KG Megatron vs KG Stax T2
Jul 28, 2023 at 10:41 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 80

Schelp san

100+ Head-Fier
Apr 14, 2016
Cologne, Germany
Copied this from Stax Thread III (1604) upon request to this new thread.


Kevin Gilmore Megatron and Kevin Gilmore Stax T2, both built by Soren Brix


  • Build according to KG design
  • 450 V HV
  • Golden Reference HV and LV Power supply
  • Transformers: 400 VA + 2x 40 VA
  • Tubes:
1st Stage (12AU7/ECC82/(E80CC)): EH 12AU7

2nd Stage (12AX7/ECC83): ECC83 TELEFUNKEN Smooth Plates

Output (EL34): TESLA brown base (double O-getter)

CCS (EL34): Russian MULLARDS

  • Build according to KG redesigned T2, no replacement semiconductors
  • 500 V KG power supply
  • RK50 attenuator
  • Tubes:
  • Input (6922): JAN PHILIPS (Sylvania)
  • Output (EL34): TESLA brown base (double O-getter)

Testing source


Cables (just for the record, no talent on my side to hear a noteworthy difference to previously used cheaper whatever cables…)

USB è DDC: AQ Coffee, I2S DDC è DA: AQ Carbon 48, XLR DA è MT: Inakustik NF-803, XLR Megatron è T2: ORB J10

Musetec runs with 2x Sabre 9038 pro, but is tuned to a warmer, less than for ESS typical forward/incisive signature. Matrix X-Sabre 3 with same 2x 9038 pro e.g. was a lot leaner and more incisive sounding. Overall sound signature I would describe as fairly neutral.


Completely mixed, but I listened less to classical music.


Stax SR307, 007A (2016, port + spring mod), 009, 009S, X9000


Extension and resolution seems similar on both, outstanding (maybe slight advantage for T2).
Treble on MT is more rounded and never causing fatigue, slightly subdued in comparison to T2. A completely grain free and sweet presentation.
T2 is presenting treble with more energy and dynamics, and most important, without harshness. Treble kicks in much stronger on T2 and more immediate, but appears not overdone in absolute terms.

Mids on MT appear to my ears as full, very liquid and “creamy” sounding. There is absolutely no shout to vocals (or anything), no matter how far the volume is cranked up.

On T2 the mids are tighter, less warm and big sounding, but maybe more articulated and focused. Probably many would say more neutral than MT, but I cannot say MT having colored mids in the reverse conclusion.

MT bass is precise, extends deep and delivers the fattest bass of all amps I listened to. T2 bass is most precise and extends deeper, bass is not as big and fat as MT. Bass impact is very prominent on MT (but not overdone), but is in comparison softer. T2 bass can hit you like a hammer, there is so much punch and rumble, if the music demands for it. MT is more polite in comparison. IMO the bass presentation of both suits all the a.m. headphones very well, and this alone sets both amps apart.


MT overall sound signature is relaxed and engaging at the same time, timbre is on the warm side. Both micro- and macrodynamics is great (be sure, all these EL34 are no statists). Already after plugging in MT for the first time, with the very first song it was clear to me that it is special in the way how harmonic its sounds. Tuning is on the softer side, very natural. There is not too much tube glare (unlike e.g. an unmodified SRM007t). The attribute coherency comes into mind, and that this is no one trick pony, more like experiencing one of the most “adult” sound of an amp I ever listened to, whether HP or speaker amp. Paired with great resolution all across the board, good transparency, delivering the most beautiful sound colours. Soundstage is very wide and deep, but exactly not like some overly exaggerated fuzzy tube amp staging one might have experienced. Next on the favorite list is how much body is given to the music, especially to the bass, resp. the lower frequencies in general. I guess this is not the kind of tuning one can generate by EQing other amps, this is organically implemented, and it suits the Staxes so well (even my 007A). MT is the perfect amp for (very) long listening sessions.

T2: Overall more (most!) energetic and more straight sounding. The analogy of an athlete, whose muscles are always tensioned comes to mind. This leads to a very lifelike (but not stressful) presentation, there seems to be not one millisecond delay from the record till it reaches the ear. Simply impressive!

T2 sounds a bit brighter/leaner than MT, having less of this “organic charm”, but there is even more transparency. Many might say T2 is more neutral. In comparison to the Carbon I experienced, T2 is less bright. I think there is enough warmth for most tastes and I think this makes a big difference. If some amps (also sources and transducers) suffer from either being highly dynamic but more lean sounding, while others from being warm but less dynamic, this is not the case with T2. I guess most would say T2 is where you want it to have. Compared to MT, stage on T2 is smaller, but probably more “correct” in size, with width and depth equally pronounced.

Mainly because of in comparison less treble energy of MT, listening at higher volume is possible and can be highly enjoyable. Both amps have excellent reverb, another ability which sets them apart from the other amps I could try before (speaking from memory though). Reverb on MT seems to be even more distinct than on T2.

T2 adds excitement already at low listening volumes. T2s most energetic presentation challenges you more, especially when cranking up the pot. You will not read a book while listening to music which is presented with this lifelike absolute authority.

Tube rolling


Above mentioned tube configuration is based on the preceding words. Few other settings I tried:

1st stage
  • E80CC instead of 12AU7. (Possible if the PS can handle the filament current of 0,6 A instead of 0,3 A. Using this tube results in slightly more gain.)
  • I tried Valvo (Heerlen) and Tungsram E80CC. Both seem to be similar in sonics. This leads to a more engaging presentation, leaner and more treble sparkle compared to the EHs, but in the last time I feel it is maybe somehow not 100% “harmonic”. I would say its a preference thing. For now I switched back to EH 12AU7, because:
2nd stage
  • Coming from EH 12AX7 I switched to Telefunken ECC83 (Smooth plates), and this tube makes a difference. The Tele is adding resolution, treble extension, midrange presence and stage depth, tight bass. It is not a very tubey sounding tube I would say, but suits in this position very well, highly recommended. Together with a.m. E80CCs maybe too much of a good thing, bringing it to the lean side.
  • I tried also Valvo ECC83 MC2 45° (Hamburg), this adds some 3D stage, but overall a bit too sleepy for my taste here.
Output stage
  • Coming from Russian Mullards. They are overall pleasing in every regard, nothing to complain about. Recently I put in the Teslas, and they seem to be slightly more refined and clear sounding, a bit tighter in a good way. JJ EL34 II were no improvement (too lean). Overall there seems less influence compared to 1st and 2nd stage rolling, maybe no need to spend big money here. (Btw., GG was reacting much more on changing EL34)
  • CCS: The Mullards I never changed.
  • Receiving any experience from other MT owners would be very welcome.
(edit: Telefunken + Tungsram ECC82 and vintage Mullard ECC83 are on its way)

  • No change of the input tubes so far (want to try Valvos)
  • Changed the output from Russian Mullards to the Teslas. Not very much difference, but the Teslas I liked better. Also here overall a bit clearer, tighter with better treble resolution, but not night and day.

Synergy with Headphones (preliminary)

This was respective still is not an easy (but most enjoyable!) task, personal preference as mood and music are playing a role and there are many combinations + influence of tube rolling. I think I can already say that none of the mentioned headphones sounds less than at least very good on both amps, there are no real sonic mismatches.

  • X9000: Especially with this one I had my issues when getting it and I was not sure whether I would keep it. When MT arrived, I found missing synergy with X9000, so I forgot that idea. The full bodied character of MT with its thick mids was like it was made for X9000. Only area where I feel “only” good synergy, is in the treble. Both partners are having great resolution and extension, but are on the softer respective harmonic side.
  • 009/009S (I will not differentiate between these at this point): IMO the perfect match! Period. I doubt anybody would call 009 bright or edgy in this combination and you would be surprised at which volume fatigue free listening is possible.
  • 307: see 009, just wow. I would prefer 307 with MT over the round Staxes on certain “lesser” amps.
  • 007A: IMO also a good match and no, I do not find the bass region too congested. But indeed a combination where bass heads might lift an eyebrow. Btw., MT is able to drive also 007 to unhealthy volume levels, and everything remains so listenable.
  • (Once I could compare 007Mk1 (70xxx) and my 007A on MT and Carbon. 007MK1 I liked better on Carbon, but 007A (and all the other HPs) I preferred on MT.)

  • X9000: Very good match, but different synergy than with MT. As T2 adds a bit less body and thick mids to the music than MT, presentation is of course also leaner (but luckily not lean in absolute terms). Where X9000 really profits is in the bass and treble. Compared to 009, X9000 bass bleeds a bit into the lower mids (my perception), but the control, punch and precision of T2 cures that for me in a noteworthy way. The treble of X9000 was originally an issue for me. While resolution could not be better, treble is on the soft side and I missed macro dynamics, excitement. T2 cured this, treble is simply outstanding now.
  • 009: Very very good match (at lower volume perfect). Two wild tigers are meeting, playing with their laser swords. All the qualities of T2 applied on 009 lead to a maximum exciting listening experience. For me the most impressive of all combinations at lower volume. Listening loudly for longer time can be too much of a good thing though. Right now I prefer 009S over 009 on T2, as it is slightly more “civil”, less challenging at higher volume.
  • 307: Very good match, highly energetic and exciting sounding. Reasonable volume without fatigue is possible. And while I rate a 009 or 009S (which share a good part of their tuning with 307) higher, it is again surprising how much also this one is scaling with amplification. Taking into account I paid 250 € new, this thing is a kind of small wonder.
  • 007A: You expect it, and yes, T2 fits to 007A perfectly. T2 transforms specially this one to a much more awake and precise transducer. Midrange recession is reduced, bass is juicy and accurate, the treble alive and just right. Having all the HP in front I ones was about to swap from 009 to 007, until I realized 007 was already on my head.

Overall thoughts:

I can easily agree with previous statements who called these two amplifiers outstanding, both are by far the ones I enjoy the most. Every headphone I tried sounds great in its own way with either amp, pairing is in the end as always a question of preference.

IMO T2 is not simply a better Megatron, as a Ferrari is no better Bentley. The full bodied and liquid tuning of MT is something very special and it suits probably the taste of many. On the other hand the energetic nature of T2 in combination with its balanced and lifelike sound is impossible to ignore and I´m sure will excite every listener.

Before T2 arrived here I thought at low volume listening most estat amplifiers do sound more similar to each other vs when cranked up, when more capable amps dominate due to lower distortion and all that. T2 somehow disproved this for me, I expect this alone might make some prefer T2 over MT.

I hope I could give a little bit of (preliminary) indication what to expect with these amps. Sorry for a not more polished language, and while reading it there are repititions…(never tried to describe sound in more than 2-3 lines before).
Btw, some might need to consider the WAF (wife acceptancy factor). I can say MT with its smaller one box solution is easier to “sell” for having it in the living room :wink:

Again, thank you Soren for providing these two excellent builts. Kevin, thank you for making these possible.
Jul 28, 2023 at 2:46 PM Post #2 of 80
Fantastic review of equipment very few will have the privilege to own - let alone own both.

It would be interesting to hear about how the MT sound changes with tube rolling. The T2 as I understand it is less effected based on its design.
Jul 28, 2023 at 4:28 PM Post #3 of 80
OK, first its megatron (one word) not MT. not "mega tron" not "mega-tron"
notice tron is copyright disney. and robotron (the pc version that i wrote) is copyright williams electronics.

true story.
originally i wanted to name the thing optimus prime (2 words). but i got optimus mixed up with megatron and put megatron on the board.
and it was too late to change it. and then i got complaints on why i would name it after the ultimate bad guy.

So ... the megatron XXL has been renamed as optimus prime. which is what i always wanted in the first place.

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Jul 28, 2023 at 4:55 PM Post #5 of 80
OK, first its megatron (one word) not MT. not "mega tron" not "mega-tron"
notice tron is copyright disney. and robotron (the pc version that i wrote) is copyright williams electronics.

true story.
originally i wanted to name the thing optimus prime (2 words). but i got optimus mixed up with megatron and put megatron on the board.
and it was too late to change it. and then i got complaints on why i would name it after the ultimate bad guy.

So ... the megatron XXL has been renamed as optimus prime. which is what i always wanted in the first place.

Syllabic abbreviation is common in the English language, professor :)

If you want to get into the lore of it, megatron is an anti-villain with the motto "my power is everything" which I think exemplifies the amp pretty well.
Optimus Prime's "freedom is the right of all sentient beings" feels more BHSE imo.

Megatron XXL seems to be a reference to Magic Mike XXL (the striper comedy film). I assumed this was because you were "back to the grind" with designing new gear.
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Jul 28, 2023 at 5:04 PM Post #7 of 80

Above mentioned tube configuration is based on the preceding words. Few other settings I tried:

1st stage
  • E80CC instead of 12AU7. (Possible if the PS can handle the filament current of 0,6 A instead of 0,3 A. Using this tube results in slightly more gain.)
  • I tried Valvo (Heerlen) and Tungsram E80CC. Both seem to be similar in sonics. This leads to a more engaging presentation, leaner and more treble sparkle compared to the EHs, but in the last time I feel it is maybe somehow not 100% “harmonic”. I would say its a preference thing. For now I switched back to EH 12AU7, because:"
I have both Valvo and Tungsram E80CC, and I would look at other true 12AU7 tubes before settling on EH 12AU7. Some would endorse 5814 types, but for not much $, I would look at (new issue) Gold Lion 12AU7 or Ei 12AU7.
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Jul 28, 2023 at 5:24 PM Post #8 of 80

Above mentioned tube configuration is based on the preceding words. Few other settings I tried:

1st stage
  • E80CC instead of 12AU7. (Possible if the PS can handle the filament current of 0,6 A instead of 0,3 A. Using this tube results in slightly more gain.)
  • I tried Valvo (Heerlen) and Tungsram E80CC. Both seem to be similar in sonics. This leads to a more engaging presentation, leaner and more treble sparkle compared to the EHs, but in the last time I feel it is maybe somehow not 100% “harmonic”. I would say its a preference thing. For now I switched back to EH 12AU7, because:"
I have both Valvo and Tungsram E80CC, and I would look at other true 12AU7 tubes before settling on EH 12AU7. Some would endorse 5814 types, but for not much $, I would look at (new issue) Gold Lion 12AU7 or Ei 12AU7.
any experience with el34 xf2?
Jul 28, 2023 at 5:26 PM Post #9 of 80

Above mentioned tube configuration is based on the preceding words. Few other settings I tried:

1st stage
  • E80CC instead of 12AU7. (Possible if the PS can handle the filament current of 0,6 A instead of 0,3 A. Using this tube results in slightly more gain.)
  • I tried Valvo (Heerlen) and Tungsram E80CC. Both seem to be similar in sonics. This leads to a more engaging presentation, leaner and more treble sparkle compared to the EHs, but in the last time I feel it is maybe somehow not 100% “harmonic”. I would say its a preference thing. For now I switched back to EH 12AU7, because:"
I have both Valvo and Tungsram E80CC, and I would look at other true 12AU7 tubes before settling on EH 12AU7. Some would endorse 5814 types, but for not much $, I would look at (new issue) Gold Lion 12AU7 or Ei 12AU7.
Thanks for the recomendation. It is indeed the plan to continue with 12AU7/ECC82. Since few days I have now Telefunken ECC82 plugged in and I like it in combination with Telefunken ECC83 better than with EH12AU7 or E80CC. A big difference compared to have EHs in both places.
Not sure, but did I read that Ei continued on the Telefunken production?
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Jul 28, 2023 at 6:58 PM Post #11 of 80
So ... the megatron XXL has been renamed as optimus prime. which is what i always wanted in the first place.

Oh yeah, that sounds about right! 😊 So optimus prime uses 4 pairs of 300B, is that correct? Would love to have this commissioned in the future, although the thought of having to buy 8 Elrog tubes is pretty intimidating 😁
Jul 28, 2023 at 7:10 PM Post #12 of 80
Kevin Gilmore Megatron and Kevin Gilmore Stax T2, both built by Soren Brix

OK, first its megatron (one word) not MT. not "mega tron" not "mega-tron"
notice tron is copyright disney. and robotron (the pc version that i wrote) is copyright williams electronics.

the megatron XXL has been renamed as optimus prime. which is what i always wanted in the first place.


Waiting for he-man amplifier
Megatron XXL seems to be a reference to Magic Mike XXL (the striper comedy film). I assumed this was because you were "back to the grind" with designing new gear.
... whatever was left of my brain just exploded.

This seems like the right moment for @protoss to chip in about the Megatron BK edition :)
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Jul 28, 2023 at 7:23 PM Post #13 of 80
Thanks for the recomendation. It is indeed the plan to continue with 12AU7/ECC82. Since few days I have now Telefunken ECC82 plugged in and I like it in combination with Telefunken ECC83 better than with EH12AU7 or E80CC. A big difference compared to have EHs in both places.
Not sure, but did I read that Ei continued on the Telefunken production?
Yes, Ei had all of the old Telefunken equipment and made some very decent tubes up until the Croatian war then the factory either dumped the manufacturing equipment or it was destroyed in the war. There is still some of their signal tubes floated my around on eBay. At one time the Ei el34 tubes where the in tube. But they were also famous for flame outs. The signal tubes seem to hold up well. I have used many of the Ei signal tubes with no issues
Jul 28, 2023 at 10:14 PM Post #14 of 80
seems like the right moment for @protoss to chip in
Like the review and his points. Good stuff.

@Schelp san
If you can, lots of pictures will be great. Close ups, side by side, lights on, off, internals? Maybe 10 or so pics
Jul 29, 2023 at 4:37 AM Post #15 of 80
Like the review and his points. Good stuff.

@Schelp san
If you can, lots of pictures will be great. Close ups, side by side, lights on, off, internals? Maybe 10 or so pics
Pics with lights on? Now you got me. It is not all about the sound, the mesmerizing effect does its own thing. To stay with fictional characters, you feel like Mogli and the amps are Kaa :wink:
Will post more pics later/copy from the other thread.

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