La Figaro 339
Dec 14, 2012 at 11:21 AM Post #1,216 of 6,909
Dec 16, 2012 at 2:31 PM Post #1,218 of 6,909
Everything is all setup and back in working condition.  Turned out my problem was a blown driver so Beyer replaced the drivers on the phones...once the shop was reopened I had them back in 48 hrs.
I had a couple tube rolling questions.  First of all, do we need to buy in matched pairs or just make sure its the same brand?  
Second, I'm looking at the 6AS7 tubes from "The Tube Store" and it looks like the Sovtec, the Winged C, and the "Russian" tubes are all the same with different branding.  If this is true, it seems I should buy the cheapest out the three, the "Russians."  All three tubes were made by SED in St. Petersburg.
Last, does it matter what brand EF80 I buy?
On a completely unrelated topic, what should my Windows volume be set at?  I want the DAC to be as close to Line as possible, but there's no way to know what 0db is when its measured by percent.  Do I just have to do trial an error until it sounds good?
Dec 18, 2012 at 10:21 AM Post #1,219 of 6,909
So yesterday the repair guy called me. Tested it for 10 hours, he said. Found nothing wrong with it! 

Puzzelled, I picked it up, went home, plugged it in, and experienced the problem after 3 secs! (just to be sure it's not something else, I tried other signal cables, other headphones, other sources, other tubes again) How he managed to avoid it for 10 hours amazes me!!!!!?
Well, back to the shop it went yesterday. Now I'm back to waiting... 

I had a couple tube rolling questions.  First of all, do we need to buy in matched pairs or just make sure its the same brand?  
On a completely unrelated topic, what should my Windows volume be set at?  I want the DAC to be as close to Line as possible, but there's no way to know what 0db is when its measured by percent.  Do I just have to do trial an error until it sounds good?

1. I wouldn't bother with matched pairs. More expensive and more of a hazzle to pull off. Here's where the much yelled at second volume control become your friend.
2. The volume should be at 100% all of the time. Reducing volume digitally is reducing the digital bits and hence the quality of the signal.
Dec 18, 2012 at 11:30 AM Post #1,220 of 6,909
Just wanted to say:
Pertaining to the HRT MSII+ -> La Figaro 339 -> HE-500 combo:
I recently got the Violectric V800, which I pair with my V200 and HD800.  
However, a few days ago I thought maybe I should try to pair the V800 with the LF339 and HE-500 to see if it makes the HE-500 even better (I know... it's hard to imagine).
Here's what I noticed:
Instantly, it's evident that technicalities are in a different league.  The headphone is more detailed, soundstage is wider with a better sense of depth, and instruments can be heard with higher resolution.
Bottom line: With the LF339 and HE-500, the HRT MSII+ is still the better suited DAC.
Doesn't matter if the V800 has technicalities that are better, it seemed to nerf qualities of the MSII+ that I thoroughly enjoyed with this setup.  One of my main gripes was that the bass impact was greatly reduced.  Pop and electronica songs were not as enjoyable as they once were with the MSII+.  
Second gripe was that vocals lost that creamy smooth sensation (likely due to faster decay and transients), but the HE-500 FEEDS ON those great vocals!  All in all, switching from the MSII+ to the V800 made the HE-500 veer more towards the analytical side of sound, which is not why we cherish and love the beautiful creation of musicality.
The V800 is still better than the MSII+ with the HD800, but it just goes to show how preferences for sound signature are so evident once you get to high end headphones, even all the way up the chain to the DAC.
Dec 18, 2012 at 11:43 AM Post #1,221 of 6,909
So yesterday the repair guy called me. Tested it for 10 hours, he said. Found nothing wrong with it! 

Puzzelled, I picked it up, went home, plugged it in, and experienced the problem after 3 secs! (just to be sure it's not something else, I tried other signal cables, other headphones, other sources, other tubes again) How he managed to avoid it for 10 hours amazes me!!!!!?
Well, back to the shop it went yesterday. Now I'm back to waiting... 

1. I wouldn't bother with matched pairs. More expensive and more of a hazzle to pull off. Here's where the much yelled at second volume control become your friend.
2. The volume should be at 100% all of the time. Reducing volume digitally is reducing the digital bits and hence the quality of the signal.

I've thought about this one quite a bit.  You want the volume on the program at 100%.  You want the volume on S/PDIF at 100%.  But you shouldn't want the volume on the RCA out of the sound card at 100%.  Sound card is converting it from digital to analog.  When you adjust the Windows volume you're changing the volume on the opamp on the DAC and you don't want that at 100% because you'll over modulate.
Dec 18, 2012 at 1:50 PM Post #1,222 of 6,909
So yesterday the repair guy called me. Tested it for 10 hours, he said. Found nothing wrong with it! :blink:
Puzzelled, I picked it up, went home, plugged it in, and experienced the problem after 3 secs! (just to be sure it's not something else, I tried other signal cables, other headphones, other sources, other tubes again) How he managed to avoid it for 10 hours amazes me!!!!!?
Well, back to the shop it went yesterday. Now I'm back to waiting... :angry_face:
1. I wouldn't bother with matched pairs. More expensive and more of a hazzle to pull off. Here's where the much yelled at second volume control become your friend.

2. The volume should be at 100% all of the time. Reducing volume digitally is reducing the digital bits and hence the quality of the signal.

Ad 1 .so i can buy two seperate tubes from same type?
Dec 18, 2012 at 4:27 PM Post #1,223 of 6,909
Ad 1 .so i can buy two seperate tubes from same type?

Thats what it sounds like.  Regarding the EF80s, the guy who answered the phone at the tube store said its a funky old tube.  That nobody has come back and complained about sound quality or given him input regarding the various brands they sell.  He recommended specifying that they give two of the same brand, but beyond that was unable to provide any advice.
Dec 18, 2012 at 6:34 PM Post #1,226 of 6,909
Where do you buy them?  The Telefunken EF80s on Ebay are pretty pricey.

The tube store seems a bit over priced if ( is what you're talking about.  
I generally get my tubes from the tube center (  6AS7G is $12.00, EF80 is $3.00.  I've received RCA, Marshall Electronics (pretty sure this is a tung sol re-brand since they're manufactured in newark, NJ), and catham (jan-cahg-6as7g) 6AS7G's from them.  The EF80's I have from them are sylvania and siemens.  
Dec 18, 2012 at 9:38 PM Post #1,227 of 6,909
Thanks for the link.  I was thinking the tube store seemed high.  The Russian 6AS7Gs were $25-30 each through them, whereas Ebay had them for $15/pair + shipping (albeit you had to wait for it to be shipped from the former Soviet block).
Dec 20, 2012 at 4:10 PM Post #1,229 of 6,909
I didn't see any for 10 euros.  I'll have to look again.  I might just use the tube center, though.  They're prices looked good and I can request telefunken, if they have any available.  Ebay prices on old Soviet tubes looked good, too, but most looked like they'd take a long time to ship.
Dec 21, 2012 at 10:06 AM Post #1,230 of 6,909
I didn't see any for 10 euros.  I'll have to look again.  I might just use the tube center, though.  They're prices looked good and I can request telefunken, if they have any available.  Ebay prices on old Soviet tubes looked good, too, but most looked like they'd take a long time to ship.

I haven't had a lot of luck making special requests at the tube center.  If you call, they just tell you to specify your 1st, 2nd, 3rd choices but when I do that my orders tend to get ignored.  They also do not respond to requests via email for specific tubes.  I've made requests for telefunken ef80's and never heard back.  I've even made requests for tubes they've sent me in the past (like the catham 6as7g) and I never heard back.  Maybe you'll have better luck... Supposedly I'm on a list for tung-sol 5998's but I'll be amazed if that ever materializes.

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