Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Oct 7, 2014 at 1:44 PM Post #26,431 of 48,581
I've recently acquired some HE-400s. I also have Shure 1540 Alcantara pads AND Shure 1840 pads.

To make it as clear as possible:

Ditch the Hifiman velours, and go for the 1840 velours if you want a humongous boost in comfort. Sound remains relatively the same. the Shure 1840 pads are a gigantic leap in comfort over the stiff as hell velour pads currently sold.

As for the Shure 1540 Alcantara pads, they seem to be a lot like the newer Focus pads in that they're velour topped, with pleather innards, and they seal a lot more than standard velours. What this means for the 400 is that it's about a middle ground between the tightness and air of the velours, and the fleshed out warmth of the stock pleather pads, with less zing up top. Vocals sound more organic with the Alcanatara pads.

Overall, I'd say go for at LEAST the 1840 velours if you're used to the HFM velour sound. If you want very, very slightly less treble, and a fuller/slightly warmer sound, get the 1540 alcantara pads.

FWIH, the newer Focus pads don't have much inside room. Not a problem with the Shure pads.

As for me personally, I'm still debating on whether I stick to the Alcanatara or the Shure 1840 velours, since I like how the 1840 pads breathe, and i like how the 1540 pads make it a less fatiguing headphone if ever so slightly.

I noticed that the 1540 pads make the soundstage a little more intimate due to the more fleshed out sound. It's a subtle difference either way, and I haven't compared too heavily in this regard. I was mostly interested in what the pads did to the bass and treble. Less bass is unacceptable, and if they added treble, it'd be a fail as HE400 doesn't need any more. Thankfully, it's too close to tell in those regards, so I call both pads a success.

i DO need to note that my 1840 pads have had the screen removed, and I added the pleather's inner rings to give them a similar height to the hfm velours. The Alcantaras don't need anything, and I have left them untouched.

I DO wish to test out the 1840 pads with it's screen untouched, but I assume that will warm up the sound in a similar fashion to the 1540 pads.

Either way, I'm contemplating getting a fresh pair to test out. I'm also considering removing the screen off the pleather pads and sewing them onto the 1840 pads, for the sake of protecting the drivers.

Note that the Shure pads are oval shaped, so there will be a sort of orientation you're going to want when wearing them. I'd recommend sticking to the slight angle that Shure and Sennheiser tend to use with their headphones. A bit hard to see since the pads will become more circular on the Hifiman headphones, but it's there.

Bass on both is about the same as always.
Oct 7, 2014 at 2:02 PM Post #26,433 of 48,581
I want to stress that the sonic changes with the Shure pads are subtle and that if you've had issues with the HE-400 sound before, I doubt that will change. The 1540 pads make it slightly less zingy up top and slightly more fleshed out, but it's still an HE-400. The pads here are more for sheer comfort boosts more than correcting the sound. If you want to fix the sound, EQ will still yield much more noticeable results.

Shouty? The HE-400 has recessed upper mids. Dunno how they can be shouty. But no, if you have issues with the 400, the pads aren't a magical fix.

All I want out of a pad swap for any headphone is to improve comfort without butchering the sound signature which tends to happen with pad swaps. The Shure pads retained the sonic flavor, which was just fine by me. If you want to change the sound, try to find some Modulor pads, which apparently fix a lot of the issues people have.
Oct 7, 2014 at 2:05 PM Post #26,434 of 48,581
hoping MadEnvy or someone else can assist here

I am thinking of getting the Mixamp Pro for use with my PS3/PS4

I already have a killer headphone setup Beyer T1+Senn 600>WooAudio WA2 and want to add a ModMic to them for gaming.

Is there a way to connect the Mixamp to the WA2 (RCA ins only)?

I hope somebody can provide a solution as I dont really want to plunk down for a gaming headset that will sound crappy in comparison to what I already own.

Edit: Will these work and maintain the surround?
Oct 7, 2014 at 2:12 PM Post #26,436 of 48,581
I can understand that. The HE400 is a love it or hate it headphone. I personally never had any issues with it, and it gave me the special planarmagnetic presentation of sound, which is unlike any dynamic headphone. It's tonality is...questionable, particularly the upper mid to treble transition. I won't deny that. I just find it's pros to outweigh it's cons, personally.

Kinda hard to go back to dynamics once you've gotten a taste of the planar magnetic sound. Kinda like going from an LCD/LED screen to a bonafide, high tier plasma (R.I.P you amazing tech, you).
Oct 7, 2014 at 2:50 PM Post #26,437 of 48,581
  I don't know, My ears just don't like the HE-400...

I bought the DT990s and the X1s and haven't played around a ton with the mediabridge cable but I don't notice any real difference between stock cable and regular cable on the X1s and my wife and I both think the DT990s sound more clear than the X1s. The bass is a bit more powerful on the X1s but the 990s just seem quite a bit cleaner...and
Oct 7, 2014 at 3:12 PM Post #26,438 of 48,581
Thats because they are. The 990 is clear, sharp, and tactile. The X1 is a bit sluggish, but a lot easier to listen to. Its also a lot easier to drive. I recommend the X1 over the 990 due to less amping requirements and less polarizing sound. The 990 has on hell of a treble spike which a lot of people do not like.
Oct 7, 2014 at 3:22 PM Post #26,439 of 48,581
I find the dt990 to be very airy , the soundstage is also 3D like...I prefer it over HD598 or even HE-400...anyways ...
I bought this mic :
AMAZING quality and VERY comfortable and light...could be used with any have to adjust it when you first buy is bendable so you can adjust it to your head is big and they fit perfectly....
note that the picture on is incorrect....the model is wearing it wrong...he has to flip it over...
Oct 7, 2014 at 4:38 PM Post #26,440 of 48,581
hoping MadEnvy or someone else can assist here

I am thinking of getting the Mixamp Pro for use with my PS3/PS4

I already have a killer headphone setup Beyer T1+Senn 600>WooAudio WA2 and want to add a ModMic to them for gaming.

Is there a way to connect the Mixamp to the WA2 (RCA ins only)?

I hope somebody can provide a solution as I dont really want to plunk down for a gaming headset that will sound crappy in comparison to what I already own.

Edit: Will these work and maintain the surround?

Yup that cord will work. There is a diagram somewhere on this forum on how to hook it up for mic use but i am much to lazy to look for it.
Oct 7, 2014 at 4:47 PM Post #26,442 of 48,581
Thats because they are. The 990 is clear, sharp, and tactile. The X1 is a bit sluggish, but a lot easier to listen to. Its also a lot easier to drive. I recommend the X1 over the 990 due to less amping requirements and less polarizing sound. The 990 has on hell of a treble spike which a lot of people do not like.

So should I look into other headphones at the moment. I bought a Magni Modi combo so I don't mind a pair that's harder to drive. Im about about 60% volume on the magni on the beyers and 40% on the X1s. 
I really love the bass on the X1s. But I like the clear airy separation of the 990s. So I guess my answer is two phones?
Oct 7, 2014 at 6:47 PM Post #26,444 of 48,581
  Which headphone would you all say has the widest and most airy soundstage and better detail?
HD598 or K712

This is bound to lead to a fight. Though there are way to many AKG users on this post so it would probably sway that way. Though I would personally disagree and say the MA900. 
I really have to update my profile. 
Hey MLE are you going to grill mod your HE400's? I am also in the same court as you as far as the 400i vs 400. Doing a ton of reading I super disappointed in the 400i, specially from a soundstage aspect. 
Oct 7, 2014 at 7:08 PM Post #26,445 of 48,581
I've removed the grills before on my older ones, I didn't hear a significant improvement, at least not enough to butcher the looks of my 400 for DIY looks.

The airiest most detailed soundstage would be the K701 to me, as far as what I have personally heard. Then the AD700. the K712 is still on the warm side so it takes away from the clinical detail of the other AKGs. The HD598 has a nice soundstage, but it's more normal sized rather than huge or especially wide. it is pretty detailed however.

I think the best tradeoff for what you want, is the Q701, Ryan.

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