the ModMic on my DT-770 Pro-80 and love it. MixAmp + ModMic + headphones of your choosing = gaming nirvana 
Feb 5, 2012 at 5:51 PM Post #3,821 of 48,601
Been playing around with the settings in the Asus Xonar DG's Gui. I was toying around with the EQ with my hd555. Pumped up the 30hz to +8 or +10 the 60hz to +6 8khz to +2 or +4 and the 16khz to +8 or +10... Was sounding pretty good. Then I was looking at the Read out it the GraEQ was giving me and remembered when your recording something to never let anything go above +10 Dec. So I was comparing the Sound quality of the medium gain vs the high gain at the same Dec. levels on the sound card.
If you can stand it the high gain set to a volume where every thing tries to get the +10 dec. but can't is really really good sounding. On the medium gain at the same read out volume it's more tolleriable on the ears but just doesn't have that lush kick it has at the high gain or when you turn the volume up to match the high gains real volume.
Then I noticed the Hi-Fi button was'nt pressed so I pressed it and my music suddenly sounded like flat crap... What so I looked at the eq and it set everything back to flat. Turn Hi-Fi Off and my settings came back. I was listening to music like that? I thought to my self. lol
Feb 5, 2012 at 6:42 PM Post #3,823 of 48,601
I have this same question.... would the Fiio E7 be an upgrade to the Xonar DG?

As an amp?  Maybe a little bit.
As a DAC?  No.  You'll lose some of your positional audio.
Feb 5, 2012 at 8:38 PM Post #3,825 of 48,601

How's the SQ on the mixamp just as a DAC for music if you bypass dolby headphone and feed it digitally via spdif? Is its DAC comparable with something like the fiio e7? It should at least be better than onboard sound.

You mean like for music?  I can't test it as my computer doesn't have spdif/optical out.  You can always get the FiiO D3 for $30.  It takes coax and optical in and goes to a line out.  With the mixamp, it doesn't have a line out, so you're stuck with the amp/headphone out for whatever the DAC gives you.

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