Lets Talk Metal
Jun 1, 2013 at 3:53 PM Post #9,826 of 29,701
A lot of metal albums push the HF region way up in the mix. Combine that with poor recording techniques, compression, and likely copious amounts of digital clipping, and you're left with an album that will probably hurt your ears. If you're hearing phantom ringing in your ears after listening, TURN IT DOWN. Or one day the ringing won't stop, forever. Aside from that, any software EQ will let you pull the highs down some which should help.

Thanks for the answers. I will looking into EQing some stuff although I don´t really have clue yet :D
I don´t crank up the volume when hearing music that often. Especially not when it´s hurting my ears. But even a slight ringing/ weird feeling is really annoying for me and I wanna avoid that. 
Talking about sound quality...what are the best sounding metal albums ever in your opinion?
Mine would be
- Black Album - Metallica
- Blackwater Park - Opeth
- Slaughter of the Soul - At the Gates
- anything from Steven WIlson (not really metal, but it´s amazing anyway)
That would be the first that come to mind.
Jun 1, 2013 at 4:19 PM Post #9,827 of 29,701
Darkthrone - transylvanian hunger
emperor - in the nightside eclipse
if you want to try bands that have black metal roots/ influences but are easier to get into I would also recommend Enslaved (ethica odini) or wolves in the throne room (any album).

Excellent choices-I would add anything by Agalloch. Probably my favorite BM band that transcend BM. If you've never heard Agalloch, you should listen to them anyway even if you aren't "into" BM. Agalloch are one of the best metal bands in the US...my opinion, of course...but they mix a lot of influences.
You should decide if you want to try avant garde/weird ambient BM, melodic BM or go for the jugular burn in hell meat n potatoes.
I recommend starting w/ your basic meat n potatoes...to me that's what I think of .....
Here are some choices for well known meat'n'potatoes BM that I think sound great:
#1. If you are just checking out BM and aren't afraid of some pretty over the top blasphemy  I am going to recommend Marduk. Anyone who has even a limited familiarity w/ BM will have heard of them. So, this isn't the most creative choice. Sort like recommending the Rolling Stones for an introduction into classic rock...sort like, well, duh!
Nevertheless, I love this band. IMO they sever heads. Their newer vocalist Mortuus is a force of nature. He should get an Oscar nomination for his vocal performances. This would be back to basics non melodic evil and hateful...but, er, we're not talking about folk music after all. 

Wormwood is quite diverse in terms of sound, pacing, speed...some BM is fairly one dimensional. Make that, a lot of BM is one dimensional...worth to research before buying.
This is also an excellent recent Marduk release:

Stay away from their newest release-Serpent's Saint. It's a better than average release, but not their best IMO.
Mortuus (vocalist) also has an excellent side project that is IMO even more interesting-Funeral Mist -Marantha (2009). Sick schiit. But, a bit more off the beaten track.
#2-Gorgorth...my first BM purchase...

Ad Majorem Sathanas Gloriam


I  decided to investigate BM a few years ago and saw this listed on the Allmusic Guide's best in metal list. I had no idea what I was in for. I remember popping in this CD in my car driving late at night....and being pretty unnerved....like Satan was channeled through my speakers. I think I went home and took a shower afterwards.
Here are two other Gorgoroth releases near and dear to my heart:


Don't the titles just fill you with love and joy for mankind

yeah-these are meat'n'potatoes BM.
If you want to be more experimental, later on I recommend more avant gard French BM:
  1. Blut Aus Nord (also very well known)
  2. Deathspell Omega.....approach w/ caution....and be ready for some heavy philosophical existential reading.....I'm not kidding about that.
I can't stop myself....one more. This band also "above ground" in BM -This band has a great BM sound
Watain: Lawless Darkness or Sworn to the Dark


a lot of BM sounds like crap. These three bands: Marduk, Gorgoroth and Watain haver crawled out of the Black Metal recording ghetto and found enough sunlight to get decent production while sounding thoroughly evil, dirty and ugly....and another thing that some BM bands forget, they actually know how to rock.
If you have a habit of playing CDs in your car as I do (I know a lot of people dont' listen to CD's anymore, but I do)....but if you do and don't want your neighbors to think you're a psycho, you probably want to turn the sound down when parking next to the respectable family putting their groceries away....and the elderly individual getting gas next to you may give you looks like you're the next Charles Mason. At leaset that's been my experience.
These are all pretty obvious, well known choices of recent memory....but you didn't ask for creative or ground breaking....just a good introduction to the genre.  These are also relatively newer vs what I think of as the ground breakers in the 90's...those being:
  1. Mayhem
  2. Immortal (Sons of Northern Darkness is great)
  3. Emperor
  4. Darkthrone
Horns up!
Jun 1, 2013 at 4:32 PM Post #9,828 of 29,701
I love everything Devin Townsend does, but his albums are always sooo overproduced :|

A short list of albums I think sound really great:

U.S.X - The Valley Path
Blackwater Park :p
All Alcest albums
Frost* - Milliontown
Woe - Withdrawal
Acid Mothers Tempel &The Melting Paraiso UFO - Pink Lady Lemonade (You Are From Inner Space)
Decripit Birth - Polarity
Lesbian - Stratospheria Cubensis
Matriden - Encounter The Monolith
Moonsorrow - Viides Luku Havitetty ♥
A Forest of Stars - Shadowplay For Yesterday

Not exactly metal, but i love that kind of stuff :wink:

Jun 1, 2013 at 4:35 PM Post #9,829 of 29,701
Talking about sound quality...what are the best sounding metal albums ever in your opinion?
Mine would be
- Black Album - Metallica
- Blackwater Park - Opeth
- Slaughter of the Soul - At the Gates
- anything from Steven WIlson (not really metal, but it´s amazing anyway)
That would be the first that come to mind.

I'm not of fan of Mr. Wilson's production. I agree on the music being amazing, but for some reason he always feels the need to make the drums way louder than they should be. For me it's Leprous - Bilateral. Nothing technically outstanding, but I guess the production, my headphones and my ears are a perfect match.
I love everything Devin Townsend does, but his albums are always sooo overproduced :|

You mean the "wall of sound"?
Jun 1, 2013 at 5:59 PM Post #9,831 of 29,701
Jun 1, 2013 at 7:59 PM Post #9,833 of 29,701
Re: audiophile SQ metal
I put together an audition play list to take to a Headfi meet. It was actually kind of fun going through my digital files to see what I would want to use. I threw on music from a number of genres:  a little bit jazz, classical, folk, indie, but mostly metal....limited to my own collection, of course. As I started going through my digitized collection, it was hard to narrow it down. My intention was to include the range of styles I would want to run gear through covering the gamut of my musical preferences. Here's what I came up with to represent the metal/rock side of my preferences.
There were a lot of bands that could have easily made it (Dark Tranquility, Mastodon, Gojira,  Mars Volta, Rage Against the Machine-well known for good sq, Rush plenty of assorted DM, BM, Zeppelin whose recordings I don't think have very good sq even w/ remasters, should have included Black Sabbath-pretty big om mission...I struggled to think of BM and DM w/ top notch sq-maybe should have tried Agalloch or Watain).
I tried to limit myself to one band per kind of music (prog, DM, doom, etc.) So Amon Amarth made it over Dark Tranquility, Pink Floyd over Rush, etc. Some genres were un or under represented because I think certain genres of metal have better SQ even though they don't necessarily represent my favorite metal genres. For instance, sludge, doom, stoner, most BM don't have great SQ IMO even though I really enjoy those types of metal. I like a lot of drone/stoner/sludge so Boris and Neurosis, among my faves didn't make it. But, I did put some Isis.
Of course there are exceptions to this notion of what genres of rock/metal sound good. All things considered-prog sounds better than a lot of other stuff.
Here's what made it to my list
Listed: Band-album-song
  • Kreator, Phantom Antichrist: Phantom Anti Christ (a pretty good example of current well recorded thrash album):
  • Kreator, Phantom Antichrist-Death to the world
  • Kreator, Phantom Antichrist-Civilization Collapse
  • Porcupine Tree, In Absentia-Blackest Eyes
  • Porcupine Tree, In Abstentia-Trains
  • Porcupine Tree, In Abstentia-Wedding Nails
  • Porcupine Tree, In Abstentia-Gravity Eyelids
  • Tool, Lateralus-The Grudge (first time dedicated listening to tool since I've bought new gear-it was great revisiting tool-they do sound great in terms of SQ)
  • Tool, Lateralus-Schism
  • Tool, Aenima-Aenima (probably my favorite tool song ever)
  • Mark Lanegan Band, Blues Funeral- Bleeding Muddy Water (new find for me-nice hard blues rock/singer songwriter kind of thing-former singer of Screaming Trees/grunge 90's band)
  • Mark Lanegan Band, Blues Funeral- Black Vanishing Train
  • Opeth, Ghost Reveries, Ghost of Perdition
  • Opeth, Ghost Revieres, Ghost of Perdition
  • Opeth, Blackwater Park, Dirge for November
  • Opeth, Blackwater Park, Bleak
  • Deftones, Diamond Eyes-Diamond Eyes
  • Deftones, Diamond Eyes-Risk
  • Foo Fighters, Wasting Light, I should have Known
  • Foo Fighters, Wasting Light, Dear Rosmary
  • Amon Amarth, Twilight of the Thunder Gods, Twilight of the Thunder Gods
  • Amon Amarth, With Oden on our Side (really good example of melodeth album w/ good SQ), Valhall Waits for Me
  • Amon Amarth, With Oden on our Side
  • Virgin Black, Requiem-Messo Forte-Kyrie, Equiem (kind of an odd choice, but I love this opera/classical meets doom/death goth with full on orchestra and prof opera singers-sort of covers metal and classical)
  • Virgin Black, Requiem-Messo Forte-Kyrie, Midnight's Hym
  • Isis, Pantopticon, So Sid We
  • Isis, Pantopticon, In Fiction
  • Isis, In the Absence of Truth, Not in Rivers but in Drops
  • Asphyx, Death the Brutal Way, Death the Brutal Way (I'm sure there's better DM out  there in terms of SQ but this represents a style I like)
  • Asphyx, Death the Brutal Way, Scarbotics
  • Electric Wizard, Come my Fanatics, Return Trip
  • Wolves in the Trhone Room, Celestial Lineage, Thuja Magus Imperium
  • Swans,Seer, Lunacy
  • Swans, Seer, Song of a Warrior
  • Katatonia, Dead End Kings, Dead Letters
  • Enslaved, Riitir, Roots of the Mountain
  • Enslaved, Riitir, Forsaken
  • Pink Floyd, Wish You Were Here, wish You Were Here
  • Pink Floyd, Wish You Were Here, Shine on You Crazy Diamond pt 1
As I look at my list, BM was wofeully under represented I will spare you my classical, jazz and folk offerings as this is a metal forum. But, I had some Miles Davis, David Brubek, Pat Matheny, Fiona Apple, Cat Power, Of  Monsters and Men (kind of going through a pop folk thing), Mozart and Beethoven.
Jun 1, 2013 at 9:33 PM Post #9,834 of 29,701
Oh good stuff, good stuff!
Band of the day for me.

Jun 1, 2013 at 10:04 PM Post #9,835 of 29,701
Excellent choices-I would add anything by Agalloch. Probably my favorite BM band that transcend BM. If you've never heard Agalloch, you should listen to them anyway even if you aren't "into" BM. Agalloch are one of the best metal bands in the US...my opinion, of course...but they mix a lot of influences.

Agalloch are amazing. Saw them live a couple of weeks ago and it´s hard to describe how good it was. No moshing, no jumping kids, just music fans enjoying what they love.
Btw. great post. Very informative and well structured!
Jun 2, 2013 at 1:17 AM Post #9,837 of 29,701
So i dunno why i didnt notice these guys sooner, but i just started listening to Vale of Panth's cd The Prodigal Empire, and this is some pretty good tech death that is a bit more melodic than most of them are.
And also, the LP for Coal sounds pretty amazing, very dynamic i would say, much more open then the CD, which already sounds not too bad, and i got the Limited Edition white press, but its got very little surface noise as well, very happy with that purchase so far.
Jun 2, 2013 at 3:21 AM Post #9,838 of 29,701
Mine would be
- Black Album - Metallica

Uh, if you say so.. lol. Opeth I don't think is that spectacular on CD. Vinyl is different. Amon Amarth's With Oden is pretty nice on CD, astoundingly good on vinyl. Take a great producer like Jens Bogren, allow him DR10 to work with, and the results are probably gonna be pretty great. Delain's albums sound very nice for being smashed so heavily. Definitely need to hear those on vinyl.
Most of Townsend's albums don't sound that great, but I thought Ziltoid was very well produced. Ki is pretty nice too. Slayer's South Of Heaven on vinyl is killer. Riverside's new album Shrine Of New Generation slaves was REALLY well done for CD, as was Saturnus' Martyre. I'd kill to have Bilocate's Summoning The Bygones on vinyl. It's definitely not bad on CD, but there's so much potential there for a truly fantastic sounding record if only they hadn't smashed it flat.
Jun 2, 2013 at 3:57 AM Post #9,839 of 29,701
The HE-500 is generally considered one of the more balanced and accurate HFM orthos.. but keep that in context, it's balanced for a HFM ortho. If you don't mind a closed back headphone, the Paradox is as flat as any headphone I've heard, costs less than the HE-500, and is excellent with metal. It's forgiving enough to not make most typically lousy metal recordings unlistenable, and the better then recording you feed it, the more it responds. Headstage is really it's only flaw, but with metal that's not really a big deal, and I doubt it's any worse than the LCDs which are hardly known for their headstages despite being open.

HFM orthos?
i'm thinking i'll get a bright signature amp for the he-500 and it will be great
correct me if i'm wrong
Jun 2, 2013 at 6:45 AM Post #9,840 of 29,701
CD or LP version? I thought about getting this album too as I really liked Kivenkantaja.

CD version....(whatever, it's still one of the most important records for me personally)
I may be the only person here in this thread who doesn't have a turntable and speakers worth mentioning.
A nice turntable setup would be way too expensive for a poor student like me :'(
I mean, you really need some decent speakers if you want to enjoy the benefits of an LP, right?


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