Looking for balanced to warm IEMS $100 or less
Nov 7, 2016 at 8:22 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 7


500+ Head-Fier
Feb 24, 2008
I have a pair of Carbo Tenoes and I want to move up. I like their sounds but I coud use a little more base...so a bit warmer would be better...I like bass, Im a basshead but I also like clarity. I dont know there theyre are basshead IEMs in this price range that wouldn't muddle the mids and highs. If there is Im all ears...even if they cost more than 100 dollars.

If not, Ill give up some bass for the sake of clarity.

Any ideas? Thanks
Nov 7, 2016 at 1:06 PM Post #2 of 7
The 1More triple driver is a very good sounding IEM at $99. I'm not sure it would satisfy your desires for bass, they are pretty neutral so the bass is there just not emphasized.
Nov 9, 2016 at 7:38 PM Post #5 of 7
Off you truly are bass head, then check out Sony xb90ex. Check out this thread: http://www.head-fi.org/t/761433/HEAD-FI-BASSHEAD-IEM-THREAD-LISTS-PAGE-1 Although an amp is recommended.
Nov 11, 2016 at 6:57 PM Post #6 of 7
+1 on the XB90EX, they have such clean and deep bass
 also, they have clarity and they're not muddy as many bassy iems. Check them out if you have a chance
Nov 11, 2016 at 9:50 PM Post #7 of 7
I have a pair of Carbo Tenoes and I want to move up. I like their sounds but I coud use a little more base...so a bit warmer would be better...I like bass, Im a basshead but I also like clarity. I dont know there theyre are basshead IEMs in this price range that wouldn't muddle the mids and highs. If there is Im all ears...even if they cost more than 100 dollars.

If not, Ill give up some bass for the sake of clarity.

Any ideas? Thanks

I never heard the Carbos so I stop short of recommending the KZ as though their bass is good I'm not sure if the mids and trebles will compare well. Go try asking around on the KZ Impressions thread!
If you can do with not too much bass the ATH-E40 is amazing. When I demoed IMHO way better than SE215 and IM70. Less bassy but so much more clearer. Both of the others muddied the sound too much to be worth it.

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