Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Feb 11, 2015 at 12:42 AM Post #28,952 of 48,580
@Mad Lust Envy , I know this may have been discussed a awhile back, but I want to contribute to this thread by posting my impressions of the ath-msr7's gaming capability. 
Along with that headphone, I want to post the thinksound-on1's gaming capability as well. I will also probably buy my first open back to compare the soundstaging vs a closed back headphone.
Would I need a soundcard for my pc and the software of dolby headphone (which comes with certain soundcards) to fully test the headphone's staging and positioning capability?
I have an Asus Xonar DX in my rig. I only used it on my a900x and staging was amazing to hear from a closed back headphone.
I only want to verify my testing method. 
Feb 11, 2015 at 6:55 AM Post #28,953 of 48,580

Hey guys, my Schiit Vali review. I think the editor missed quite a few things...

*cough* Pro2900 *cough* bass mod *cough*

Feb 11, 2015 at 8:35 AM Post #28,954 of 48,580

Hey guys, my Schiit Vali review. I think the editor missed quite a few things...

+1 on the sibilance.
Mad, great review  of the Vali! Certainly piqued my interest as I've never heard a tube amp before.
Though I wonder, how much difference would there be from the SA31SE for example? I know you owned that unit and lots of people say the SA31 has a bit of a tubey sound to it... So I wonder 

The SA31SE would serve as a preamp probably.
Feb 11, 2015 at 10:19 AM Post #28,955 of 48,580
You sir, are a basshead. More bass than the 990 Pro? Jesus.

Forget looking at open headphones, because nothing catches up with the 990 Pro in terms of bass, not even the X1. Don't bother even trying to find any open headphones with bass that strong.

I don't even know what to recommend, because you lose so much quality going from open to closed, with more bass as a caveat. The ones I've tried are all recessed mids, and sibilant treble. The 770 Pro 80, perhaps, though don't expect smooth treble. I would suggest the original Creative Aurvana Live, which can be had for like $75 nowadays, and quite a fantastic headphone even if nearly double that price.

Too bad the D2000 is no longer sold.

Your price range is what limits you. Otherwise, things like the Shure 1540/TH600 are probably ideal.

Thanks, I'll try increasing the bass in my sound blaster settings see if that helps since it seems really low in the headphones. I miss on the old sound blaster software I'd just change the EQ to dance and set it on gamer setting and I'd be good to go. Now all the EQ settings I think are crap so I don't use them and there is no gamer setting very hard to find a setting for both music and gaming. Maybe I should change my price range :/
Feb 11, 2015 at 11:33 AM Post #28,956 of 48,580
After doing some research I think the shiit magni is a pretty good amp and it's pretty cheap too... Anyway since it's not possible to use the Fiio E17 with the E09K and the mixamp on the ps4... is it even possible to use a amp+dac combo with the mixamp on the ps4? And is it worth getting a DAC for the ps4 (if it works with the mixamp) considering it's for gaming so I doubt there's gonna be THAT much of a diffrence in sound when gaming, not to mention the confusion with the cables :|

DT990 PRO 250ohm --> shiit vali OR shiit magni OR O2 amp (If anyone is willing to help me decide, I'm up for sugestions for what combo is better with the DT990) --> DSS1 Ear Force  ---> PS4
Feb 11, 2015 at 11:42 AM Post #28,957 of 48,580
Cannon, you need to understand that the Mixamp IS a dac. No dac, ABSOLUTELY NO DAC will work with the Mixamp. A dac/amp, sure, assuming the dac/amp has at least one analog input.
Feb 11, 2015 at 12:37 PM Post #28,958 of 48,580
I see a number of people comparing DT 990s with 598's. I honestly have no experience with 598's. Why would one choose 598's over the DT990's? I'm throwing it out there as an option as it comes with a straight cord and has a replaceable cord as well. Not sure if they would be as comfortable and from what I've read the 598's are not as good in terms of sound quality but I assume people in here and Mad Lust has actually used them both. In Canada the 598's are on sale for $148 and with the exchange right now being crap that's a pretty good price since it's on par with Amazon US pricing. I'm still not opposed to spending above $200-350 for headphones but I need to be darn sure they are some of the best ones ever. The Creative headphones you mentioned looked good but based on the top band I do not think I would like it much.

Thanks again everyone.
Feb 11, 2015 at 12:55 PM Post #28,959 of 48,580
@Mad Lust Envy
 , I know this may have been discussed a awhile back, but I want to contribute to this thread by posting my impressions of the ath-msr7's gaming capability. 

Along with that headphone, I want to post the thinksound-on1's gaming capability as well. I will also probably buy my first open back to compare the soundstaging vs a closed back headphone.

Would I need a soundcard for my pc and the software of dolby headphone (which comes with certain soundcards) to fully test the headphone's staging and positioning capability? I have an Asus Xonar DX in my rig. I only used it on my a900x and staging was amazing to hear from a closed back headphone.

I only want to verify my testing method.

Hey vlento,
I think a review (or two) would be great! I actually don't recall either of those models being discussed (Mad certainly hasn't reviewed them), and though we generally prefer open headphones with particularly good soundstaging and imaging (strengths of open headphones), there will be people or times when closed headphones will be desired and more reviews would be a good thing.

The Xonar DX is a fine Soundcard with Dolby Headphone; total performance of a headphone is often heightened when you add a high-quality amp, however you can generally get a good feel for a headphone's character even using the amps built-in to soundcards. For example, the amount of bass/mids/treble generally feels the same, and so does the tone, and these are the most recognizable parts of a headphone. Adding an amp generally helps at the extremes of the frequency range, with tighter bass control and less brittle treble, and overall the headphone will seem to struggle less and be more strong/fit to reproduce the music/audio effortlessly, which also helps a smidgen with instrument separation/imaging and perceiving different depths of soundstage. When I first got my Q701 and I only had a mere FiiO E5 as an amp (more as a volume control at the end of an Xbox 360 RCA cable), I knew it was a bit better than my AD700, but, even having never had a better amp, I knew the tiny E5 was holding the Q701 back.

When you write your reviews, go ahead and post them here, but also copy/paste them into Head-Fi's product page for that headphone.that way, we can discuss it here in the thread, but also find the review easily weeks from now when many more posts have been made in this thread.

I don't always follow my own suggestion, but here's how I'd suggest framing your review:
•short pros and cons list.
•a little personal story or background on why you chose these headphones, maybe include what kind of sound you were looking for (helps reader relate, and maybe identify your sonic preferences).
•Physical build and accessories.
•Talk about their sound, such as their bass, Mids, treble, tonal realism, and identify any special strengths or anything particularly relevant to gamers.
•Comfort: initial and during a long gaming session. Physical comfort and listening fatigue.
•Wrap it up with final thoughts/opinions; what's your level of enthusiasm and would you recommend it, what kind of situation or person would you recommend it for.

Don't use numerical scores, those confuse readers and any general comparative numbers of "just how good" will become dated as soon as you hear new headphones. During the rest of your review, you will ought to have pointed out already any characteristics that impressed you or underwhelmed you, THAT will mean more to others than "subjective numbers."

Thanks, I'll try increasing the bass in my sound blaster settings see if that helps since it seems really low in the headphones. I miss on the old sound blaster software I'd just change the EQ to dance and set it on gamer setting and I'd be good to go. Now all the EQ settings I think are crap so I don't use them and there is no gamer setting very hard to find a setting for both music and gaming. Maybe I should change my price range :/


There's a balance between frequent upgrades/experiments of different headphones, to learn what you like, and saving up for a long-term investment in enjoyment. Seems like you know you love bass, but maybe you just like an immediate forward and big sounding headphone... that requires mids too. Or maybe sub bass extension for that terrainian rumble. I don't surely know, I'm not you, and I bet you've only experienced a few headphones... Maybe you'd appreciate what an HD650 has to offer in terms of a warm, thick/weighty, immediate sound, or maybe the super-extension of the HE-400's bass would impress you.

Or maybe, you haven't found the EQ settings you like yet, or the DT990 Pro would benefit from a capable amp in-between the Sound Blaster and the headphone. I'd suggest these less expensive steps first, because (as we've already pointed out) bass quantity isn't an inherent weakness of the DT990 Pro, and you'll want to learn the effects of increasing mids/bass and decreasing treble & at the DT990's level and above you'd want to have a decent amp anyway... At this point you've gone beyond portable headphones plugged into an all-in-one iPod, and Mad particularly recommends using a good amp with the higher-end Beyerdynamics.

DT990 Pro is the cheaper one, with coiled cable, more clamp, and lower build quality, right? A bargain so long as you don't mind those things.
Feb 11, 2015 at 1:01 PM Post #28,960 of 48,580
Cannon, you need to understand that the Mixamp IS a dac. No dac, ABSOLUTELY NO DAC will work with the Mixamp. A dac/amp, sure, assuming the dac/amp has at least one analog input.

Oh god I'm sorry that was not the comment, I was supose to put in here (I copy my comments on a notepad before posting them, dont ask why 
) anyway this is the comment that was suposed to appear:
So now that my setup is chosen... I'm having with something I hadn't planned which are the cables... First of all using the setup mentioned under this, will I need any kind of special super expensive cable? And what cables will I need in general using this setup:
DT990 PRO 250ohm --> shiit vali OR shiit magni OR O2 amp (If anyone is willign to help me decide, I'm up for sugestions) --> DSS1 Ear Force  ---> PS4
Feb 11, 2015 at 1:07 PM Post #28,961 of 48,580
I see a number of people comparing DT 990s with 598's. I honestly have no experience with 598's. Why would one choose 598's over the DT990's? I'm throwing it out there as an option as it comes with a straight cord and has a replaceable cord as well. Not sure if they would be as comfortable and from what I've read the 598's are not as good in terms of sound quality but I assume people in here and Mad Lust has actually used them both. In Canada the 598's are on sale for $148 and with the exchange right now being crap that's a pretty good price since it's on par with Amazon US pricing. I'm still not opposed to spending above $200-350 for headphones but I need to be darn sure they are some of the best ones ever. The Creative headphones you mentioned looked good but based on the top band I do not think I would like it much.

Thanks again everyone.

The 598s will give a more balanced/ neutral sound than the dt990s. The dt990s signature is v shaped, it's a very "fun headset". While the dt990s sound stage is large, the 598s is larger. if u are looking for more in depth comparisons of the two I'd recommend googling it. While most topics won't be geared twords games, they will give u a better idea of the sound differences between the two.
Feb 11, 2015 at 1:31 PM Post #28,963 of 48,580
After doing some research I think the shiit magni is a pretty good amp and it's pretty cheap too... Anyway since it's not possible to use the Fiio E17 with the E09K and the mixamp on the ps4... is it even possible to use a amp+dac combo with the mixamp on the ps4? And is it worth getting a DAC for the ps4 (if it works with the mixamp) considering it's for gaming so I doubt there's gonna be THAT much of a diffrence in sound when gaming, not to mention the confusion with the cables :|

DT990 PRO 250ohm --> shiit vali OR shiit magni OR O2 amp (If anyone is willing to help me decide, I'm up for sugestions for what combo is better with the DT990) --> DSS1 Ear Force  ---> PS4

Consider thinking this way, might clear some things up for you:

DSP = Digital Signal Processor, does nice things for us such as EQ or headphone surround (example: Dolby Headphone, SBX Surround).
D.A.C. = Digital to Analogue Converter, digital goes in and analogue comes out, one direction only.
Amp = Analogue input, analogue output with the amp's current and voltage (this is what the headphones will "feel").

PS4 = a digital source
Mixamp = Astro Gaming's combination DSP, DAC, Channel Mixer (chat audio channel, L/R game channels), and amp. Only has an analogue output.
DSS Ear Force = Turtle Beach's combination DSP, DAC, and amp. Only has analogue output.

So in your example, Sound starts as a digital Dolby Digital Live 5.1/7.1 signal from the PS4 source, then goes out --> digital input of DSS, which routes the still digital surround signal --> the DSP inside the DSS, which outputs a stereo 2.0 digital signal --> the DSS's DAC, which makes an analogue 2.0 signal --> the DSS's amplification, which finally leaves the DSS as analogue --> Schiit Vali, which has a greater power supply and increases current and gives you another point to control voltage with the volume knob, analogue out --> DT990.

PS4______-->DSS1 --->Schiit Vali--->DT990_____________--->where yo head's at!
Digital_________-->Analogue____--->Sound Pressure Waves--->inner ears do their magical silica hair dance which your nerve endings feel and transmit to your brain.

As a side note, I think it's kinda funny that hearing loss is essentially a kind of hair-loss process... Balding ears, oh noes!
Feb 11, 2015 at 2:10 PM Post #28,964 of 48,580
Consider thinking this way, might clear some things up for you:

DSP = Digital Signal Processor, does nice things for us such as EQ or headphone surround (example: Dolby Headphone, SBX Surround).
D.A.C. = Digital to Analogue Converter, digital goes in and analogue comes out, one direction only.
Amp = Analogue input, analogue output with the amp's current and voltage (this is what the headphones will "feel").

PS4 = a digital source
Mixamp = Astro Gaming's combination DSP, DAC, Channel Mixer (chat audio channel, L/R game channels), and amp. Only has an analogue output.
DSS Ear Force = Turtle Beach's combination DSP, DAC, and amp. Only has analogue output.

So in your example, Sound starts as a digital Dolby Digital Live 5.1/7.1 signal from the PS4 source, then goes out --> digital input of DSS, which routes the still digital surround signal --> the DSP inside the DSS, which outputs a stereo 2.0 digital signal --> the DSS's DAC, which makes an analogue 2.0 signal --> the DSS's amplification, which finally leaves the DSS as analogue --> Schiit Vali, which has a greater power supply and increases current and gives you another point to control voltage with the volume knob, analogue out --> DT990.

PS4______-->DSS1 --->Schiit Vali--->DT990_____________--->where yo head's at!
Digital_________-->Analogue____--->Sound Pressure Waves--->inner ears do their magical silica hair dance which your nerve endings feel and transmit to your brain.

As a side note, I think it's kinda funny that hearing loss is essentially a kind of hair-loss process... Balding ears, oh noes!

Thanks for the info
, the post you quoted was actually the one that I posted wrong (I write my posts in a notepad and then copy paste them into here, and for some random reason I copy pasted the wrong post) but the info is really helpful and I've gotta admit I was having trouble understanding all that amplification and digital to analog stuff but that helped me understand it much better. 
Using is a DAC with the mixamp = not possible 
Using an amp with the mixamp = possible
Anyway the post I was actually suposed to put there was one about cables, because I'm in doubt of what cables I'll need to use for that setup and if I need some expensive cable for everything to work correctly 
Feb 11, 2015 at 3:01 PM Post #28,965 of 48,580

Hey guys, my Schiit Vali review. I think the editor missed quite a few things...

A very fine review! I was also highly impressed with the value when bunnynamedfrank brought his Vali/Modi combo over... It doesn't have the stereotypical boosted bass and mids and wooly-smoothing-over-detail character which some people fear or seek from a "toob" amp, but rather like you said is an eye-opening experience that tube hybrids can sound as detailed and balanced as a solid-state amp, plus they just do something for the tonality which seems more organic/natural to the ears. We agreed that my tube amp improved on various aspects of the Vali (ringing, background noise, extension, and imaging), but also agreed that the Vali is an impressive value and very satisfying. Very good synergy with the four AKGs between us (two k712's, Q701, K612). To refer to another reviewer, I think it says something that Purrin finds the Vali to create a nice synergy with the HD800... More technical refinement can be expected from amps over $120, but the fluid flow of music powered by the Vali and the vali's slightly smoothed treble response are nice compliments to the HD800's dry and bright nature, whilst also powering the HD800's strengths in tonal accuracy, soundstage depth and width, etc. Not the best potential pairing but still a very good one with one of the highest-regarded Summit-Fi headphones out there.

Btw, perhaps you're working your editor too hard... LoL! I tease, but I still fully respect your opinions. You just may want to point out to your editor that one part where you refer to the Vali as a headphone. 2nd paragraph of The Good section.

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