Just realized I'm not an audiophile
Nov 9, 2006 at 11:52 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 12


1000+ Head-Fier
Aug 30, 2005
I found my perfect headphones, the ATH-D1000. It's everything I wanted in a headphone - it's closed but has a very natural, balanced frequency response, and even a somewhat forward midrange (unlike every other closed headphone I've heard). It has a ton of detail but keeps everything well blended together and fun, not cold and analytical at all. Also, the positioning and soundstage is amazing - you can just close your eyes and see every instrument around you. But now I'm selling them...

Why? Basically because I don't use them that much - I find myself much happier when I'm just using my iAudio G3 and ksc75. Obviously, the D1000 blows the Koss away, but I've realized the experience of listening to music whenever I want is much more important to me than hearing everything perfectly. I'm much happier listening while chilling in the park or whenever the mood strikes, than having to sit down in my chair and decide when and what to listen to. Listening to full sized headphones while remaining immobile is a very forced and unnatural feeling to me, so staying portable is essential.

Another thing I realized is I don't like being able to hear all of the details. The Koss have the perfect level of detail for me; just enough to hear almost all of what's going on. The micro detail of the D1000 is amazing sometimes, but it makes the differences between recordings very apparent. Even when it's not a horrible recording, just different, it bothers me for some reason. This is a completely un-audiophile thing to say, but I like the way the ksc75 imparts the same basic sound signature to every recording. It makes everything feel familiar and comfortable. When listening to say, the Talking Heads right after having listened to something lush like Stereolab, they sound jarringly harsh and jagged. No, it's not a bad recording, it's just how they decided to record it. Not that I want all music to sound the same, I just want to smooth out the differences, if that makes any sense.

Basically, it comes down to this: the D1000 presents music how it was intended to sound, and the ksc75 presents music as it intends it to sound. So now I'm done with the world of audiophilia forever (again). Does anyone else feel this way, like the further up they went, the less satisfied they were, or am I just crazy?
Nov 9, 2006 at 11:59 PM Post #2 of 12
Only phones i currently use are E4 and UE5c, those two phones are perfect for me. Switching between the two is more than enough for my music needs. =D. I also use Blue Sky international studio monitors for my computer music system so really, i'm done w/ audio. I only read the members forums here.
Nov 10, 2006 at 12:17 AM Post #3 of 12
There is a lot to learn from what you say. I see these kinds of posts come up every now and then on Head-fi and it is always fascinating.

Right now, my system (both speaker and HP) is so transparent and revealing that listening to different recordings can be like playing the lottery. Is this going to sound good on my system? Is the recording quality and mix going drive me crazy? I don't remember having these problems/questions when I was a kid listening to Led Zeppelin out of my boom-box.

Sometimes I listen to music through my computer speakers while I get some work done and let it be that way. My speaker system demands so much attention when ANYTHING is playing through it that I can't do anything else but listen when it's on. This is literally true. I've tried so many times to read with the system playing in the background and I can't do it. In many ways this can be called a good thing. The system's fidelity is commanding. But sometimes I just want a few small satellite speakers in the corners and a nice laid back sand amp: coffee-shop style.
Nov 10, 2006 at 1:30 AM Post #4 of 12
Actually, I think this says a lot about how well the KSC75s sound. I have a couple of re-cabled pairs and like you I keep going back to them over an over. Yes, I like my AKG501 and DT880, but the KSC75s give me much of what I like. Yes, without the wide and deep soundstage, but not bad at all. Detail is there as is a warm sound.

On the headphone forum one often sees references to the 75s and many of these references are quite glowing if not brimming with enthusiasm. I am glad I own a couple of pairs and probably use them a lot more than any other can I own.

I am listening to Brahms 4th and I can hear every bit of detail in the orchestration and good frequency range, if not a bit rolled of top and bottom.
Nov 10, 2006 at 1:58 AM Post #5 of 12
you are an audiophile. put it this way - you put more thought into your KSC75 than most richboys put into their Orpheus. example of the latter? the dastardly 1911.
Nov 10, 2006 at 2:40 AM Post #7 of 12
Hopefully this won't ruin your ability to be a 'music lover' too. You'd be surprised how many people I know that only like listening to music because they have the flashy MP3 players. Just don't allow the music to become merely background - appreciate it.
Nov 10, 2006 at 4:15 AM Post #8 of 12

Originally Posted by Aman
Hopefully this won't ruin your ability to be a 'music lover' too. You'd be surprised how many people I know that only like listening to music because they have the flashy MP3 players. Just don't allow the music to become merely background - appreciate it.

I think I know what you mean - I did that quite a bit in college, sitting around and appreciating music
... Kidding aside, now that I think of it, I do tend to listen to music more as background recently, but I'd blame that on the fact that I haven't bought much new music lately. Usually when I first get an album, I'll listen to it with my eyes closed, paying really close attention to it. That lasts for maybe 5 listens, and then it gets relegated to the background music pile.

Of course, now that Tower Records is going out of business, I'm planning on buying a bunch of new stuff. I'm just waiting for them to drop down to 40% off (since their stuff is already 20% over amazon prices, 30% off isn't that big a deal).
Nov 10, 2006 at 4:29 AM Post #9 of 12
Congratulations! Whether audiophile or not (whatever the definition) you are better off than many.
Nov 10, 2006 at 6:14 AM Post #10 of 12

Originally Posted by Aman
Hopefully this won't ruin your ability to be a 'music lover' too. You'd be surprised how many people I know that only like listening to music because they have the flashy MP3 players. Just don't allow the music to become merely background - appreciate it.

or flashy amps/headphones... </shame>

In the end, it is about the music, as I've seen many people say, and whatever helps you enjoy the music is all that matters.

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