Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Dec 16, 2014 at 5:24 PM Post #27,751 of 48,583
  I appreciate that, I purchased a soundblaster z on my last pc and it was defective on arrival and I had a bad taste in my mouth thereafter with the company. I would consider purchasing one again but if I could find another option I would rather. Also, what about a dac and amp, no good for gaming?

If you get a sound card that will output virtual surround over optical (like the Z or Omni), you can get an optical DAC and an Amp.  That's what I use when I game on the PC.  Be aware that the DAC in the Z is actually not that bad so getting something cheap like the Modi isn't really going to improve your sound.  So either get something more expensive or skip the DAC and just get a nice amp.
Someone else will need to chime in on the options from Asus that will output processed surround over optical.
Dec 16, 2014 at 7:08 PM Post #27,752 of 48,583
I've been having mic problems with the Mixamp Pro 2013 on the PS4. It is crazily loud that the PS4 cannot pick up my voice commands. Not sure if this is similar to what you guys are facing.

Any other thoughts on the 598 vs the X1? going back home soon (overseas now) and probably have to decide soon. can't really keep both sadly...

how's the 598 on comfort? replaceable cables and earcups?

I'm seriously considering a X7... so I can sell off my Mixamp and even my PC's Audinst HUD-MX1 DAC and Soundblaster Zx
Dec 16, 2014 at 11:11 PM Post #27,753 of 48,583
Streaming CoD: Ghosts with the X7, Sennheiser HD700. Come and comment! I'll be playing with surround and trying to get a feel for my new gear, just search for Evshrug or HeadFi.
Dec 17, 2014 at 12:19 AM Post #27,754 of 48,583

My review of the T70 is up on I'll be adding it to the guide soon enough.
Dec 17, 2014 at 2:31 PM Post #27,756 of 48,583
Lots of issues k7xx shipment stuff. Other people here that got them get a tracking number yet? I have yet to receive anything of the sort and I am getting sad :/
Dec 17, 2014 at 2:39 PM Post #27,757 of 48,583
  Lots of issues k7xx shipment stuff. Other people here that got them get a tracking number yet? I have yet to receive anything of the sort and I am getting sad :/

As of our last update, the K7XXs were making their way through processing at the port of Long Beach, CA.
Processing an order like this should take a few hours. Unfortunately, slow moving dock workers stretched this step into a multi-day event.This caused the shipment to miss its originally scheduled freight (truck) shipment. The K7XXs were not ready to be shipped from Long Beach to our NJ fulfillment center until midday Monday.
Shipping by truck Monday afternoon would result in an ETA of Friday(Dec 19th) or Monday (Dec 22nd) which would ultimately surely miss our December delivery date estimate. I pitched the situation to our management team and they approved the expense to arrange next day air-freight service for Monday afternoon to take all 11 pallets of headphones to NJ for Tuesday (this costs 15x more than ground freight).
Space constraints became an issue and they only managed to book 3 of the 11 pallets onto Monday afternoon flights. The plane was to connect in Chicago and continue its route to NJ, except the connecting plane was smaller than the plan that departed LA, and as a result only 1 pallet made the connection and two were left behind in Chicago. We’ve chartered a private truck to take those two pallets to our warehouse. The remaining 8 pallets are still at Long Beach and we’re desperately trying to find a plane to book them onto so that we can get them to our warehouse byThursday. We have three logistics people calling around and hope to get a favorable result soon.
The headphones on the pallets are somewhat mixed up in terms of the serial numbers, so our warehouse employees are unpacking them and then putting them into two piles “< 300” and “> 300” serial numbers, and fulfilling two separate piles of orders based on that. That’s why some higher order numbers are getting fulfilled faster than lower numbers. Keeping the serial number batches straight is extremely important to us.
Thanks again for all your support and understanding of this very fluid situation. We’re moving mountains to make this happen and will keep you updated with the latest developments.
Dec 17, 2014 at 2:40 PM Post #27,758 of 48,583
Shipping 2000 units all over the world will take more than a couple days I imagine. Its not like they can instantly have everyone's in the mail with tracking numbers. Read the update on the Massdrop site, or posted elsewhere here. I don't think it is fair to say "Lots of issues k7xx shipment stuff". They are doing an awesome job with a logistical nightmare IMO.
Dec 17, 2014 at 2:58 PM Post #27,759 of 48,583
What? That works? That's pretty interesting, I wish I knew this sooner. I will probably give it a try with my Axaigo adapter lying around somewhere.

Yea, it works very well. Kudos to Sony for allowing USB audio adapters to function without it being a massive hassle.
You can follow the same logic with the Astro MixAmp Pro and just run the microphone out from the Syba into the MP3 port on the MixAmp. This fixes the terrible microphone quality of the MixAmp Pro. You do lose the game -> voice balance capabilities of the MixAmp Pro with this setup though.

I also read a post from someone stating that downgrading the MixAmp to older firmware fixes the microphone quality issues. It lowers the mic output volume, and adjusts the noise gate so it isn't quite as "abrupt". I will report back with more details about this when I get a chance to test it.
I was also comparing the DSS2 and Astro MixAmp Pro (2015) back to back last night, and I think I like the positioning on the Astro better. I felt it was a better representation of a larger sound stage with better directional cues. I will continue to compare them until I decide on my "permanent" setup.
Dec 17, 2014 at 3:03 PM Post #27,760 of 48,583
As of our last update, the K7XXs were making their way through processing at the port of Long Beach, CA.
Processing an order like this should take a few hours. Unfortunately, slow moving dock workers stretched this step into a multi-day event.This caused the shipment to miss its originally scheduled freight (truck) shipment. The K7XXs were not ready to be shipped from Long Beach to our NJ fulfillment center until midday Monday.
Shipping by truck Monday afternoon would result in an ETA of Friday(Dec 19th) or Monday (Dec 22nd) which would ultimately surely miss our December delivery date estimate. I pitched the situation to our management team and they approved the expense to arrange next day air-freight service for Monday afternoon to take all 11 pallets of headphones to NJ for Tuesday (this costs 15x more than ground freight).
Space constraints became an issue and they only managed to book 3 of the 11 pallets onto Monday afternoon flights. The plane was to connect in Chicago and continue its route to NJ, except the connecting plane was smaller than the plan that departed LA, and as a result only 1 pallet made the connection and two were left behind in Chicago. We’ve chartered a private truck to take those two pallets to our warehouse. The remaining 8 pallets are still at Long Beach and we’re desperately trying to find a plane to book them onto so that we can get them to our warehouse byThursday. We have three logistics people calling around and hope to get a favorable result soon.
The headphones on the pallets are somewhat mixed up in terms of the serial numbers, so our warehouse employees are unpacking them and then putting them into two piles “< 300” and “> 300” serial numbers, and fulfilling two separate piles of orders based on that. That’s why some higher order numbers are getting fulfilled faster than lower numbers. Keeping the serial number batches straight is extremely important to us.
Thanks again for all your support and understanding of this very fluid situation. We’re moving mountains to make this happen and will keep you updated with the latest developments.

I did receive the email haha and I was just curious as to who had gotten a tracking number yet as some people have received theirs and is scheduled to arrive tomorrow.
  Shipping 2000 units all over the world will take more than a couple days I imagine. Its not like they can instantly have everyone's in the mail with tracking numbers. Read the update on the Massdrop site, or posted elsewhere here. I don't think it is fair to say "Lots of issues k7xx shipment stuff". They are doing an awesome job with a logistical nightmare IMO.

I would definitely say its fair to say they are having shipment issues. Yes it is a nightmare to begin with which is not the issue I am talking about. I didn't want to explain how the workers are not pushing these things out (from what I believe from other people looking into it -a possible worker strike). Unforseen circumstances that lead you to less than expected results are considered an issue. I am not blaming them, but it is still an issue.
Basically if you had to ship something and you lost it, and then you had to look for it and finally send it to someone you didn't know except now you are running late so you decide for overnight shipping is not an issue, then I don't see lots of issues with shipment :p
I do agree that they are doing very well though, just unfortunate for everyone involved in the transaction.
Dec 17, 2014 at 3:28 PM Post #27,761 of 48,583
What port on the DSS do you put the 3.5mm cable in? In the picture by Fleat, the 3.5mm cable goes in the DSS2's AUX IN port, but the original DSS does not have that.

My setup is slightly different, because I have a Fiio E9 (and a DT990) in the loop.
Dec 17, 2014 at 4:44 PM Post #27,762 of 48,583
This is not a massdrop shipping issue, and how they are responding to a problem they did not create is excellent.
Dec 17, 2014 at 5:10 PM Post #27,763 of 48,583
Attention: AKG K7XXX owners (also K701, K702/Annies, Q701)
For console gamers out there, especially if you use the Astro Mixamp, what amp are you, or will you, be using if you bought the AKG K7XX? If you own the K701, K702/Annies, Q701 feel free to chime is as these headphones are similar. If you game on PC I'd be interested to know as well since I imagine the amp + headphone combo should sound similar regardless if its on console or PC. Please specify it it's a console or PC setup.
I'm considering getting the new Schiit Magni 2 Uber. Also interested in the O2. Waiting for some reviews on the Magni 2 to see how it sounds compared to the Magni.
Dec 17, 2014 at 5:17 PM Post #27,764 of 48,583
I've used the Q701 with a few different amps.  My favorite has been the Project Ember tube amp.  The Ember is a bit of overkill for the Q701 (I bought it for the HE-4), but Garage1217 makes some cheaper models that should sound just as good, just with fewer features.
I'd recommend at least an E11 for chatting/gaming on the Mixamp.
Dec 17, 2014 at 5:28 PM Post #27,765 of 48,583
What is you guys thoughts on the AKG K712s Pros and AKG K612 Pros for gaming? 
I have still been going back and forth on what headphone to get. I was sold on the HD598s due to the 50 ohm and detachable cord. Then after reading how bad the 598s bass is, that I might regret my purchase. So then I started looking at the DT 770s, 880s, 990s. While the 770s offer more bass, I'm concerned it will be to much and want a open hp. The 880s and 990s I'm open to but would rather the 32 ohm just for ease of use on the road. 
Then after reading MLE guide, I saw the Q701 but was turned off by the bumpy headband. Well today I have seen the K612 and 712, they seem extremely balanced, good bass, good mids, good highs, and good sound stage. I wish the cord was detachable and they were not 120 ohm, but if the sound is balanced enough I feel it could warrant it. Now for the record I'd rather the Philips X1 but they are out my price range, I'm trying to stay no higher than $160. 

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