Looking for high quality, lightweight headphones
May 16, 2011 at 6:53 PM Post #16 of 23
Jude compared the two (HD25 and DT-1350) and overall, the DTs sound a bit better, clamp less (might be good or bad for you) but have smaller pads, but the HDs are cheaper and lighter, and the sound difference might not be worth your money. That's what I remember right now, at least. See for yourself here.
The thing with the HD25s is that they're meant to hold on tightly to your ears, in order to provide isolation. Most people don't mind trading off a bit of comfort for isolation. Again, it all depends on what you really need. Maybe you should look further if you value comfort more than isolation or portability.
May 16, 2011 at 6:55 PM Post #17 of 23
Alright, thanks for the input. The sound quality seems perfect and these might be a nice pair of portables, but I'm looking for something you can sit down and listen to for a day. Any other comments on the comfort?
May 16, 2011 at 7:38 PM Post #18 of 23
Sorry, zmd, missed your post. That was really helpful and the video showed me a lot of things. I think the HD25-1 II's are for me, because of the bigger earcups, lightness, and the focus more on rock, but I just want to ask a couple things around to see people's general opinions.
1. How long can you go with listening to them before they start to be bothersome?
2. Are they definitely an upgrade in sound quality over the beats studios?
3. If I do eventually buy them, any recommendations of a seller? And any place where I can get the blue ones cheaper? I really like them, but I don't know about the $50 difference
May 16, 2011 at 8:04 PM Post #19 of 23
I can do two, three hours easily; my ears will get squashed in the process, but a 10 minute break fixes everything. I wear glasses and I feel some slight discomfort behind my ears. They're probably better for you, especially once the earpads break in and the headband loosens a bit. The pleather pads are a bit thicker than the velour ones, btw, but in the summer the velours might be more breathable. I'll see.
As for sound quality, there's really no contest betwen the HDs and the Beats. You will be amazed at how good these sound with hard rock and metal. Eh, they'll sound much better with anything, really. I can only say that every good thing you might read about these cans is very true. There are plenty of reviews out there, so if you need more reasons, check them out.
Can't help you with a seller, since I'm from Europe and I got them used.
May 21, 2011 at 4:28 AM Post #20 of 23
If you listen to rock exclusively, the HD-25 is very good and rather cheap.
The Audio Technica ES10 is also very good with rock. And in my opinion a little more versatile than the HD-25 (it does electronic and Trip-hop better IMHO).
If you want to listen to many genres, then the DT 1350 is likely to be more versatile. 
May 21, 2011 at 4:37 AM Post #21 of 23
I don't like HD25's with most hiphop because of the sibilance. I dare any HD25 owner to listen to this song and not take off your headphones.

I'd like to point out though, that the sibilance is mostly a reminiscent of a bad recording because varsity blues is almost unlistenable on my Adam A5's as well. It only bothers me with hip hop though. They are good on non-sibilant hip hop recordings.
May 31, 2011 at 9:07 PM Post #22 of 23
Well, just got the HD25-1 II's in the mail and they're great! Really what I was looking for; they're a bit tight as mentioned, but hopefully they'll loosen over time. Just wanted to thank everyone for the help!
Jun 3, 2011 at 5:03 PM Post #23 of 23
Welcome to the Sore Ears club!
Just kidding, glad you like your new cans! They will become more comfortable, once the pads soften up. You can place them over a stack of books to speed up the process.

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