Looking for opinions on closed circumaurals for travel.
Jun 22, 2010 at 11:38 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 5


100+ Head-Fier
Apr 10, 2008
First off: that's "travel" not "travelling". Due to work I'm away from home for 1-2 month periods, but once I'm there, I usually stay put. I don't intend to use them on the plane.
I am shopping for a new pair of headphones to use off my laptop or my iPod. I'm currently using an ATH-ESW9, but wearing them is tiring: I can't stand them more than an hour at a time, and I intend to watch movies with them.
So, what I'm lookign for is:
- Comfortable to wear.
- Well-controlled sound leakage.
- Circumaural.
- Fast, mostly neutral sound, but still fun: no massive bass or extreme brightness, but not overly analytical either.
- Easily transportable: coming with a case is a plus.
- Good construction, I don't want to worry about having them in my luggage.
- If possible, easily driven: though I do have a Headamp pico DAC/amp, I don't often use it.
- Utilisation: 50% for movies and games, 50% for metal, rock and jazz.
- Budget: around $200 (US or Canadian :D)
I was looking at the Ultrasone HFI-680, but now the Beyerdynamic DT660 is starting to look good. I would love to hear the opinion of someone who has heard both, or a recommendation for another headphone. And if anyone knows of a good deal for them in Canada, I'm all ears.
Jun 23, 2010 at 12:01 AM Post #2 of 5
If you're traveling with them but staying put without lugging them around all over Id go for the Shure SRH840's. Right in that price range and will give you everything you're looking for IMHO. I love mine but I just don't like bringing them everywhere as they are too bulky. 
Jun 23, 2010 at 12:05 AM Post #3 of 5
Interestingly enough, I own the step above both of those (HFI-780 and DT770/250), but have never heard the particular headphones in question. My travel headphones are the HFI-780s, largely due to their ability to fold flat and be driven relatively well by a laptop. Both models are very sturdy, although I would give the edge in both construction quality and comfort to the DT770.
After doing some quick looking online, it appears that the HFI-680 are externally virtually identical to the 780, so my impressions on size and comfort likely hold true for them, as well. The DT660 looks very little like the 770, so I can't say much about it. It appears to have the same headband design as the Ultrasone, which means they should fold well. I find the Ultrasone headband uncomfortable for prolonged listening, but not everyone does, obviously.
Jun 23, 2010 at 4:44 PM Post #5 of 5
Decided to go with the Shure SRH840, since I can get it locally, on sale (200$CAN) and that they will be covered by a 30-day return policy. I'm still curious about the DT660 however: it seems completely ignored in Head-Fi, compared to its bigger brothers. You never know, I might still get it.
Thanks for the help.

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