just got my Ety ER-6's and I HATE them: am I crazy?
Aug 21, 2002 at 8:50 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 13


Aug 4, 2002
OK, so I was so excited to get my ETY 6's and they arrived today. I have been using the Sony EX-70's (unmodded) the past couple of weeks and I have loved them. Great power, incredible isolation, good bass; granted not the truest cans around but I really like them. They are also very comfy. They are easily driven by my pcdp and at home I really feel they sound great through my stereo. I know it is almost heresy to say you like the EX-70's on this board, but I really like mine. So my thinking was if I like the EX-70's so much, I will be in heaven with the ETY 6's...Not so. I put the ETY's on and first thing I noticed was that they were not nearly as comfy as the EX-70's, but I did get a godd seal right away. Theyw ere more microphonic too. Then I played them on my pcdp, Expanium 301(Radiohead, U2). My first impression was that they were incredibly true. Great sound. But no power. When I turned them up the bass distorted. Now I know people say there is bass you feel vs. bass you hear, but I really felt these had no bass at all. I couldn't believe the lack of power as compared to the EX-70's. I'll even say that IMO the EX-70's sound better and fuller at a medium volume. The ETY's just don't seem to handle higher volumes very well, even through my Yamaha Home Stereo. I am really shocked. The one thing I will give them, is that the sound itself is very high quality--you will hear things that you won't with other cans--it just wasn't what I was looking for. I was looking for the EX-70's power with the clarity of the ETY's. It sounds like I would like the 4P's but I think I will stick with my $50 Ex-70's and save the money since I am happy with them. I will give the ETY's some more time, but I will probably return them. In summation, these cans sound great with the exception of what I thought was weak bass. But I was looking for power and good sound and to be honest the EX-70's meet me half way on the sound and all the way on power. The ETY's only meet me with their great sound; "But Captain, we've got to have more power."

One thought about my EX-70's: I have read on this board that the quality control of the EX-70's is very inconsistent, so could it be that I got a really good batch?

So I ask, "Am I crazy?"
Aug 21, 2002 at 8:54 PM Post #2 of 13
Are you certain that you're getting a good seal? Some of the comments that you made suggest otherwise. I've only used the Ety 4s, so I can't speak directly as to your sanity.
Aug 21, 2002 at 9:03 PM Post #3 of 13
i still use my modified ex70 when i want something simple and quick. using the theory of headphone relativity, i'm not surprised you thing the er6 is bass shy--especially going from the bloated bass of the ex70. give the ex70 a rest for a few days and just use the er6. chances are you're not getting a good seal with the er6, as they are a lot trickier to get seated correctly than the ex70, so practice makes perfect sound.

also, the er6 has a little edge in the treble. try burning them in for a day or so. if this doesn't help a small chunk of foamies in front of the er6 filters can help take the edge off and bring the bass up.

if the microphonics are a problem, as well as cord movement changing the position of the drivers in your ears, try this mod.

using an amp with the er6 (like the cha47) will also bring out more bass. keep in mind the er6 has a pretty neutral sound, so there will be no artificial increase in bass on some recordings like with the ex70.
Aug 21, 2002 at 9:26 PM Post #6 of 13
There are tricks -- use the search functions and you'll find many.

As I said, I never used the 6s before, so I can't help. I'm also a foam user, unlike most people. I've found it easier to get a good seal with the foam. I know they make "foamies" for the 6s but I'm not sure if they come with any or if you have to order them separately.
Aug 21, 2002 at 10:11 PM Post #7 of 13
Thanks everybody. I read some "seal" threads and I definitely was not getting the proper seal. They sound a lot better. They are still uncomfortable, but I will give a try. Thanks alot for all the help. It was so funny when I first tried them without a good seal, I couldn't believe how average they sounded. Now I am beginning to understand.
Aug 21, 2002 at 10:16 PM Post #8 of 13
I forgot to tell you the most important thing. I think just about everyone finds the Etys uncomfortable at first, but most people can get used to them and get to a point where they won't bother you at all. Give it some time, endure the pain, it might just pay off.
Aug 21, 2002 at 10:35 PM Post #9 of 13
Those Etys take at least some getting used to for most people. I don't own an ER-6; I own an ER-4S - which still has "weaker" bass than some of my other headphones. But that ER-4S bass is IMHO more articulate than that of my other headphones - no more of that boomy crap that plagues most other headphones.
Aug 22, 2002 at 12:44 AM Post #11 of 13
With my ER-6 it took about two weeks before it didn't hurt to wear them for more than a few songs. My ear canals would feel rubbed raw. But after toughening up the skin in there now I can wear them for a full workday (10hrs). Also the very fine coating of ear wax that gets on the tips helps with inserting and sealing.
Aug 22, 2002 at 9:18 AM Post #12 of 13
I own ER-4Ss as well. My experience is that the foam tips are the way to go. I can't use the rubbers in my ears for more than a few minutes. And ironically, the custom ear moulds that can be made are very rough on the plastic Etymotic stems. Mine broke twice from use with the silicon earpieces, and hence I don't use them anymore.

As for the brightness, assuming that ER-6s sound like the 4s, it's probably just a reflection of the front end of your system. The Etymotics tend to be extraordinarily revealing.
Aug 22, 2002 at 12:20 PM Post #13 of 13
. . . unless you consider me to be bonkers as well, Big Red.

See my Sun-Dried Bison Deposits thread for corroborating testimony -- finding it with the Head-fi search engine should be bracingly simple.

Listen, if Don, pro-*fesh*-uh-nal rep of Etymotics, finds it impossible to get a silicone seal with ER-6s, then lesser morts owe it to their auricular cavities to pick up foam tips.

Still, I find ER-6s to be lacking in the fullness of ER-4s and pronounce them to be chintzy knick-knacks for flat people who live in the first and second dimensions, respectively.

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