Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Mar 17, 2016 at 12:46 AM Post #34,591 of 48,583
One headphone review out of 100+ isn't worth hanging on.  There's no point even engaging in that with you on that.  I don't agree with Tyll that the X2's are as good as HD 600's.  Oh well.

I don't know anything about the affiliate links but what is the conspiracy?  Affiliate links on amazon are a legit way of earning money for people in on youtube or other public facing businesses.  There's no way you could spin that to being biased.  I could buy a tooth brush with his affiliate link and he'd get a cut.  Who cares?  And if you do care research the program there's no conspiracy.  There's no ethical issue, lol.  I use Linus Tech Tip's link sometimes because I like to support them when I can remember and I'm not joining patreon.

Fair enough on the DAC thing.

The ethical issue isn't making money off of it. The ethical issue was him ignoring the subreddit rules and sitting in the Daily Recommendations Thread and posting his affiliated links as a response to every question. It was always the same headphones, and sometimes he'd just leave the link and leave.
Mar 17, 2016 at 12:57 AM Post #34,592 of 48,583
The ethical issue isn't making money off of it. The ethical issue was him ignoring the subreddit rules and sitting in the Daily Recommendations Thread and posting his affiliated links as a response to every question. It was always the same headphones, and sometimes he'd just leave the link and leave.

So when we get right down to it he broke the rules once on reddit so we should throw out all his work?
Ok, fair enough man.  I'll leave it at that.
Mar 17, 2016 at 1:01 AM Post #34,593 of 48,583
People get mad at affiliate links?

Look, I make no money off this hobby/guide whatsoever. I made a few hundred publishing reviews for (as a freelance reviewer for the site for a few reviews). Other than that and sometimes getting to keep a headphone here or there (after the fact, as in they tell me that I don't need to send it back), I make absolutely nothing off this.

But if I could, with just a few affiliate links, people would think I'm a sell out? Do you know how expensive this hobby is? If I can make $20 for posting an affiliate link to a headphone I reviewed, how is that bad? You gonna pay my bills? No. So while I have never done that (I'm either too lazy, or dumb to go through all that process), I don't see how someone trying to earn a living through this hobby is a bad thing. Unless that guy is getting paid DIRECTLY by the people whose products he is reviewing, using an affiliate link is the less harmful than asking for a donation to keep his head above water. The person BUYING a product doesn't have to spend extra, and he earns essentially what amounts to a referral fee.

Sit down because I'm about to get REAL. This isn't to stir up sympathy or whatever, this is just the truth, take it or leave it (I put myself in this depressing state, no one else). I basically earn minimum wage. I'm in my 30s now, and I had to move back in with my mother because I couldn't afford my own place after my ex, and then roommates moved out of my apartment. I sleep on a futon on the floor, constantly questioning all the decisions I have made in my life, and how I basically threw it away.

Yet, here I am, doing reviews for basically no benefit of my own but because I used to love this hobby. If I could make a decent amount of money by just having an affiliate link to headphones I really recommend to you guys, would that be so bad? Does that throw a red flag? You can check any and all of the links for any of the reviews I have. there are no affiliate links. Just straight product pages, and perhaps an Amazon link if the headphone is available.

Anywhoo, it just bothers me that people look down on others that perhaps get sponsored and or paid. Nothing in this life is free. As long as the reviewer is clear that he isn't endorsed by the product in question, people have no right to complain. If I was endorsed by say....Astrogaming to put in an ad in a video... that video wouldn't be reviewing an Astro product.

As for reviewer bias... guess what? We are ALL biased. There is no such thing as an unbiased reviewer. We clearly have our preferences. However, there is such thing as an OBJECTIVE review. An example of that is something like my T70p review. The T70p isn't my cup of tea. It's my personal bias that I prefer a warmer, bolder sound, and will never have a general like for headphones like the T70p despite knowing it's a good headphone that serves the need of others. That being said, I try to be objective and review the headphone as someone who is INTO brighter, detailed headphones instead.
Mar 17, 2016 at 2:09 AM Post #34,594 of 48,583
Hopefully you disabled the motherboard's on-board audio, in the BIOS, when you installed the Titanium card.

Is your Titanium sound card the Titanium-HD or regular Titanium card (non-HD)
(I'll assume it's the regular Titanium)

Can't see a good reason for getting the Creative Labs X7, not the best way to spend your audio budget.

You could just hook an external headphone amplifier to the Titanium's Front Speaker/Headphone jack.
Leaves a lot of your audio budget for headphones
Or you could just keep using the Titanium card and connect an external (optical) DAC to it and a headphone amplifier to the DAC.
The DAC might not help for gaming, but should improve audio quality for music and movies (and make games sound better).

Another option is to replace the Titanium with a Sound Blaster Z,
better DAC chip and decent headphone amplifier, compared to the Titanium (non-HD)
The Titanium uses CMSS-3D headphone, the SB-Z uses SBX Headphone.

Yes its non-hd. Virtualized 7.1 through cmss3d. Optical should carry over that setting or "what u hear" trick would allow for keeping it.

So G5 is better than component than schiit stack?

Mar 17, 2016 at 2:11 AM Post #34,595 of 48,583
People get mad at affiliate links?

Look, I make no money off this hobby/guide whatsoever. I made a few hundred publishing reviews for (as a freelance reviewer for the site for a few reviews). Other than that and sometimes getting to keep a headphone here or there (after the fact, as in they tell me that I don't need to send it back), I make absolutely nothing off this.

But if I could, with just a few affiliate links, people would think I'm a sell out? Do you know how expensive this hobby is? If I can make $20 for posting an affiliate link to a headphone I reviewed, how is that bad? You gonna pay my bills? No. So while I have never done that (I'm either too lazy, or dumb to go through all that process), I don't see how someone trying to earn a living through this hobby is a bad thing. Unless that guy is getting paid DIRECTLY by the people whose products he is reviewing, using an affiliate link is the less harmful than asking for a donation to keep his head above water. The person BUYING a product doesn't have to spend extra, and he earns essentially what amounts to a referral fee.

Sit down because I'm about to get REAL. This isn't to stir up sympathy or whatever, this is just the truth, take it or leave it (I put myself in this depressing state, no one else). I basically earn minimum wage. I'm in my 30s now, and I had to move back in with my mother because I couldn't afford my own place after my ex, and then roommates moved out of my apartment. I sleep on a futon on the floor, constantly questioning all the decisions I have made in my life, and how I basically threw it away.

Yet, here I am, doing reviews for basically no benefit of my own but because I used to love this hobby. If I could make a decent amount of money by just having an affiliate link to headphones I really recommend to you guys, would that be so bad? Does that throw a red flag? You can check any and all of the links for any of the reviews I have. there are no affiliate links. Just straight product pages, and perhaps an Amazon link if the headphone is available.

Anywhoo, it just bothers me that people look down on others that perhaps get sponsored and or paid. Nothing in this life is free. As long as the reviewer is clear that he isn't endorsed by the product in question, people have no right to complain. If I was endorsed by say....Astrogaming to put in an ad in a video... that video wouldn't be reviewing an Astro product.

As for reviewer bias... guess what? We are ALL biased. There is no such thing as an unbiased reviewer. We clearly have our preferences. However, there is such thing as an OBJECTIVE review. An example of that is something like my T70p review. The T70p isn't my cup of tea. It's my personal bias that I prefer a warmer, bolder sound, and will never have a general like for headphones like the T70p despite knowing it's a good headphone that serves the need of others. That being said, I try to be objective and review the headphone as someone who is INTO brighter, detailed headphones instead.

No, he's been twisting my words and misunderstanding me. Everyone has a right to make money off what they do. That's fine. Many youtubers make their money off ads, and Twitch streamers get it off donations, sponsorships, ads and subscriptions. Nothing wrong with that. In fact, it's actually a great way to make money doing something you love.

The difference is, Zeos was lurking in the daily recommendation threads of that subreddit, using only one or two headphones as his usual suggestions, but always either left the affiliated link or pushed for them to use it. Mods on that subreddit asked him to not do that, as it was against the subreddit's rules and not all that great overall. He ignored them until the point where they banned him. However, he got his fans to help him throw such a fit that the mods unbanned him so they could stop being bothered about it. It's not that he "only broke one rule" as much as he kept doing it, then got up In arms when they actually enforced the rule he broke constantly.

Does he have a right to make a kick back off a usually friendly service the subreddit provides without anyone else being able to do the same?
Mar 17, 2016 at 3:25 AM Post #34,596 of 48,583
Oh, I wasn't directly aiming that at you. It's something I see online regularly. People always complain when people trying to make money, it's crazy
Mar 17, 2016 at 5:04 AM Post #34,598 of 48,583
What will you be driving them with? 
Mar 17, 2016 at 5:51 AM Post #34,600 of 48,583
well, that's good enough for gaming. Do you also game on the PC?
Mar 17, 2016 at 6:26 AM Post #34,601 of 48,583
Yes its non-hd. Virtualized 7.1 through cmss3d. Optical should carry over that setting or "what u hear" trick would allow for keeping it.
So G5 is better than component than Schiit stack?

The Titanium can send headphone surround sound, thru the optical port.
From my understanding the "What U Hear" trick lowers the audio quality.
Hopefully you never have to or even want to use it.
I'm not sure how to compare the Creative Labs G3 external sound card to the Schiit stack.
I would guess the Schiit offers at least a little better audio quality, but the G5 costs less and offer headphone surround sound (and a built in battery?).
Mar 17, 2016 at 6:43 AM Post #34,602 of 48,583
Hey guys,
I am building a new pc and am i really lost what to take for the audio part, sound card, dac, amp, like i really dont know.. 
My budget is like 400- 500 euros for headphones and 300 euros to amp,dac, or a sound card ?? 
It will be mostly use for gaming but i wanna introduce my self to the hi-fi world through this.
I'll be using a AT2020 mic with the setup. 
Thank you ! 
Mar 17, 2016 at 7:14 AM Post #34,603 of 48,583
get a Titanium/SBZ and go optical out to a DAC/AMP. A Schiit Stack is a great introduction.
About headphones I can recommend you to read the starting page. 

Mar 17, 2016 at 8:41 AM Post #34,604 of 48,583
So tell me how my 3 year old TOTL Panasonic Plasma VT60's HDMI board burned out. (No HDMI inputs work).This is a $200 part that is basically impossible to find now. Plasmas haven't been sold in years.

I was in a panic... then I remembered that HDMI to component converters are sold, and my component input still works. So... yeah $60, and I lose digital quality for analog, but hey, my Tv isn't completely dead. Hopefully the picture quality loss isn't major. I don't remember component looking bad last time I used for my PS3 for testing.

FYI: don't try overclocking your plasmas. They don't take kindly to that unlike lcd displays...

My 60hz laptop display is overclocked to 80hz, and it makes a pretty big difference. Especially when half-framerate is 40fps, which is considerably smoother than 30, without the requirements of 60.
Mar 17, 2016 at 8:59 AM Post #34,605 of 48,583
Damn, that's a shame. Still the best TVs with the greatest blacks + greatest motion resolution.

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