LH Labs' gorgeous Vi Dac ( Tube + SS outputs )
Feb 14, 2018 at 4:48 PM Post #886 of 1,178
Feb 14, 2018 at 8:14 PM Post #887 of 1,178
Is this yours Hercules? If yes, what number were you in the EXCEL list of SE configurations Larry sent out?

Yes, it's mine, I'm No.3 in Excel originally but 2 line inserted before me became No.5......but this unit still not a completed unit, no Tube Cap Upgrade, CCX-1 only, some minor imperfect on Chassis, but at lease I have it now.
Feb 14, 2018 at 9:16 PM Post #888 of 1,178
When did you get ii?
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Feb 17, 2018 at 5:42 AM Post #889 of 1,178
Hi everyone, we've recently had comments and questions over retail shops receiving merchandise before the backers do. So let's address this and put this to bed:

1. Sales to dealers are different than IGG. They have different items, different channels of payments. IGG merchandise does NOT go to dealers. The only two that shipped at the same time were Vi Dac SS (which most or all should have already received) and the Pulse DACs. Some dealers were also IGG backers, we have some special new dealer's perk in the campaign, and we stated that before.

2. We never stated to anyone, anywhere, that all backers would receive all merchandise before dealers. That's not how the audio business runs. We lost loads of money on IGG merchandise, so we have to make it up elsewhere. This has been discussed before. We won't stop shipping to backers just because some dealer thinks Indiegogo backers got too good of a price. Also we won't stop dealers to sell our products. Pulse totally got to dealers plus Amazon less than 30. And we totally ship 2000+ Pulse DAC to backers. See the ratio?

3. The IGG Source is different than the retail version of Source, the retail version is "Source Pro" which is being sold through retailers. The retailers DO NOT WANT IGG merchandise, they want to separate too. They want their own, special, unique version.For example, one of dealers request the 256G SSD capacity with NO HDMI output and get rid of all the special jitter removal stuff. And they plan to sell dedicatedly. They want absolutely nothing to do with the IGG market. Frankly, we got lots of complaints from dealers that IGG price is conflicting with their channel.

For anyone else who is concerned about dealership sales:

4. Yosemite (dealer in Shenzhen, China) has 0 Vi Tube. We are sending the incredibly vast majority of Vi Tube to backers. Maybe a few to a few dealers. We need to stay in business. We're losing money on IGG. We will continue to operate as a business so we can continue to bring in funds to build IGG gear so our backers can receive their merchandise. At no point did we state we would never ship or sell to anyone but backers. To anyone who was confused or not understanding how this company/business stays afloat and pays our bills, we apologize for the confusion. We will not apologize for staying in business to bring backers the gear they expect. It takes time, research, money, and resources. We are working incredibly hard on getting you what you paid for. We are thankful for the support of our backers who appreciate our products and the extra perks they received.

If anyone can buy, for example, the Indiegogo Source from any place in the world, including Yosemite in the same price he got from IGG, in the same form he got, we'll eat our $#*t. Otherwise, please stop misinformation and inflammatory postings.
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Feb 17, 2018 at 5:58 AM Post #890 of 1,178
On that note, LH as a company is considering taking a sabbatical from the forum. Unfortunately, generally speaking, there are about 5 people who cause all sorts of inflammatory postings and issues (like tonight) and it's becoming incredibly difficult to even try to conduct normal Q&A or commenting or discussion here. To be clear, it's definitely not because of normal questions over how we conduct business or regular questions over the campaign. It's the inflammatory, bullying, rude, over the top, conspiracy theory type postings that choke and stranglehold all manner of reasonable discussion.

My advice to the community who are NOT these 5 members (and you know who you are and who you are not): police your fellow members better. I don't mean Mods censoring discussion or criticism. I do mean the community who would like to engage in friendly, reasonable, non-over the top dialogue (including criticism) needs to shut down the unruly members who ruin the experience for everyone else.

On that note, I am fully aware of how these things happen, and why they happen due to our business practices, and I am aware of our shortcomings as a company. I've discussed these with Larry tonight in-depth, and I hope we can make a hard positive change. We certainly are not blameless in this situation and we accept that responsibility. I hope we can do better.

Anyway, I'm sure we'll be back at some point. In the meantime, we invite you to visit our Freshdesk forum, and keep watching our IGG updates. I am always around, and those who know me personally or who have dealt with me privately know how to get in touch with me if need be.

Thank you, and we really do appreciate everyone who supports us. :)
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Feb 17, 2018 at 7:21 AM Post #892 of 1,178
I expect I'm one of the five people referred to in a recent post. That post also stated " We're losing money on IGG." as an explanation for ongoing retail sales while IGG backers go unfulfilled.

I responded on the LH forum in greater length, but my point is that I've been requesting a refund for quite some time. If LH is truly losing money on IGG then take advantage of my offer to accept a refund and lose less, That's a no-brainer from a business aspect. The choices are either return my money and break even or produce and ship a product at a loss. LH should be jumping at the opportunity to get out from under this IGG fiasco and focus their efforts on retail sales.
Feb 17, 2018 at 7:50 AM Post #893 of 1,178
Feb 21, 2018 at 11:31 AM Post #894 of 1,178
On that note, LH as a company is considering taking a sabbatical from the forum.

I don't think that would be a wise move. The impression that will give is that LH Labs is no longer in business and that is the worst possible impression you want to make if LH Labs is to survive. I have similar frustrations as other posters and sympathize with them. I also get that you are in a tough spot. It seems you are aware of the sources of frustration on the one hand, but I also understand that you (and Larry) have your limits on attacks.

Personally, I've been through every emotion on this campaign- excitement and anticipation, concern, anger, apathy.... you name it. We have a mess on our respective hands. So, what is to be done about it?

A refund would solve everything but unfortunately for all of us that are waiting, that is not going to happen. We also will likely never know the number of units shipped to date or where we are in the order queue (for whatever reason LH can't/won't tell us, which is a big "head scratcher" for me but it is, what it is), so perhaps it makes sense to just accept this situation and let these questions go unanswered. Fine.

Now, I am trying to be pragmatic and set my frustrations aside. I paid a bunch of money and eventually I'd like to see my Vi Tube. If there is any chance of that happening, LH Labs needs to stay in business. If LH Labs goes under, then that's it folks, your contributions are lost. So, although it is frustrating, we as contributors have to just deal with the fact that Vi Dacs and other perked items will need to be sold through retail channels in order to keep the lights on at LH Labs.

Jarek, I appreciate your efforts to help and communicate. I understand you are not really in a position to wave a magic wand and cause Vi Dacs to start shipping. Just understand that there will be flare ups and keep pushing. Personally, I've decided to take all updates with a grain of salt, keep expectations thoroughly in check and simply focus on other things. In the meantime, I'll read the updates and keep my fingers crossed.
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Mar 12, 2018 at 6:06 PM Post #895 of 1,178
As I was the last to post in this thread, I suppose I should apologize to everyone for inadvertently killing it? I thought I was being somewhat fair/nice, but perhaps not.

Oh well, back to your regularly scheduled programming:

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Mar 13, 2018 at 11:21 AM Post #896 of 1,178
As I was the last to post in this thread, I suppose I should apologize to everyone for inadvertently killing it?

You didn't kill it Blake, the thread died months/years ago due to LH Labs non-shipment of product. No easier way to lose all momentum ever gained, than by simply delivering nothing.

By now there should have been loads of happy end-user reports in this thread, which in turn would have fueled additional interest, questions, and ultimately retail sales of the Vi DAC.

Sadly, none of that happened... oh wait, except the retail sales part, thats apparently a thing.
Mar 13, 2018 at 12:29 PM Post #897 of 1,178
Yes Mikey, it's a sorry state of affairs. Remember the good old days? LH Labs had a really good thing going for a while. We had a very active LH Labs Forum member base, everyone was enthusiastic, pitching in and helping each other. Actually at the time, I thought it was one of the best audio forums. We had all this momentum going and then......
Mar 13, 2018 at 12:52 PM Post #898 of 1,178
Yes Mikey, it's a sorry state of affairs. Remember the good old days? LH Labs had a really good thing going for a while. We had a very active LH Labs Forum member base, everyone was enthusiastic, pitching in and helping each other. Actually at the time, I thought it was one of the best audio forums. We had all this momentum going and then......

yep...and now, more than 4 yrs later, I´m pretty sure I´m not the only one who thinks what a stupid lemming move we did....
Mar 30, 2018 at 12:34 PM Post #900 of 1,178
Agreed but when they did have a presence on here, even though he was the messenger, it feels like he was treated as the one who took our money and haven't delivered the product in 4+ years. In a way a person can only take so much. Granted he was being paid to in a way "take it" from us, it still doesn't change the fact that 4 years ago we shelled out basiclly 1.5 - 2 k$ and nothing yet and feels like we basically threw away our money.

With the amount of time thats gone by, lots of changes have happened in digital media and streamers that have amazing dacs built in. Most of us have probably gone a different direction by now.

I also feel if we get the product, your gonna most of them for sale before even trying it out.

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