Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Dec 2, 2013 at 8:36 PM Post #18,572 of 48,581
Welp, your hands are tied. It's time for an upgrade. I mean if you have to buy new ones may as well invest and make them quality ones, right?

Aha, sadly, I don't think college students are allowed to spend money on things, especially considering I just bought the Oculus Rift 2 months ago. Hopefully I can convince Sennheiser to repair them even though they didn't get them in the mail until after the last day of my warranty.
Whenever I do buy a high end headphone, though, I'm getting me some HD 600s. Those things are the greatest.
Dec 2, 2013 at 10:29 PM Post #18,574 of 48,581
  Has anyone tried both the HD558 and the HD598 for gaming? If so, could you comment on their differences and if they're minor or large? Is the difference worth ~$60 more?

The HD558 and HD598 use the same drivers, I'm guessing just the cup designs are slightly different.
Inside the HD558 cups, there is some black rubber tape that covers about 40% of the holes, removing the tape makes the HD558 more open.
Dec 2, 2013 at 10:30 PM Post #18,575 of 48,581
  Has anyone tried both the HD558 and the HD598 for gaming? If so, could you comment on their differences and if they're minor or large? Is the difference worth ~$60 more?

I have a similar question.
I want a good gaming headset for competitive  / single player with  a little music on the side.  I have a Sound Blaster Z.
Some headphones I'm considering,
Sen HD 558 $128
Sen HD 598 $184
Beyerdynamic DT-990-Pro-250 $150 (I'm concerned that my sound blaster Z won't be able to drive these to loud enough volume)
Sony MA900 $200
I'd prefer not to spend $200 but would consider if it would really be worth it in the end.
Dec 2, 2013 at 10:32 PM Post #18,576 of 48,581
  I have a similar question.
I want a good gaming headset for competitive  / single player with  a little music on the side.  I have a Sound Blaster Z.
Some headphones I'm considering,
Sen HD 558 $128
Sen HD 598 $184
Beyerdynamic DT-990-Pro-250 $150 (I'm concerned that my sound blaster Z won't be able to drive these to loud enough volume)
Sony MA900 $200
I'd prefer not to spend $200 but would consider if it would really be worth it in the end.

Everything I read about the MA900s seems to make them worth the extra few dollars.
Dec 2, 2013 at 10:35 PM Post #18,577 of 48,581
I have a similar question.
I want a good gaming headset for competitive  / single player with  a little music on the side.  I have a Sound Blaster Z.
Some headphones I'm considering,
Sen HD 558 $128
Sen HD 598 $184
Beyerdynamic DT-990-Pro-250 $150 (I'm concerned that my sound blaster Z won't be able to drive these to loud enough volume)
Sony MA900 $200
I'd prefer not to spend $200 but would consider if it would really be worth it in the end.

The DT 990 isn't that hard to drive in terms of loudness, but they benefit greatly from an amp, especially tubes, the midrange is sucked out and they sound a bit boring without a tube amp. The other three are good options as they are quite easy to drive.
Dec 3, 2013 at 1:56 AM Post #18,579 of 48,581
  Would an Astro Mixamp 5.8 do a decent job of driving either the HD598 or HD558s? Also, my budget is around $200 or so, so if anyone has any more suggestions for headphones in that price range, please list them!

Yes.  The HD5x8 aren't that hard to drive so the mixamp will be OK for them.
Other headphones in that price range to consider are the Sony MA900, K612 Pro, Audio Technica AD900x, or a used Q701 (amazon's got some for ~170 atm).
Dec 3, 2013 at 1:58 AM Post #18,580 of 48,581
  Would an Astro Mixamp 5.8 do a decent job of driving either the HD598 or HD558s? Also, my budget is around $200 or so, so if anyone has any more suggestions for headphones in that price range, please list them!

They are quite easy to drive. The AKG K612 Pro and Sony MDR-MA900 are a couple more to consider in the $200 range.
Dec 3, 2013 at 3:33 AM Post #18,581 of 48,581
Hi mad lust, have just read through your OP and must say I appreciate the detail and effort you put in, however may I ask for some advice?

Currently have been using my AD700s for a few years and want a change as I feel they're too analytical and really not "fun" think the bass side is partly the reason for it so I have been looking for a replacement, games I tend to play are RPGs with FPS like battlefield 4 so yes I would still like similar competitiveness but I am happy to sacrafice a bit for a more enjoyable sound.

The Sony MA900s can't really see them at legitimate sellers for a good price so realistically the price is £200, the other headphone is the Phillips X1 which I can get anywhere for £230, price between them is nothing to me and I expect to use it for a very long time, so excluding price for this what one would you side towards? I can't really decide between them haha.

Appreciate any help on this! Thanks
Dec 3, 2013 at 4:25 AM Post #18,582 of 48,581
Ma900's @ 130 fat one's: A steal - do it.
The Philips X1's have ramped up in price globally it would appear adding an extra £45 on the price. Damn.. was hoping to buy them soon.. perhaps after the New Year. The increasingly strong price of the GBP versus the Dollar means you can pick up a few bargains if your canny from abroad (see below).
If you want to spend a bit more, then the overwhelming thumbs up on this thread would be for the AKG K712 Pro (new, cheaper and possibly better than the K702/65's MLE has banged on about) from razordogaudio in the USA. Fingers crossed the greasy dutywhore won't catch the package and slap tax on it; I've got a few choice things slip through from the States that way. The HiFiMAN HE-500's from the same store were much cheaper last week alas, but they've perhaps not got the greatest for soundstage for gaming as you'll have read here on this thread.
Oh.. and use this (maybe use Tor with scripts off if you want?)
Dec 3, 2013 at 4:38 AM Post #18,583 of 48,581
Hi there,
I'm looking for extremely comfortable gaming headphones for $150-$300. Preferably something on for a good deal currently or that's regularly on sale that I can look out for. I would rather have closed but they all seem to be 'terrible' compared to the open counterparts for what I would want them for, so I have decided to deal with open.
In terms of what I want: Comfort > Gaming > Music. 
I've read the thread and am still not sure what I should be buying. Sonya MA900 seem to fit what I want the most. The lowest I can find them (I'm in Canada, but US prices seem infinitely better) is $205 from Amazon. I don't really like the look of these, though, as the thin part that goes around your head looks flimsy to me.
What should I be picking up? Are there any that I should be looking for that might be on sale?
Dec 3, 2013 at 4:56 AM Post #18,584 of 48,581
So I caved in and with the last of my gift card money for selling some games on Amazon, I bought a new Mixamp 5.8 (I can't believe these are still around), Turtle Beach PS4 chat cable (through Turtle Beach, and works with the 5.8 coincidentally), and an RX battery pack on Ebay (through Bill me Later).
Sick of running wires all over the place...
Dec 3, 2013 at 5:09 AM Post #18,585 of 48,581
Hi there,

I'm looking for extremely comfortable gaming headphones for $150-$300. Preferably something on for a good deal currently or that's regularly on sale that I can look out for. I would rather have closed but they all seem to be 'terrible' compared to the open counterparts for what I would want them for, so I have decided to deal with open.

In terms of what I want: Comfort > Gaming > Music.

I've read the thread and am still not sure what I should be buying. Sonya MA900 seem to fit what I want the most. The lowest I can find them (I'm in Canada, but US prices seem infinitely better) is $205 from Amazon. I don't really like the look of these, though, as the thin part that goes around your head looks flimsy to me.

What should I be picking up? Are there any that I should be looking for that might be on sale?


MA900, X1 are in your price range. The MA900's comfort is hit or miss as your ears will sit on the drivers, which may be an issue, though I say it just takes getting used to, then it becomes one of the most comfortable headphones ever. The X1 is super comfy, but the pads can be itchy for some people, and generate quite a bit of heat. You can also spring for some updated K702s on Amazon which no longer have bumps for around $278, but those require some good power behind them and raises price accordingly. They're pretty stellar for comfort too.

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