Kennerton ODIN, MAGISTER, VALI, Magni, Gjallarhorn, Rögnir, Thridi, Wodan, Thekk, and Thror Discussion.
May 5, 2017 at 3:17 AM Post #1,216 of 10,066
This thread somehow disappeared/got deleted from my list of subscribing threads. Might be due to the error/oversight in some logic in the site data migration. So I didn't know there were updates :frowning2:

Anyway, I'm back here again :)

Yeeh !

Welcome, again Ithilienrp in this new head-Fi forum (with a different look) ! :)

About yours three Odin, I just talked about it in the french forum HCFR

You will soon understand why.
May 5, 2017 at 5:23 PM Post #1,218 of 10,066
Got my Odin in.

One thing I noticed was that on 'Sound and Color' Track by Alabama shakes the left driver was rattling. I thought..."oh No I don't want to ship it back all the way to Russia to get fixed"

  • Well I opened the headphones and gave it a gentle blow of air to make sure no debris was on the driver.
  • I also removed the thick felt that was covering the outside cup opening to give it more air.
  • Then I took some dynamat and lined to driver edges where it fits in the cups to create a tighter seal.
  • I also swapped pads to Alpha pads for just a tad more warmth in the bass.
The results is that it does sound a little more open but I am not sure I like the brighter sound. BUT there is no more rattling so the debris is gone. I think the driver already had a tight seal and I am hearing no changes to the bass.

Maybe @Kennerton Team can chime in and let me know if by doing the above I voided the warranty?
May 5, 2017 at 7:38 PM Post #1,219 of 10,066
And well, the order of your Odin, in Zebrano wood it seems to me, was finally fast.

Seriously, wait at lest 50 hours of burn-in to appreciate it to its right valor; it will greatly gain in fluidity, finesse in the treble and details and expressiveness in the mids; It is also possible that the basses also gain fluidity, with a lot of textures and frankness. Listening to the bass guitar with the Odin is exceptional.
In short, it can only improve in the tens of hours to come.

Good (re) discovery of your Odin. :)
May 5, 2017 at 10:43 PM Post #1,222 of 10,066
My (Bog Oak) Odin also has little rattling in the left driver. Quite a shame considered that this one was sent back to get driver replaced (It used to be the Sipo-Oldwood, had severe right driver rattle. Sent back, waited almost 3 months, came back with left driver rattle).

However, it only happens with extremely low sub-bass frequency (< 30 Mhz) at extremely loud volume (louder than, I guess, anyone would listen to the music).

I don't have solid understanding of the technology (being a computer scientist and software engineer, I understand it only in theoretical and mathematical realms). However, it seems to improve a bit after listening to music a while. Put it back in the box or on stand a few days, and it's back again. I don't know but driver physical exercise seems to help a bit with my case.

So I'm not sending it back this time.
May 6, 2017 at 2:42 AM Post #1,223 of 10,066
^^The review unit had more than 200 hours on it easily. I like my personal Odin pair and before I made some minor adjustments I dont hear any differences. Don't care about burn in though.

^Def could be debris. My Odin was making rattling on sub bass too. Now gone!
May 6, 2017 at 10:31 PM Post #1,224 of 10,066

May 6, 2017 at 11:41 PM Post #1,226 of 10,066
I did unseat the driver and I did remove the frontal felt. It's best to gently blow on the driver through a cloth as to not get the driver wet from your mouth. I tried to see the debris but couldn't. I gave it a quick shake and put it back in cup. You have to be careful though because the wires to the cable jack are very thin.
May 7, 2017 at 3:31 AM Post #1,228 of 10,066
About the mini French meeting, the last weekend, which brought together the best headphones currently in production in the world (except the system Sennheiser orpheus2), the French forum HCFR made several small video reports on the place of the meeting; Here are two youtube video; You can use the subtitle translator to translate the text in English.

If I were to sum up certain impressions of this meeting,

There is little talk about Kennerton headphones, but Bernard (Kéké26, the inventor of the famous Kékénerton V1 and V2 headband, improving the wearing comfort of the Odin, especially for small heads) prefers as headphones the Odin (2.45 K€) and the HE-1000 V2 (3 K€); He also liked the new Edition 6 (Susvara) of Hifiman, but finds its price (6 K€) unjustified; The Shangri-La (electrostatic headphone + dedicated amplifier ) did not make the unanimously; The price of this set is surreal (50 K€); Note that the Stax SR-009 (4.5 K€) is much too dark with the tube amp 300 B of the Shangri-La; The small amp SRM 353-X (1.2 K€) worked better, for the Stax SR-009! Otherwise, the copy of the LCD4 (5 K€) tested did not convince; Some found it boring (even on the Viva 845 amp! (11.5 K€).
The Focal Utopia (4 K€) is just as appealing to some as the HE-1000 V2 (3 K€) (Note: maybe this is one of the very first series of this headphone Utopia, like the copy tested by Tyll ? (smile)).
We did not talk about the Vali or the Elear, each one of these very good 1 K headphones having their supporters.
Otherwise, the Abyss Phi (6 K€) tested has been enjoyed by those who already liked the Abyss, but the upgrade of 2 K€ (to go from the Abyss to the Abyss Phi, replacing the drivers) is deemed expensive, and all the people will not make the transformation.

This is what I learned from this great moment of encounter.
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May 7, 2017 at 4:03 AM Post #1,229 of 10,066
I find you again on this new headfi palteform :beyersmile:

Grizzlybeast, Zebrano version is definetley the second most beautiful Odin after the luxurious karelian birch.

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