Long live Head-Fi!
Nov 7, 2005 at 7:26 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 3


100+ Head-Fier
Jan 5, 2004
MBQuart QP250. I'm done.

Here is my headphone history:
Sennheiser HD600 -> AKG K-1000 -> Etymotic ER-4P -> Grado SR-225 -> Grado RS-2 -> Grado RS-1 -> Grado PS-1 -> Audio-Technica ATH-L3000 -> Sony MDR-R10 -> AKG K-501

Also, I've listened to:
Sennheiser: 595, 650 (balanced and not with several aftermarket cables), HE90
Beyerdynamic: DT880, DT990 Pro
Grado: 125, 325, 325i
Stax: SR-007
Sony: MDR-CD3000, Qualia
AKG: K-401

(I've also owned and listened to a lot of sub 100$ headphones that I won't list here)

My headphone history can't be named spectacular, but it helped me to understand the things that I like and dislike in headphones. I couldn't listen to headphones from this January till July because of a car accident, but a month ago I started to look for a new pair of headphones. Fortunately my cousin invited me to Tokyo where I had an opportunity to listen to monsters like HE90, SR-007, Qualia, L3000 and balanced HD650 at my cousin's friend's home. I got him into this hobby so he generously provided me with some 6 or 7 hours of quality listen.

I don't remember all the details of this listen so I can't write a review. All that I can say for sure is that they didn't impress me. No, not because these are bad headphones, I was just used to that kind of SQ from my several months with PS-1, L3000 and R10. Orpheus was especially good, but again, it wasn't impressive. When I finished listening to this system I didn't want to run and buy one of these or ask for more listening time.

That was the critical moment for me because I understood that it's not about the sound quality. These giants weren't able to satisfy me at the level of satisfaction that I desired and dreamed of. Other 3 days of my trip to Tokyo I was just having fun in that beautiful country.

I came back to Moscow and started thinking of my problem. The problem was definately there because I can't imagine my life without headphones and 7 months that I spent without listening to headphones was a bad time for me, mainly because of a bad mood. When I realised the problem, I decided to go to as many headphone shops as I could find. I didn't list the headphones that I listened to when I was "shopping" (except the Beyers) because it was mostly a birief 3-5 minutes listen. On the second day of this "shopping" I took a listen to the QP250. That was a sweeet moment, because from the first notes I understood that they are mine.

I didn't buy them immidiately because I didn't have money for me (I knew that if I took money for me I could end up buying a dozen of crappy headphones). I went to 4 more shops, but I couldn't get the same feeling. Of course, when I came back to that store again and took another listen, I loved them even more.

It's been a week since I bought them and I think that this is my best buy ever. My headphone life is over not because I said that it's over and I don't want to spend more money on headphones, but just because I listened to all possible candidates and only one headphone took me to the place where I want to be in the world of music.

Now a little about these headphones. MBQuart is a German company and is well known because of the car audio systems that they produce. The headphones are comfortable and are pretty well-built (near the level of K-501), have leather pads and are light-weight. They are colored for sure, the treble is strong, the bass is not textured and the headphone is not detailed. The midrange is good, but not spectacular. Soundstage just OK.

But still, this is the first headphone that makes me happy when listening to it. I know of it's weaknesses but they don't bother me at all, I mean AT ALL.

I hope you understood me right - I love these headphones, but I think that not many people here will love them and most will hate them. Technically, it's inferior to most >100$ headphones that I've listened to and it's inferior in all objective ways to HE90, SR-007, L3000, HD650 and Qualia. Still, I just can't imagine myself listening to another pair of headphones.

I sincerely think that any headphone lover can find his headphone love and it can be any headphone from KSC-35 to HE90, no matter of the price range, prestigeousness and rarity.

I want to thank Head-Fi for being not only the best headphone forum, but just the best forum that I know of. Jude and Head-Fi team have done a lot of work to make it that good. I don't know any other forum with such atmosphere, if you know what I mean. (I hope you don't think that's a "final" letter, I finished with upgraditus, not with Head-Fi

Thanks again to the Head-Fi team, the people that wrote interesting posts and reviews, to those who helped to newbies like I was and to the whole community. Good luck to those that want to find their headphone love.

Newbies, welcome to Head-Fi and sorry about your wallet.
Now more music.

P.S. Yes, I know. I'll donate in the nearest future
Nov 7, 2005 at 7:50 PM Post #2 of 3
Jul 22, 2010 at 4:38 PM Post #3 of 3
I know exactly what you mean. I sold my GMP250 (the same as the QP250) a half year ago. And missed them dearly. Luckily I could buy them back.
Inferior as they will be compared to top tiers of other company's, these are so much joy to listen to....
(Sorry for the thread resurrection)

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