LCD-2 (especially the Rev2 Driver) or HE-500??
Nov 29, 2012 at 4:51 PM Post #196 of 271

It is a sweet combo.... Silky smooth, yet detailed and nice seperation and soundstage. Not the tightest bass available, but nice.

edit: Just trie the HE-500 on the WA2 (been a while) - and I think it sounds great too :p

Ardilla, with your otl wa2, which one do you like best - the he-500 or lcd-3?
Nov 30, 2012 at 2:59 AM Post #197 of 271
Damnit, my wallet was hoping you would say he-500 

Do you have to use 5998 type tube for them to shine?
Nov 30, 2012 at 7:07 AM Post #198 of 271

Damnit, my wallet was hoping you would say he-500 

Do you have to use 5998 type tube for them to shine?

I like the LCD-2 rev 1 almost just as much, so your wallet can still smile :wink: And the HE-500 is good as well - but hey, LCD-3 is like 3 times the price - so what'd you expect? edit: The HE-500 is brighter, the LCD-3 is darker - metter of preferance. Some say the WA2 isn't powerful enough - but I have never been able to hear disortion/clipping - even when forcing it. But OTL is not the obvious way to go with insensitive orthos - so others will tell you it is no good. Then, there are others around that agree with me :wink:
Yes- I have the 5998, but 6080 and 6AS7G works fine too. 
Do you have the WA2? Your profile says 339? Some think 339 is quite good with the HE-500
Nov 30, 2012 at 7:42 AM Post #199 of 271
I like the LCD-2 rev 1 almost just as much, so your wallet can still smile :wink: And the HE-500 is good as well - but hey, LCD-3 is like 3 times the price - so what'd you expect? Thing with the HE-500 is that it needs some volume on the WA2 to bring out the ggodies, and I like to keep the volume down. Some say the WA2 isn't powerful enough - but I have never been able to hear disortion/clipping - even when forcing it. But OTL is not the obvious way to go with insensitive orthos - so others will tell you it is no good. Butothers agree with me :wink:
Yes- I have the 5998, but 6080 and 6AS7G works fine too. 
Do you have the WA2? Your profile says 339? Some think 339 is quite good with the HE-500

Yes, I know of the whole debate regarding OTL amps and low ohm HPs but I really like my La Figaro 339 and I do not want to get rid of it, nor do I want to purchase another to complement it. My GF would not approve :)
Thats why Im intrerested in your opinion regarding OTL and LCD-x.
I have also read that HE-500 and LF 339 match really well but I have also read that HE-500 is more of a jazz phone and I'm more into rock, pop, old school hip hop, electronica and acoustic rock. Sometimes also metal. The HE-500 seem not perfect for these genres..? I am also looking to have one go-to phone and not a dozen ones.
The thing is, I just sold my whole speaker setup since I couldn't really find the time to listen to it anymore due to two small children. For the money, I'm investing in a HP-rig instead (please, no comments that HP can never replace a speaker-system, i know but but). During the whole time frame I was in the "speaker-system-world", as opposed to the "headphone-world", I upgraded my speakers and amps etc many many times. I have had really expensive speakers and feel that I want a really, really good HP now so that I dont miss my speaker system too much. 
Since I live in Sweden though, it's rather impossible for me to audition lcd before hand. So Im thinking, if other OTL owners like LCD with OTL, I may take the chance... 
I was initially afraid that an OTL wont even work at all with LCD but clearly thats not the case. Its just that some people don't think the OTL sound and the laid back sound of the LCD don't match really well? Right?
Personally, I think I would like it, if the specifications are there to back up the match to work (if you know what I mean).
Btw, I also like to listen at low volume (if tht should rule the HE-500 out).
And im also gonna buy 5998 if I decide to go for lcd-3.
Do you think I should take a leap of faith? 

Nov 30, 2012 at 9:04 AM Post #200 of 271
Yes, I know of the whole debate regarding OTL amps and low ohm HPs but I really like my La Figaro 339 and I do not want to get rid of it, nor do I want to purchase another to complement it. My GF would not approve :)
Thats why Im intrerested in your opinion regarding OTL and LCD-x.
I have also read that HE-500 and LF 339 match really well but I have also read that HE-500 is more of a jazz phone and I'm more into rock, pop, old school hip hop, electronica and acoustic rock. Sometimes also metal. The HE-500 seem not perfect for these genres..? I am also looking to have one go-to phone and not a dozen ones.

LCD-2 rev2 are perfect (in terms of price/performance) for modern genres - pop, rock, metal (I listen to all of them)... They sound perfect regardless you like 80s or recent modern music. I do very like them with acoustic-guitar based music as well.
But I guess they are not intented for jazz, classical and this sort of music lovers...
Nov 30, 2012 at 9:06 AM Post #201 of 271
Yes, I know of the whole debate regarding OTL amps and low ohm HPs but I really like my La Figaro 339 and I do not want to get rid of it, nor do I want to purchase another to complement it. My GF would not approve :)
Thats why Im intrerested in your opinion regarding OTL and LCD-x.
I have also read that HE-500 and LF 339 match really well but I have also read that HE-500 is more of a jazz phone and I'm more into rock, pop, old school hip hop, electronica and acoustic rock. Sometimes also metal. The HE-500 seem not perfect for these genres..? I am also looking to have one go-to phone and not a dozen ones.
The thing is, I just sold my whole speaker setup since I couldn't really find the time to listen to it anymore due to two small children. For the money, I'm investing in a HP-rig instead (please, no comments that HP can never replace a speaker-system, i know but but). During the whole time frame I was in the "speaker-system-world", as opposed to the "headphone-world", I upgraded my speakers and amps etc many many times. I have had really expensive speakers and feel that I want a really, really good HP now so that I dont miss my speaker system too much. 
Since I live in Sweden though, it's rather impossible for me to audition lcd before hand. So Im thinking, if other OTL owners like LCD with OTL, I may take the chance... 
I was initially afraid that an OTL wont even work at all with LCD but clearly thats not the case. Its just that some people don't think the OTL sound and the laid back sound of the LCD don't match really well? Right?
Personally, I think I would like it, if the specifications are there to back up the match to work (if you know what I mean).
Btw, I also like to listen at low volume (if tht should rule the HE-500 out).
And im also gonna buy 5998 if I decide to go for lcd-3.
Do you think I should take a leap of faith? 

Tjenare grabben!
I think the "OTL's can't drive orthos" is ********. But I do know that Dubstep Girl experienced clipping with the WA2/LCD-2r2 - clipping which I cannot reproduce with neither of my orthos (LCD2-r1, LCD-3, HE-500), even playing the same song - very every loud... (too loud to actually wear the headphones..)... 
The WA2 sounds a bit laid back with the orthos. If you want super duper macro dynamics and sharp super-snappy sound etc look elsewhere. But if you like smooth, intimate sound, yet detailed, and with layering and depth - it is very nice. Bass is full - but not tight as a fist. 
I did a write up on the WA2 vs the WA22 which you might like to read (HERE)
Nov 30, 2012 at 9:17 AM Post #202 of 271
Totally NOT agreed. I think HE-500 is great with "rock, pop, old school hip hop, electronica and acoustic rock." -well - hip hop I don't do, but still. HE-500 is good with al genres, it's not a genre-dependent phone. 
I have also read that HE-500 and LF 339 match really well but I have also read that HE-500 is more of a jazz phone and I'm more into rock, pop, old school hip hop, electronica and acoustic rock. Sometimes also metal. The HE-500 seem not perfect for these genres..? I am also looking to have one go-to phone and not a dozen ones.

Nov 30, 2012 at 11:51 AM Post #203 of 271
Tjenare grabben!

Are you swedish? :)
Anyway, thanks alot Ardilla - you and Hoega has shredded my disbelief in OTL with LCD-X. I appreciate that!
I think I will go for LCD-3. 
Worst case scenario is I have to get rid of either the 339 or the LCD-3 if I don't like them together...
Nov 30, 2012 at 12:53 PM Post #204 of 271
Are you swedish? :)
Anyway, thanks alot Ardilla - you and Hoega has shredded my disbelief in OTL with LCD-X. I appreciate that!
I think I will go for LCD-3. 
Worst case scenario is I have to get rid of either the 339 or the LCD-3 if I don't like them together...

If you are deciding between HE-500 and LCD-3, I think there is no contest here really... If you have the money, you should go for LCD-3 and only hope you will be satisfied enough taking the crazy price into account. I would definitely not going to be satisfied with them for the price of 2000USD and that's why I have LCD-2 rev2 and am not willing to upgrade until Audez'e are going to release a pair of headphones that will perform adequately to its price like LCD-2 rev2 do.
IMHO, of course...
Nov 30, 2012 at 1:12 PM Post #205 of 271
If you are deciding between HE-500 and LCD-3, I think there is no contest here really... If you have the money, you should go for LCD-3 and only hope you will be satisfied enough taking the crazy price into account. I would definitely not going to be satisfied with them for the price of 2000USD and that's why I have LCD-2 rev2 and am not willing to upgrade until Audez'e are going to release a pair of headphones that will perform adequately to their price like LCD-2 rev2 do.
IMHO, of course...

Thanks, I appreciate your opinion.

Thing is, I would be interested in the LCD-2 if they were like LCD-3 just not as refined. 
But I hear LCD-3 har bigger soundstage, is more airy, has better treble that still isnt harsh (i am allergic to unnatural treble), is more comfortable, is easier to drive, has tighter bass etc. etc. 
My point being - maybe they arent worth 1000 dollars more (but who am I to say) but there is more then one thing they do better, apparantly. Why settle for less, but please, convince me otherwise!
Nov 30, 2012 at 1:41 PM Post #206 of 271
Thanks, I appreciate your opinion.

Thing is, I would be interested in the LCD-2 if they were like LCD-3 just not as refined. 
But I hear LCD-3 har bigger soundstage, is more airy, has better treble that still isnt harsh (i am allergic to unnatural treble), is more comfortable, is easier to drive, has tighter bass etc. etc. 
My point being - maybe they arent worth 1000 dollars more (but who am I to say) but there is more then one thing they do better, apparantly. Why settle for less, but please, convince me otherwise!

Well, I have discussed my issues with LCD-3 a lot here (and many people do not like that or tend to disagree). So I will try to be as objective as possible.
1) I do not find the treble of LCD-2 rev2 to be any harsh or overemphasised (and you can call me extremely sensitive to treble). I do find it extremely natural and prefer it even for rock and metal over anything else I have heard so far. There is no sense of glare with vocals (it is possible you will hear the glare a bit with LCD-3 because of more emphasis on the region of 1 - 2 khz than ideal). LCD-2 rev2 do not have that emphasis.
The treble is going to be a bit more pronounced with LCD-3, it should be the most bright Audez'e's pair (which can be desired as the majority of headphones today are overtrebled). It should have a bit more air but overally, I do not find LCD-3 to be more neutral from the graphs. But MacedonianHero do find them to be more neutral.
It's of course very subjective but I do like the treble of LCD-2 rev2 as it is because when I add a bit of airiness to its sound via EQing (especially with brainworx digital v2 as it adds a bit of air natively), it does not sound better to me. There is a bit more air then but I prefer the feel of transparency, balance and compactness without it. I can hear the emphasis around 10khz to be a bit unpleasant to my ears rarely... This area is even more emphasised with LCD-3. And is going to be even more with HE-500.
2) Their technical measurements are simply not good enough in comparison with LCD-2 rev2... MacedonianHero seem to disagree with me but if you have a look at square waves, impulse response or %THD+noise, LCD-3 (even rev2 version) do not justify their price. HD800 are WAY better for 1500USD... But those Senns do not have the Audez'es sound signature.
3) I do not find LCD-3 to be more neutral than LCD-2 rev2 from their graphs as I said... But again, there are different opinions about it here.
4) LCD-3 could be too much revealing for modern genres (not top-quality recordings)...
Please do not take this as a sure thing... Just my opinion. I haven't heard LCD-3. But honestly, if I had the money, I would rather spend them on LCD-2 rev2 (angled connectors) and the most suitable amp/DAC and wait until Audez'e will release LCD-4 or anything that is really going to be as good as 2000USD. Or you can try Stax... But they are most probably not going to offer the bass quality of Audezes.
Nov 30, 2012 at 1:48 PM Post #207 of 271
Dude, you have got to stop talking about gear you've never heard. Measurements will only take you so far.
And with that, you'd be giving out poor advice. Leave it to those who have heard both pair.
Nov 30, 2012 at 1:53 PM Post #208 of 271
Well, I have discussed my issues with LCD-3 a lot here (and many people do not like that or tend to disagree). So I will try to be as objective as possible.
1) I do not find the treble of LCD-2 rev2 to be any harsh or overemphasised (and you can call me extremely sensitive to treble). I do find it extremely natural and prefer it even for rock and metal over anything else I have heard so far. There is no sense of glare with vocals (it is possible you will hear the glare a bit with LCD-3 because of more emphasis on the region of 1 - 2 khz than ideal). LCD-2 rev2 do not have that emphasis.
The treble is going to be a bit more pronounced with LCD-3, it should be the most bright Audez'e's pair (which can be desired as the majority of headphones today are overtrebled). It should have a bit more air but overally, I do not find LCD-3 to be more neutral from the graphs. But MacedonianHero do find them to be more neutral.
It's of course very subjective but I do like the treble of LCD-2 rev2 as it is because when I add a bit of airiness to its sound via EQing (especially with brainworx digital v2 as it adds a bit of air natively), it does not sound better to me. There is a bit more air then but I prefer the feel of transparency, balance and compactness without it. I can hear the emphasis around 10khz to be a bit unpleasant to my ears rarely... This area is even more emphasised with LCD-3. And is going to be even more with HE-500.
2) Their technical measurements are simply not good enough in comparison with LCD-2 rev2... MacedonianHero seem to disagree with me but if you have a look at square waves, impulse response or %THD+noise, LCD-3 (even rev2 version) do not justify their price. HD800 are WAY better for 1500USD... But those Senns do not have the Audez'es sound signature.
3) I do not find LCD-3 to be more neutral than LCD-2 rev2 from their graphs as I said... But again, there are different opinions about it here.
4) LCD-3 could be too much revealing for modern genres (not top-quality recordings)...
Please do not take this as a sure thing... Just my opinion. I haven't heard LCD-3. But honestly, if I had the money, I would rather spend them on LCD-2 rev2 (angled connectors) and the most suitable amp/DAC and wait until Audez'e will release LCD-4 or anything that is really going to be as good as 2000USD. Or you can try Stax... But they are most probably not going to offer the bass quality of Audezes.

Yeah, I understand your point. But LCD-2 has always been 1000 dollars, right? LCD-3 always 2000 dollars. LCD-4 is not gonna be 2000 dollars also if they keep the tradition up... But sure, LCD-4 (if still an open can - I have read they are about to release a closed back HP) would be nice for 2 grand. But what would LCD-3 then cost?
Nov 30, 2012 at 1:56 PM Post #209 of 271
Dude, you have got to stop talking about gear you've never heard. Measurements will only take you so far.
And with that, you'd be giving out poor advice. Leave it to those who have heard both pair.

I can talk on whatever I want... I have claimed that I have never heard LCD-3 as you can see.
I have been asked to say my opinion and that's what I did. Feel free to report my post if you want...
Nov 30, 2012 at 1:57 PM Post #210 of 271
LCD2s over any hifiman IMO. I don't much prefer the treble spikes on the HE series. That said the Audeze have a rolloff after 1khz which can make them sound dark. The square waves of the Hifiman phones also have a pretty sharp leading peak hence the fatigue. For electronic music LCD's are reccomended by a large margin. Pick your poison.

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