Linux For Music
Oct 26, 2010 at 2:35 AM Post #76 of 78

Yea I am not too bugged about it, I just wanted to test it out for the music server I plan on making.  For one I wanted to know if my prelude would be as good a transport it is in Linux as it is in Windows but chances are I would just use a USB transport.  Standard driver, fully supported, and for all intents of purposes bit-perfect.
The hardware itself is tested to work smoothly on the platform I want it for, unlike this platform which is built for gaming.
Yes, I thought 10.10 was a little shaky compared to 10.04.
My experience with alsa is limited to envy24 so I can't help with your x-fi issues.
I am familiar with Lubuntu and feel it's a very lean and fast distro.
Just my opinion but I see no reason to use an X-fi sound card unless you are playing games in Windows, it's just too proprietary for other purposes.
If you want to play music in Linux I recommend a card that uses the ICE1712 or ICE1724 drivers. They are well documented and well supported.

Oct 26, 2010 at 2:46 AM Post #77 of 78
So for this music server, are you planning to use an internal DAC or an external DAC?
I have some experience with mpd (music player daemon) and find it very nice, ok but a bit gnarly to understand and setup.
Oct 26, 2010 at 5:45 AM Post #78 of 78
External, which is why I am using a transport(USB on my current DAC is locked @ 16/48 and spdif is better).  I was planning on setting up MPD and control it remotely through my windows PC.  Though that is the plan for now I might make it more remote control based some time down the line especially if I can get it running with one of those sexy remotes that have a LCD on them.  As said I will probably just grab a USB transport like the Audio GD DI. 
Setup isn't much an issue for me,  and all the problems I am currently having are probably caused by some of my hardware not playing nice with Linux.  The other with updating Alsa, I haven't even a clue.  Screen just stays black so its not like I even have command line access and if if I did keyboard locks up
.  I haven't messed with linux for a while so it probably will take a few mistakes even though things have been greatly simplified.
Regardless its going to be exciting creating a completely solid state headless machine.  Especially for when I get real speakers one day, the silence will be perfect.  Then all I need to do is kill the sound on the dang fridge and lay down cricket traps at night.
So for this music server, are you planning to use an internal DAC or an external DAC?
I have some experience with mpd (music player daemon) and find it very nice, ok but a bit gnarly to understand and setup.


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