Looking to audition some IEMs in LA, any Head-Fiers got stuff they wanna share?
Nov 9, 2013 at 12:24 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 4


Member of the Trade: ApeSonic
Dec 28, 2010
Los Angeles, CA
I'm looking to buy a pair of new IEMs, but I want to be sure it's the sound I want before I decide to sell my HD650 and Asgard to afford them...I want to take my setup totally mobile now that I have my microstreamer working with my Nexus 7, but I want to be sure I'm going to be happy with the results, so I'm looking for someone in the LA area who has any of the IEMs listed below and would let met stick some of my tips on 'em to see how they tickle these ears.
I've got a bunch of cool kit you could try out, too: HD650, microStreamer, DT770 AE, Shure SE215, HD439...I also have a Nexus 4 hacked for best SQ (to my knowledge; this includes Cyanogenmod 10.1 with Franco Kernel and its associated sound improvements) as well as a Nexus 7 (CM10.2, pretty cool stuff), and will soon have a Nexus 5.
So yeah, if you've got any of these guys, and either want to be nice or would like to hear some of my gear, and are in the LA area, respond here or PM me and we can meet up in a Starbucks or somewhere public :)
IEMs I am interested in hearing are the SE535, SE425, IE8/IE80, GR07, SM2, SM64, SD2/SD3, MDR-7550, PFE232, Grado GR8/GR10, and EX1000.

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