Living with the HiFiMan RE-262
Mar 21, 2011 at 11:56 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 22


Headphoneus Supremus
Nov 22, 2010

Fang (Head-Direct, HiFiMan) was kind enough to donate some door prizes for our recent Bay Area meet.  I was pretty happy to win, but at the time I really had no idea what exactly was in the nice little black box I had won.  Turns out it was the RE-262.  I had heard the buzz about the HE-x line up, but I hadn’t paid a lot of attention to the IEM offerings.  I’ve been happy with my Shure 530’s for travel and portable use for years.  When I hit the gym I’ve got some well (ab)used Superfi 5 pros that fill in.  I simply wasn’t looking for an IEM so I was blissfully ignorant, a good way to keep from opening the wallet!
RE-262 details:
Frequency response: 20 - 22Khz
Weight: 0.6 Oz
Sensitivity: 95 db
Impedance: 150 ohm

After a quick listen I came away with good initial impressions.  So much so that when I recently had a short trip to Europe I decided I’d listen to the 262’s for the entire trip.  Use included the typical chores for an IEM including time on the plane, on the move, at the coffee shop, and in the hotel room.  Let’s just say that the RE’s were not to blame for not getting an audition in the gym, that was all me!!  I had a little over a week to try living with them. As a “seasoned traveler” I always bring back ups, but I never used them.  This should be an indicator that my impressions are going to be on the good side.

While I do have a few IEM’s that I could try and make comparisons to, I clearly don’t have the experience to go down that road.  I might make mention of one or two since they are my reference, but I don’t intend to compare the 262’s directly here to any other IEM.  Instead I hope to offer a simple impression from my experience living with them full time for a week or so.

I wanted to add that I decided not to read any other reviews or impressions prior to listening and assembling my opinions.  This turned out to be a fun challenge, and a refreshing approach, as I was able to evaluate what I was hearing without trying to compare to what others had reported or listening to find something specific that another listener heard.  No golden ear here, no great experience to make detailed comparisons, just some real world impressions by a regular guy who likes music. 

So, after getting home from the meet I had a chance to open the nice little box and see what was inside.  The box itself is pretty nice, but like many others it’s not what you’d likely consider carrying for travel.  I opted to choose the accessories that I thought I might need and put them into one of my extra Shure 530 zippered pouches. 

Accessories included (I did not carry them all, of course):
5 flanges, 3 “olive” style of various sizes, 2 “bi-flange” large and small
Balanced 4-pin mini (female) to regular mini (male) adapter
Reversed phase (L/R) balanced 4-pin mini (female) to regular mini (male) adapter
Reversed phase (L/R) balanced 4-pin mini (female) to balanced 4-pin mini (male) adapter
1/8" Female to Stereo 1/4" Male adapter
10 replacement screens for driver tubes
Cable shirt clip


I took some photos to give a general ideal of what you get:

The IEM’s themselves are plastic, and had me a little suspect upon first inspection.  After roughing them up a little changing flanges I quickly gained some confidence and wasn’t that concerned when I had to simply throw them into my bag in a rush instead of properly protecting them in a pouch.  They held up fine.

A closer view showing off the bi-flanges.


The cable is well put together.  Length is reasonable for a portable rig, not so long that you have a lot of extra cable hanging around.  It’s not too thick and fairly flexible.  I opted to use the included shirt clip since I ended up mostly listening with the wires straight down from my ears instead of looping back over the tops.  When you do want to go over the top the design of the buds requires you to reverse them in your ears so left becomes right, and right left… this is when you use the adapter.  It’s kind of neat the way it works.  Without some memory cable  I didn’t care for the way that they laid over my ears, so I stuck with the standard straight down arrangement.  Like most IEM’s with the flanges sealed well they are quite microphonic.  I didn’t notice it much unless the volume was all the way down or very low.  Over the ear or use of the shirt clip reduced it to acceptable levels.  The mini plugs (I had two since I was using the balanced to regular adapter)  have 60 degree bends.  They never got in the way, but of course you end up with a little extra clutter because of this extra gear.

I ended up doing a lot of flange testing on the 10+ hour flight.  I wanted to be sure that I picked something comfortable with a good seal.  Isolation was very good.  The large olives fit me well but I found them a bit uncomfortable after any length of time.  The larger bi-flange turned out to fit well, sealed easily, and was all day comfortable for me.  The thing that surprised me was the major impact on sound that flange selection had.  Flanges for my other IEM’s have been tools for getting a good seal and providing comfort.  By design the drivers of the 262’s end up close to the end of the olives with essentially no cavity.  This provided a very intimate sound with more low end impact.  The bi-flanges end up offering a pretty large cavity.  The result was a much more open and airy sound with less impact, especially from the lows.  I’ll touch on this a bit more when commenting on sound quality.  Isolation seemed slightly reduced with the bi-flanges.

The earpieces themselves were comfortable in either the over ear or straight down configuration.  If I noticed anything in my ears it was the flanges, the earpiece disappeared for me.

Overall if I had to sum up the sound of the 262’s I’d use the slightly overused and perhaps too generic description of musical.  The sound was smooth and euphonic but managed to maintain a decent amount of detail.  I found them warm, without approaching dark.  Highs never approached harsh, and I noticed no sibilance.  Here is where I will offer a comparison; I did not find them as technically orientated as either the Shure E3 or 530’s.  That’s not to say they don’t provide details, but they are definitely not biased in this direction.  I want to mention the choice of flanges again.  If you want to maintain the impact of the lows from the 262’s I’d consider sticking with the olives.  However, when I wanted to let the soundstage open up and to let the mids and highs start to sing the bi-flanges really shined.  With the olives I felt that the mids and highs got a bit muddied.  With the bi-flanges the sound was more balanced and refined.  The trade off in loosing a bit of low end grunt was well worth it for me.  With the bi-flanges details became clear, I could pick out and follow along with single instruments.

When listening today I had a thought that if I had to compare the sound signature to any of my full sized headphones I think it would be my HD-600’s.  I am finding that I lean towards a warmer sound signature in general, and the 262’s fit right into that category, so perhaps this accounts for my general appreciation.

Typically when I select IEM’s it’s for one of three reasons.  I need good sound isolation (either from or to the outside world).  I am traveling and want to set up a portable listening rig.  I need to be portable, on the move.  In all of these cases I don’t like to restrict my selection of music genre because a particular IEM is biased in some way.  The 262 is capable of letting me enjoy my music, any of it, in any situation.  This is exactly what I require from an IEM.  Certain genres may have showcased the 262 (vocals, blues, classic rock) but I never found any genre that I simply thought was lacking to the point of not wanting to listen.  I will add that during this audition I listened to very little classical, so I made it a point to select a few tracks to specifically make sure I could make this statement without exception.  It still holds true.  From my limited listen I found that I was quite impressed with the sound staging of classical from this IEM.  Take that for what it’s worth, as I don’t listen to that much classical, it’s something I am trying to get a better ear for.

Since the 262’s are 150 ohm I was expecting to find them demanding amplification.  They are harder to drive than any other IEM I’ve used.  Here are a few notes on how they faired with different sources I used during my week plus of listening in varying conditions:

On the plane I was able to connect my Pico DAC/AMP to my iPad with the camera connection kit and a USB cable.  I always ended up selecting high gain.  The Pico was up to the task and clearly I found that it really helped to keep these IEM’s up to speed and provided the clearest details compared to any other configuration (more on this when I talk about un-amped operation).  This was also my hotel set up and provided me with great quality listening while on the road.  Using the iPad also allowed me to mix FLAC playback, iTunes, and some streaming audio.  The combo provided fast, dynamic, and detailed sound.

I tried the iPad HPO and was a bit disappointed.  While I often find that the SQ difference between an external amp and portable devices can be marginal, in this case the iPad just did not seem up to the job and left the 262’s sounding thinner and struggling with the speed of any complex music.  Without the Pico I’d probably have chalked the 262’s up as being a bit slow.

For moving through the airport and walking the streets of Glasgow I tried an iPod classic to keep things portable.  After the iPad HPO I was not expecting much, but the iPod HPO turned out to be a pleasant surprise.  It required some pretty high volume settings yet the results were pretty good.  Details were not quite on the same level as they were with the Pico, but overall the listening experience was quite acceptable.  Adding the Pico fed by the LOD made little difference in the sound quality, although it did of course provide some additional gain.  I found that I was happier to go fully portable and leave the little Pico behind in favor of a small package.

I never really consider home amps much when talking about IEM’s, however since I do sometimes set up in my office I did take the time to do some listening with a few of my home amps.  First up was the Little Dot I+, often an amp I take to the office, with music being delivered from an airport express and Headroom Micro Dac.  I found the amp revealed even more details and as expected drove them with aplomb.  I was expecting more bass impact, but the lows didn’t strike me as any more apparent than they did on the portable rig.  Rolling some tubes might have changed this impression.  Next up was the WA-6SE.  Yeah, complete overkill for IEM’s, but it sure made them sound good.  I have to say that the 262’s step up nicely with amplification.  For those keeping track of the details, and to throw even more inconsistency into these impressions, I used an iMac to Stello DA100 to provide tunes to the Woo.  The mids and highs really came to life and the deep, tight bass had full on impact and thump.  I’m not sure how often, if ever, these IEM’s will get head time with this amp, but as I write I am rocking out with this combination and loving every minute of it.  I didn’t try any home SS amps, I should.   I’ll add some impressions if I do, but I doubt most are considering these IEM’s for significant use with these types of amps anyway.

Major bass heads, you’re likely not to find the RE-262 to be your new choice for a club in your head.  Detail junkies, you’re likely to find another IEM to monitor the heart rate of the cellist in the fifth row.  For the rest of us the RE-262 is a good IEM that will have you enjoying your music, all of it. 

I want to thank Fang, Head-Direct, and HiFiMan again for the great door prize. 

My Shure 530’s have been the only IEM I grab when hitting the road since 2007.  The RE-262 will definitely be stealing some of that head time!
Mar 22, 2011 at 7:08 AM Post #3 of 22
These are the only IEMs I am considering as a bang-for-your-buck upgrade over my RE0 right now. Like you, I start leaning towards a warmer signature, preferring my HD580 to my DT880 more and more and looking for musicality over hyper-detail. I wish I could audition these sometime. I like the case they come with too! Thanks for the review. 
normal_smile .gif

Mar 22, 2011 at 10:25 AM Post #5 of 22
The reverse L/R jack is a clever idea that many other wear-up-or-down IEMs should have -- I have too many songs that swapping the L/R channels really disorients me.
Mar 22, 2011 at 8:59 PM Post #6 of 22
The intro pricing does seem pretty attractive, but I'm not up to speed enough on other offerings to really say how they compare to others for bang for the buck.
Thanks for the compliment on the review, it's my first.  I learned a lot trying it, especially the effort it takes.  It really makes me appreciate the work of some of the regular reviewers who post the top notch reviews here all the time.  I look forward to doing another some time to try and make some improvements.

These are the only IEMs I am considering as a bang-for-your-buck upgrade over my RE0 right now. Like you, I start leaning towards a warmer signature, preferring my HD580 to my DT880 more and more and looking for musicality over hyper-detail. I wish I could audition these sometime. I like the case they come with too! Thanks for the review. 
normal_smile .gif

Mar 24, 2011 at 11:13 PM Post #7 of 22
Some reviewers have difficulty to wear RE262 earphone deep enough so that they can not hear enough bass. We did a lot of research on this problem. Finally we found an easy solution: modified the bi-flange. Pls check the following picture. Cut the smaller flange 2mm off, all bass will come back. In the 1st batch RE262 we will provide four hand-modified bi-flange in each RE262 box. We are manufacturing the improved bi-flange now. All hifiman RE262 will use the machine-made improved bi-flange from April.

HiFiMAN Innovating the art of listening. Stay updated on HiFiMAN at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Mar 25, 2011 at 1:32 AM Post #9 of 22
Great mod! My cut wasn't as clean around but it's good enough, the inner flange being narrower allows deeper insertion and a better seal. It brings out the bass, and I find the overall soundscape becomes more coherent. 
Mar 28, 2011 at 9:56 PM Post #13 of 22
I just received the new version of 262. Its sound is more open and with more treble than the one came with Hifiman 602. It's only me? Or, someone also feel the same way?
that sounds like the result of using less foam, perhaps that was the change that occurred. But also the new 262 is said to be all metal, this doesn't seem to be case of the first but I could wrong
Mar 28, 2011 at 11:47 PM Post #14 of 22
It is still all plastic, as I have confirmed it with Fang. He didn't mention any change internally, just the change of plug and more accessories (i.e. adapter cables).

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