jp11801 Mini Meet Impressions
Sep 4, 2006 at 5:46 PM Post #16 of 79
John, promise me one thing, no Flemish Sour Ale in Austin. Mark just emailed me, he is in Mexico. I think Oz owes us something for the no show.
Sep 4, 2006 at 6:01 PM Post #18 of 79

Originally Posted by tyrion
John, promise me one thing, no Flemish Sour Ale in Austin. Mark just emailed me, he is in Mexico. I think Oz owes us something for the no show.

you got it no more SOOOUUUUUUR beer the first one wasn't so bad though

I really wanted Oz to stop by and hear the rig thought he could help tweak the LP12 oh well there's always next time. He could upgrade you to a shelter 7000 for the no show! I still would like to hear the Saturn to see if it bests the Ayre.
Don't know if I said it yesterday but thanks for coming over early to help set up and bring the table and chairs
Sep 4, 2006 at 6:04 PM Post #19 of 79

Originally Posted by jp11801
if it was a jazz trio with a drum solo in the first song it was We Three Roy Haynes/Paul Chambers

That was it! Thanks.

I almost forgot. Gary and Xenia, as I suspected, the present I had hoped to bring you was waiting on my doorstep when I got home. I'll send it off later this week.
Sep 4, 2006 at 6:22 PM Post #21 of 79

Originally Posted by F1GTR
Looks like you'll had another great Florida meet.

What model SOTA turntable is that? That's a fine looking record player.

It is a Sota Saphire in Rosewood. I haven't seen too many in Rosewood so when I got the itch to go a different direction regarding tt's I jumped at this one when I saw it at Let There Be Sound.


Originally Posted by jp11801
Don't know if I said it yesterday but thanks for coming over early to help set up and bring the table and chairs.

No problem.
Sep 4, 2006 at 7:52 PM Post #23 of 79

Originally Posted by mrarroyo
Sounds like it was another success story, only wish I could have been there. Nice gear and nice people, how much better could it have been.

We did have a good time. Hopefully, we can hook up with you and hear the Heed Canamp in the not to distant future. Look at the bright side, you didn't have to drink any of the Flemish Sour Ale (sorry John, I couldn't resist).
Sep 4, 2006 at 8:53 PM Post #24 of 79
What a cool gathering! Really beautiful gear & pics there. I'm pleased to see positive comments on the microZOTL - since I got mine, purk and I also agree that it's an incredibly great sounding amp for the price. Very musical and groovy; PRAT is its strength. It also drives anything from HP1000 to K340 without strain. I hope someone can get the word out there are raise new interest in this somewhat forgotten amp
Sep 4, 2006 at 9:06 PM Post #25 of 79

Originally Posted by mulveling
What a cool gathering! Really beautiful gear & pics there. I'm pleased to see positive comments on the microZOTL - since I got mine, purk and I also agree that it's an incredibly great sounding amp for the price. Very musical and groovy; PRAT is its strength. It also drives anything from HP1000 to K340 without strain. I hope someone can get the word out there are raise new interest in this somewhat forgotten amp

the microZOLT did a great job driving speakers as well, it did a great job with the Omegas at 96db sensitivity. What tubes did you find worked best in the microZOTL, this one had the stock EH 6sn7s?
Sep 4, 2006 at 9:11 PM Post #26 of 79

Originally Posted by jp11801
the microZOLT did a great job driving speakers as well, it did a great job with the Omegas at 96db sensitivity. What tubes did you find worked best in the microZOTL, this one had the stock EH 6sn7s?

I am still debating whether to pull the trigger on the Omega Super 3 XRS's. I also see a pair of Ken Rad 6SN7's for sale. I would love to hear the micro with better tubes.
Sep 4, 2006 at 9:47 PM Post #27 of 79

Originally Posted by tyrion
I am still debating whether to pull the trigger on the Omega Super 3 XRS's. I also see a pair of Ken Rad 6SN7's for sale. I would love to hear the micro with better tubes.

don't fight it just buy the omegas!
Sep 5, 2006 at 9:02 PM Post #28 of 79

Originally Posted by jp11801
Geez if you had your priorities straight you would have stayed, I mean how many of your wife's birthdays do you really need to attend

Mike I think Oz was right the SOTA may give the LP12 a serious run it sounded so musical.

Howdy folks,

My humblest apologies for not showing up but I promise to make it up at the next local gathering. How about free turntable calibrations and a do-it-yourself tube testing station?!!
(and as always any cool gear I have you would like to have present).

In any event, the SOTA. What else can I say? This product is VERY close to my heart. An original SOTA Sapphire, not as beautiful as this, was my first high-end turntable way back in 1985. I remember this was always billed in the trade publications of the time as: "America's Answer to the Linn LP 12" -- and it rightfully was, and is, IMHO. Besides the fact that it sports a classic 'old school' look and that it sounds so freakin' good (when properly setup & with decent ancilliary gear), one its main attractions or features that truly sets it apart from most of the competition is its astonishing immunity to all kinds of vibrations/disturbances from the outside world. And I mean you would have to aggressively jolt it hard before you hear any mechanical or acoustic breakthrough!

So yeah, make no mistake about it... Mike's new SOTA Sapphire with 1) a new (and much better) composite armboard, 2) a better cart such as the glorious Shelter 501 Mk.II, and a high-end DIN tonearm cable, would very likely wipe the floor with most Linn LP12's (in my humble opinion, your mileage may vary, etc...). And that's before you take it to the next level with a STAR vacuum hold-down system.

Regards and until the next gathering.

Oz - who also happens to own a Linn LP12 so this shouldn't be taken as Linn bashing at all. Just one guy's personal opinion.
Sep 5, 2006 at 9:23 PM Post #29 of 79

Originally Posted by vinylrules

So yeah, make no mistake about it... Mike's new SOTA Sapphire with 1) a new (and much better) composite armboard, 2) a better cart such as the glorious Shelter 501 Mk.II, and a high-end DIN tonearm cable, would very likely wipe the floor with most Linn LP12's (in my humble opinion, your mileage may vary, etc...). And that's before you take it to the next level with a STAR vacuum hold-down system.

you really know how to hurt a guy

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