LCD-X and XC Update
Apr 8, 2024 at 3:23 PM Post #2,701 of 2,744
I no longer have my Mojo2, but I do have a Hugo2. Hugo2 sounds very similar to Mojo2, albeit a little more controlled over all and some say, a bit brighter. Power output and impedances are pretty similar.
LCD-X and LCD-XC are both very efficient headphones, requiring little power to go very loud. Indeed I do believe they use the same drivers, just one happens to be a closed back, and that causes a different tuning (frequency response).
When I first heard the XC's at a Canjam with my own Hugo2, I was so smitten with the punch and attack and ofcourse the clarity of the sound (compared to my then, a modded Hifiman EDXS) that I bought one a couple of months later! A violinist friend, heard mine and loved it in an instant, but he wanted open back, so he got the LCD-X.
I have heard both headphones now with the Hugo2, and I can assure you, there is no sluggishness or slowness to the sound, what so ever!
What I suspect is, that some amps may create a distortion that in turn is heard as a hardness to the sound. Since the Audeze's have the lowest distortion ratings of many, that distortion, becomes very audible, and then it is mistaken as Attack.
can drive the Audeze's perfectly, to very loud levels. Scientifically and Subjectively.
Do not dismiss objective/scientific reasoning behind these arguments just because you are on a Hifi forum. People like Rob Watts and other top designers, design the very gear we all use, purely on scientific reasoning and objective measurements. They do use subjective listening testings AFTER they have nailed the science first.
The book confirms that Mojo2 and LCD-X (and indeed XC) will have no issues, and I confirm that they don't.
I have been listening to the LCD-X+Mojo2 quite a bit recently, my impression has changed!!! I increased the voume to green/cyan region, maybe my usual listening volume (orange/yellow) didnt bring out the dynamics that much, granted very rarely a slight bit treble hotness appear here and there but everything else is so much better, the RU6 is bit more smooth / analogish but its distortion is killing me which is made apparent by LCD-X's revealing nature.
I also like HE1000SE a lot and it works better with high dynamic range albums, but give it low dynammic range albums like 80's Iron Maiden it sound lifeless and 2D, with these albums LCD-X shines, all in all highly recommended with Mojo 2 :)
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Apr 13, 2024 at 9:25 PM Post #2,703 of 2,744
About the lcd xc pads (leather)

They are glued on. In the case of a pad change. Do I have to send the headphones in to Audeze?
There is a link within the Audeze web site to a Google video on user replacement of LCD earpads.
Apr 13, 2024 at 10:23 PM Post #2,707 of 2,744
Apr 14, 2024 at 11:49 AM Post #2,710 of 2,744
I wanna try some dekoni pads. I will remove the stock pads with the adhesive on, but…. Is there a way to additionally use them again after I changed. Like buy only the adhesive, or how does that work?
it will be still sticky, even after some time (talking about months), but some adhesive would help for sure if you want to use it again

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