List your favorite IEMS under $500
Jun 10, 2021 at 7:06 PM Post #91 of 100
Thoughts on UM 3DT and Moondrop B2D in this category? I’ve heard some nice things about FiiOs in this category too
For my money the 3DT is the best under $500, but I haven’t yet heard the new batch of ESTs that flirt with this price point.
Apr 5, 2022 at 11:25 AM Post #92 of 100
The last post to this thread was almost a year ago. I do hope someone’s still following...

In this subject: I own the Rai Solo which I’m quite happy with but I’m looking for more quality, more detail, more resolution. From my readings, I’m now torn (having not tried any others, I’m relying on reviews) between the Moondrop Variations and the Dunu DK-3001 Pro.

Am I in the right place? Should I be looking elsewhere? Can anyone compare these two?

Thanks for your inputs!
Apr 5, 2022 at 1:10 PM Post #93 of 100
1- Moondrop Variations ($520)
2- TinHifi P2
3- Moondrop Kato
4- Ikko OH10
5- Dunu Titan S
Apr 10, 2022 at 9:18 PM Post #96 of 100
1 UM 3DD-Ti - a rather weird sounding pair that are incredibly laidback and oddly very addictively satisfying not to mention the bass extension 👌.

2 campfire atlas - i love how smooth and thick they get with the ier-z1r triple comforts.

3 empire ears nemesis - addictive chest thumping bass extension, the treble is a bit hot still looking to get mine converted to customs.

4 empire ears merlin - though hard to come by and a huge stretch, the price on these in the used market should have dropped significantly from the sub $2000 srp. These when equipped with effect audio leonidas/effect audio lionheart are incredible, they often thread the line between veil-ness but that thread is exactly what make these very addictive to the point where i prefer these over their big brother zeus xiv (i owned the xiv back in 2017 up until 2019 and what prompted me to sell the zeus is its rather fatiguing treble spike which also caused everything aside from it to sound odd). Thinking of getting these converted to customs but because it was a limited edition pair ive been holding out (not to mention EE dont accept reshells/conversions anymore).

5 jh audio angie - i dont own these anymore but when i had them i could tell that they were my endgame iems tonality, cohesiveness, with bass enough to make me doubt its all ba setup and the iems that turned me to a basshead! These on full tilt vibrated more than some of my dd iems but i eventually sold them because; 1 poor ergonomics, 2 huge shell, 3 poor aftermarket support from jh, 4 annoying 4-pin connectors of which would constantly get undone, 5 though bass was surprisingly plentifull i wouldnt exactly qualify it in terms of extension.

I know each of these iems cost 2x or even 3x the designated pricepoint of the thread but ive seen these priced really low to the point where i consider them budget iems. Ive since stopped the hobby after acquiring the tops 1-4

Edit: if you are planning on buying any from my list i would highly advise to try them before buying my tastes arent really what i would call 'for everyone' a quick search of each iems' response curve should be enough of a cautionary factor to think otherwise
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Apr 25, 2022 at 2:16 AM Post #100 of 100
+1 on the Ikko OH10. Excellent sub-bass, mild V shape sound, Soundstage.

Close 2nd Penon Serial with 3 DD's.

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