Let's Discuss Your Raspberry Pi Setups
Mar 25, 2015 at 1:33 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 42


500+ Head-Fier
Mar 27, 2007
Northern New Jersey
Like the title says, I wanted to start a thread discussing Raspberry Pi audio setups. There doesn't seem to be a ton of discussion around here, just a few scattered threads. Hopefully this will change as the Version 2 is now released. I'm new to Linux and not a total computer expert, but I was able to put a pretty good system together for less than $100 using a bunch of stuff I had laying around already.
I've been through quite a bit of tweaking my setting over the past few weeks. I started running Raspyfi on my Model B last year, but only occasionally using it. I decided it was time for a change a few weeks ago and updated to Volumio version 1.4, which worked, but with issues relating to loading my library from an attached external HD. Even though I got it working and outputting to my Schiit Modi, I wanted something more convenient. This was when I decided to purchase another Pi B+ to set up as a NAS using Rasbian. Again this took a few days of playing with settings to get the NAS functioning as I wanted it, but I finally was able to get everything set up with an old 1TB external hard drive connected that was visible to all my devices.
My last hurdle was getting Volumio to work. I updated to version 1.55, however for some reason there were issues with the new kernel that caused terrible distortion from my Modi. The Volumio forum support was okay, but I wasn't able to get my issues resolved. I finally decided to give Rune Audio a try. The newest version of Rune has been rock solid for me and I had no issues with either connecting to my NAS or audio output. There may not be quite as many audio quality settings, but I've had no issues with anything, even streaming 24/192 music wireless via my relatively low powered Pi NAS wirelessly.
I am controlling this whole setup using a combination of my tablet (HP Touchpad Running CM7) and an old LG Android phone, both running MPDroid. The only issue I have is with the phone losing connection to the server every time a song changes. All that is required is to hit reconnect, but its an annoyance that I haven't been able to figure out yet.
If you have some time to spend and are willing to learn some new things and do a lot of experimenting, it isn't too bad to make a very nice low cost headless unit.
I'd like to see some others post their setups here and what software and hardware they are actually using. There are a ton of options, especially with newer I2S devices like the HiFi Berry being released.
Mar 28, 2015 at 5:18 AM Post #2 of 42
+1 to Rune Audio. It works just beautifully , has a ton of option. I tend to use the web interface so i can control it on every device in my office and i don't have to bring with me any tablet of phone.
Now i'd love to pair it with a dac, but i haven't decided yet witch one.
A big plus goes also to the community on their forum, very active and helpful.
Mar 28, 2015 at 12:20 PM Post #3 of 42
So are you just using the analog mini output? I've never used it but haven't heard good things about it.
Apr 1, 2015 at 1:47 PM Post #4 of 42
So after a few weeks of no issues at all, I decided last week to get a new power strip since what I had was old and kind of a sketchy setup. Of course this required me unplugging my Raspberry Pi. And of course this has lead to several days worth of issues. First the Pi connected perfectly but would skip or stop playing ever 30 seconds to minute for 20-30 seconds at a time. At this point, I unplugged for another restart. After this, the Pi would not stay connected and would drop off the MPD and wireless network randomly. Even while connecting it would skip again. Last night I finally reflashed Rune Audio to my SD card but I am still having issues. Every time I put a load on the Pi using the web interface (such as rescanning my library), I lose my internet connection and have to restart the Pi, making it necessary to rescan.
As good a solution as this is, I just can't afford to be spending hours getting things working again every time the system is unplugged or loses power. I'm giving this another night or two of playing, but I think after that I may be moving to a netbook running Foobar for less hassle. Unless something gets fixed, this system just isn't reliable enough for me to rely on. Especially for what is supposed to be out of the box hardware/software.
I will report back if I am able to fix my issues.
Apr 2, 2015 at 3:26 AM Post #5 of 42
Using the RPi B+ with Picoreplayer  and the LMS/Vortexbox backend.
Picoreplayer has everything in RAM when booted so zero problems with sudden powerdown.
USB and HDMI output.
HDMI is better for the Hirez stuff up to 192kHz, the USB output clicks and pops too much, standard Redbook CD audio is fine in either case.
Setup of the Picoreplayer is a matter of burning the image onto a microsd card and booting the thing, it shows up on my LMS web interface shortly after.
Picoreplayer comes with its own WebUI.
LMS setup is pretty easy if used as part of Vortexbox (it has sane defaults), and removes the burden of scanning and processig album info and art from the Pi.
I have the RPi2 and Beaglebone Black on the way.
Checkout the Flirc case, all aluminium including integrated heat spreader for the CPU, works with the B+ and Pi2
Apr 5, 2015 at 10:28 AM Post #6 of 42
Not pi but so close it would be wrong for them to hook up, i'm using a cubox-i from solidrun using volumio from my nas. Using optical to my Bifrost and using usb from my pc, i love the ability to switch use modes with the touch of a button.
Apr 5, 2015 at 10:56 AM Post #7 of 42
I have my new RPi 2 as mediaplayer.
What i should buy for better sound in cinema (80%) and music (20%) ?
Now i have:
RPi 2 -> HDMI -> TV Panasonic ST60 -> 3.5jack-2xRCA -> McIntosh C28 -> Music Fidelity M1PWR
Should  i buy USB-DAC for RPi 2 ?
One guy offer me unused ODAC for 70$. Should i buy it or it's not worth?
Is it fit to transfer HQ audio formats?
Thank you.
Apr 5, 2015 at 9:02 PM Post #8 of 42
  Should  i buy USB-DAC for RPi 2 ?
One guy offer me unused ODAC for 70$. Should i buy it or it's not worth?
Is it fit to transfer HQ audio formats?

RPi 2 is quite good for HQ audio, no dropouts or clicks unlike my RPi B+
I have mine connected via USB to a Yulong DA8 and playback 352kHz DXD tracks without any problems.
It also can stream DSD to my dac up to DSD128.
Apr 6, 2015 at 9:57 AM Post #9 of 42
Good to see there are some people using these setups. I may need to invest in a PI2 sometime soon. I've been having major issues with both Rune Audio and Volumio. The most recent version of Volumio was very stable, but was having significant compatibility issues with my Schiit Modi creating horrible distortion. I'm going to have a Bifrost coming this week, so I will have to revisit and see if it has gotten any better.
Apr 8, 2015 at 5:05 PM Post #10 of 42
Computer Audio newbie here.
I'm interested in getting a Pi B+ as a low cost headless music player.
Just wondering what power supply you're using.
I’ve heard complaints from people using cheap wall-warts that can barely power a Pi, let alone any USB peripherals. I was told  to use a 12W adapter that puts out 2.4A.
Apr 9, 2015 at 12:45 AM Post #11 of 42
  Computer Audio newbie here.
I'm interested in getting a Pi B+ as a low cost headless music player.
Just wondering what power supply you're using.
I’ve heard complaints from people using cheap wall-warts that can barely power a Pi, let alone any USB peripherals. I was told  to use a 12W adapter that puts out 2.4A.

I would get something that is UL/CSA/VDE listed, this provides modest assurance that the adapter has been tested to fail gracefully and not start a fire.
I avoid the really cheap stuff out there.
A lot of it also depends on whether you are powering the DAC off the USB interface. If you are using just the HDMI and not USB for audio the power drain is less and therefore you might be able to use a 2A or smaller plug pack.
I use the Canakit  2.5A adapter, to power my RPi and the Amanero USB interface of the DAC.
Aug 27, 2015 at 11:22 PM Post #12 of 42
I am about to receive my first RPI. I´m gonna use it with openelec im my bedroom tv set. But, of course, I will try it with Volumio. If the performance goes well, I will buy two more.
Crawling Chaos
Aug 30, 2015 at 8:23 PM Post #14 of 42
  Yesterday I got the RPi. Since it is a RPi 2 model B, I didn't expect to have any issues with my Schiit Modi. But unfortunately it didn't worked.
Crawling Chaos

The RPi defaults to using the internal soundcard, you have to tell it to use the USB interface.
Check that Openelec sees the Modi as a sound interface.
Aug 31, 2015 at 7:58 AM Post #15 of 42
Thanks for the reply, b0bb, but in openelec I didn't tested the USB DAC. In this case I'll use only the HDMI. But.... after looking into the problemm for a while, I finaly got the Volumio working with this Schiit (sorry, I couldn't help myself!). I found a thread in GitHub with the information that the lack of FIQ support was ruining my sound. After applying the sugested solution, I got the sound back, crystal clear.
Crawling Chaos

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