Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Nov 13, 2011 at 9:44 PM Post #2,356 of 48,580
Well here I go again :)
Had my PC360s from Amazon for a couple of days now (along with the ASUS Xonar U3), my impressions:
Seems like a better set of cans than the PX5, for sure.  But then again with the phones being $170 and a mixamp another $130 on top of that, you'd hope they were.  What I'm getting at though is it seems like these are expensive, but justified cost whereas the PX5 had a high-end feature list but not necessarily high end performance.  The build quality is a lot more solid, and they are definitely lighter (but lighter by design, since there are no electronics/batteries in the headphones).  They are comfortable, but I do get some pain/discomfort after wearing them for too long.  I think it is that they squeeze my head too much.  I don't know if that will loosen up over time or not.  If it does not improve, I may actually have to return them.  I can't go for more than a couple of hours without getting a headache.
As I suspected, the cord on this thing is ridiculously long.  If I end up keeping these phones I will have to cut them and solder in an inline connector so I can have a short run for mixamp use, and a long run for PC use.  I can find 4-pole 3.5mm male plugs on eBay, finding 4-pole 3.5mm female plugs seems more difficult.
Didn't try the mic much, but one thing I don't like about it is it seems to be quite long, and stretches way in front of your mouth.  That's great for picking up sound but also it picks up my breathing too.  I will have to try more placement options but also the mic only "flexes" in one axis, so placement options are also limited.
The volume control is very handy, especially using it on the PC since the Xonar U3 does not have a hardware volume controller (unlike the Xonar U1 which IIRC is the same hardware in a different package).  One thing I didn't expect was that the volume control has a limited range.  You cannot totally mute the sound using the on-headset volume control, only lower it.  So far it seems I have enough volume modulation that it's not a big issue, but would have been nice to have full mute-ability (mutability? :)) using the on-headset volume control.
The volume control also comes in handy when using the U3 on my mac, which was a pleasant surprise since the box does not state any kind of mac compatibility.  I plugged it in and saw that it was recognized as "USB Advanced Audio Device" in OSX.  There are no drivers so no access to fancy features like DH, but it works.  The headphone amp seems to be stuck in high gain mode though, since the sound is OUTRAGEOUSLY loud.  I have to lower the system volume to as low as it goes without muting the sound (even below 1 square on the volume scale, using the sound prefpane or Audio MIDI Setup), turn the on-headset volume controller all the way down, and then turn the volume slider in iTunes down even more (to about half) before the volume is at my typical listening level.  Then I can use the on-headset volume to modulate the volume a little as needed.  But anyway it was kinda neat to see that the U3 worked on the mac, although ultimately I will be using the mixamp with the mac instead.  I tried to find some of the old Xonar U1 drivers (again, same hardware different packaging so I think it might work) that ASUS used to have for OSX but it appears they have disappeared from the internet.  However, it also seems like they won't be Lion compatible anyways so maybe it's a lost cause even if I could find the drivers.
Anyhow regarding the PC360 sound, I can only do limited testing since my Astro mixamp is not here.  However, using the Xonar U3 on my PC allowed me to do some DH gaming, although my selection of PC games isn't super great for testing surround sound.  What I heard seemed pretty good, but will save judgement until I get my mixamp in the mail so I can make a more direct comparison to the PX5s using some 360 games like Bioshock 2.
What testing I did though, seemed fine.  The best example I could come up with on my PC was the FPS game Sanctum.  In this game you build towers and mazes to slow down and stop waves of enemies from reaching the "core" and destroying it.  Anyhow I set up some lightning towers which have a passive humming/crackling sound and standing next to one I was able to pinpoint where it was in relation to me.  I closed my eyes, and jerked the mouse around to screw up my orientation, then I panned around to see if I could tell where the tower was in relation to my view.  I could always locate it, and recenter it so that I was looking at the tower again with my eyes closed.  I noticed that the weakest part of the soundstage seemed to be the very front.  It seemed like the sounds quickly transitioned from being front+right to front+left as I panned across.  I did not notice this as much if the sound was behind me, only in front.  I will see how it goes with the mixamp (although I do not expect very different results, since it's still using the same DH processing).
Sound wise though, didn't you guys say these things were bass light?  I honestly don't see that at all.  Granted, my viewpoint is definitely biased somewhat since I own and like the sound signature of my Ety ER4Ps, but these things have more than enough bass for my tastes.  In fact on the PC, I have created a custom equalizer to bring the bass down a little and emphasize the mids/highs.  I can't imagine wanting a headphone with more bass.  I'd definitely consider these to be "fun" phones borrowing from the original ratings on this thread.  I'll be curious to see how I like them on the console, where I won't have the option of creating an EQ to compensate for the headset's natural sound response.
Anyway, they sound fine in the musical tests I ran.  Could not really hear any distortion even in difficult passages, and the distortion I did hear I think I am beginning to attribute to bad mastering on behalf of the audio engineers.  I hear the same distortion in the same places on several sets of headphones and playback systems, at that point I can only conclude that it is the source material.  In fact some of the distortion I heard with the PX5 was probably the same.
Overall they seem like a solid set of headphones, however someone had to go and post that modmic link a few posts up :), now I'm thinking I might like that route better.  I might be able to find a set of cans I can use more generally (both for music and gaming, making the expense more justifiable), with a sound signature I like better, and still have a good integrated mic solution using something like the modmic.
Nov 13, 2011 at 10:17 PM Post #2,357 of 48,580
I'm clueless as to what amp to buy to powerd Beyer 770's 80ohm.
I'm using a laptop, and it's desktop replacement, so the laptop and the amp/headphones will never move from the desk.
Anyone willing to help me out ?
Nov 13, 2011 at 11:06 PM Post #2,359 of 48,580

I'm clueless as to what amp to buy to powerd Beyer 770's 80ohm.
I'm using a laptop, and it's desktop replacement, so the laptop and the amp/headphones will never move from the desk.
Anyone willing to help me out ?

99.9% of the headphone amplifiers will work great with 80-Ohm headphones.
On eBay, there are lots of no name headphone amplifiers starting at around $50 (usually ships from China).
tube headphone amplifiers will add "warm" and "soul" to the sound.
Nov 14, 2011 at 11:37 AM Post #2,360 of 48,580
Anyone using Westone 3 IEM's with an Astro mixamp 5.8 (wireless) for gaming, music and movie watching.  I'm hoping to get some impressions/advice before I spend $200 on the mixamp (rechargeable battery, ps3 chat cable). 
If nothing else the mixamp looks like it would be a nice addition to my home theater if I want to just use headphones instead of shaking the entire house and I could wander around or do projects with the receiver in my pocket or a pouch. 
Nov 15, 2011 at 7:00 PM Post #2,362 of 48,580
Hey guys, I'm heading to the US real soon and I would like to pick a headphone for 70% movies and 30% games. My budget is around $200. I want something with a good amount of bass. I've been hearing good things about the DT770 Pro 80. How does that compare to the DT880 or the DT990? I know these two are out of my budget but I'm curious about them. I see that the HD598, PC360, and the DT770 Pro 80 are all around the same price. Which one would you guys suggest for my needs? Should I step up and just get the DT990 which from what I've read will do basically all I need? I'm willing to up my budget to $300 if so.
Nov 15, 2011 at 7:16 PM Post #2,364 of 48,580
No I don't need isolation. I rather have open and comfortable headphones. I just want it to have some good bass for single player games and movies. If the HD598 is anything like the HD558 I think I wouldn't like them. Sure they were nice for gaming competitively but it had very little bass. 
I also have the Sony XB500 and I find they have too much bass. Everything is muddled by the bass. I want the mid and highs from the HD558 I've tried combine with a little less bass than the XB500
Nov 17, 2011 at 11:05 AM Post #2,365 of 48,580
Hello Guys!
First post here, but i have been seeing this forum for a long time!
Can anyone help me? I need a headphone with good soundstage, 80% Gaming, 20% Music(+Metal, +Rock, and a little bit of trance and dubstep) for around 50$ dollars, max 70$ shipped.
I know that this topic is not the right for requesting, but sorry!
I was thinking of RX900(that )
I heard very good feedbacks and "they" say if mod it the quality can reach the HD555!
can anyone help me choose? since i live in brazil, it takes around 30 days for a international shippment arrive here, so i dont want to get a "wrong" HP and regret!
Thanks! And sorry if this is not the "place"
Nov 17, 2011 at 11:18 AM Post #2,366 of 48,580

Hello Guys!
First post here, but i have been seeing this forum for a long time!
Can anyone help me? I need a headphone with good soundstage, 80% Gaming, 20% Music(+Metal, +Rock, and a little bit of trance and dubstep) for around 50$ dollars, max 70$ shipped.
I know that this topic is not the right for requesting, but sorry!
I was thinking of RX900(that )
I heard very good feedbacks and "they" say if mod it the quality can reach the HD555!
can anyone help me choose? since i live in brazil, it takes around 30 days for a international shippment arrive here, so i dont want to get a "wrong" HP and regret!
Thanks! And sorry if this is not the "place"

I've tried the RX900, and I didn't like it for gaming, or its soundstage.  A used-modded HD555 would be better.
Nov 17, 2011 at 5:51 PM Post #2,368 of 48,580

what about the Samson sr850? I have seen a review and everyone says its a veeery good HP! I think i gonna get it! It's pretty cheap!

Looks like an AKG K240 clone, which I think there is a superlux thats very similar.  They might be ok. 
Nov 19, 2011 at 12:36 PM Post #2,369 of 48,580
Hi everyone! First post! Yaaaaaaay! :)
I've been looking for a headphone for a lot of purposes in the last two months. Here's a list of what i want to do with them:
-Play with a xbox 360 slim connected to my tv via component cable (33%). Note that i'm not a pro gamer and i'd much prefer a headset that can give you an immersive experience to one that can make you kick other people's asses in multiplayer (even though I play on xbox live a good 30% of the time so the "immersive factor" counts 75/100 and the competitive one 25/100)
-Watch hd (when it's possibile :) ) movies and tv series (33%) on a Macbook pro mid 2010
-Listen to different kinds of music (in terms of percentages that would be 40% '70s rock 50% italian old pop music (here's a very good sample:,                 10% classical music) through an unamped iPhone.
-I don't need a microphone.
I'd personally prefer a closed headphone but i am willing to consider an open one if you say that's worth the shot.
My current budget is approximately 180 dollars (not counting the amp, which is the best one under 100 dollars??).
Which product would you suggest me? 
Thanks, Nicola.
Nov 19, 2011 at 7:33 PM Post #2,370 of 48,580
Hey llSol, welcome to Head-Fi. It looks like you're looking for a headphone, not a headset, since the latter means a headphone with a mic (and you stated that you don't need a mic).
You also mentioned you want to use this headphone with your iPhone--so, you will use it when you're outside the house?
It would be helpful to know what headphones you have used before.

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