JH Audio JH16 Pro First Impressions
Jun 5, 2010 at 3:10 PM Post #1,381 of 3,787

the only impression i have is of the company ... 
stupidassdrummer, i hope i didnt get leapfrogged in the haste. i am VERY anxious. i need a working pair of headphones. the effed up part is that theres a chance we all have to send them back!
b.w the shows, concerts, holidays, and journalists i feel neglected as a customer. as if were the lowest priority i guess. i dont know im angsty and want to see what the fuss is about, for a grand i dont know what i expected. do i want them sending emails everyday to take time away from the production center, no. but 6 wks is a while ... i recuse myself from being unbiased.

I feel your pain, man.  You have no idea. 
Jun 5, 2010 at 3:37 PM Post #1,382 of 3,787

the only impression i have is of the company ... 
stupidassdrummer, i hope i didnt get leapfrogged in the haste. i am VERY anxious. i need a working pair of headphones. the effed up part is that theres a chance we all have to send them back!
b.w the shows, concerts, holidays, and journalists i feel neglected as a customer. as if were the lowest priority i guess. i dont know im angsty and want to see what the fuss is about, for a grand i dont know what i expected. do i want them sending emails everyday to take time away from the production center, no. but 6 wks is a while ... i recuse myself from being unbiased.

Didn't something happen with the shipment of the drivers or something due to the volcano? It's not really their fault that that happened. Normally they're very good at support, customer service and fast shipping. 
Jun 5, 2010 at 5:34 PM Post #1,384 of 3,787

yea, i understand that. however that information came through headfi ... but that should have been understood as an act of God/nature what have you, which is clearly not in their control. the factors i listed ARE in their control. regardless of normal, this IS the only experience i have with them, and as such i cant pull on others past interactions as its not my own. again, im sorry if my posts dont line up with the rest of headfi and their exp, however it should be understood, which ive tried to clearly convey, that im anxious and biased. i would love nothing more than my bell to ring with the UPS guy walking away having left my IEMs at the door, in perfect condition :)
ill stop posting till i get them and return to my 2 yr hiatus. sorry for the clutter.

Good things come to those who wait my friend. I'm telling you now, it'll be worth the wait and MORE. Good Luck.
Jun 5, 2010 at 8:21 PM Post #1,385 of 3,787

Almost certain it's a bad fit. My bass has always sounded stupendous, but I guess it does depend on what you're used to.
For reference, it makes an sf5p sound like it's got no low end. In fact, it makes every universal i've ever heard sound like they've got no low end. I use a 3GS/lossless too.
The only time I remember hearing better bass is at a Muse concert.

Muse is sublime on the 16's, i am going to see them @ Wembley Stadium in September.
The Rock/Pop fused orchestral sound has the bass range all over the place with the way Muse write their songs and yet the 16's handle it with aplomb. 
Can't wait to hear them live, wonder if i should hold up a banner saying "Hear it through a JHPro Muse"!? lol
Jun 5, 2010 at 9:00 PM Post #1,386 of 3,787
Does anyone know what the accustomed burn in time is for the 16''s for those who believe in it?
I felt they where good out of the Otter box as the case may be, but after around 15 hours they settled down and relaxed a bit more and on around 40 hours they have opened up a bit more and instrumental tones have more timbre to them which i was impressed by in the first place and it just seems even more lucid now and has really feel like it has found it's rhythm even more so now and all this with the stock cable still.
Listening to Seal Greatest hits today the 2cd version with the acoustic 2nd cd and before found it a tad boring and sterile/flat with my universal iem's, but with the 16's it came to live and sounded like it was actually in the recording studio or a room with him, great feeling for a custom to do that.
I think to much emphasis has been made on the 16 on just it's bass with the extra headroom especially been held in comparison to it's older brother the 13's that i forgot that this is still very exemplary in every department that it is able to sound very life like and real in how it's sounds despite it's added bass spike and sense of richness and slight warmth that it has. There is more to the 16' than meets the eye for me.
At first when i got them for the first two days with around 8 hours listening time i got them it was like, yes, i am glad i choose these now after all.
Then the second day the next  six hours i listened i had  a hint of been overwhelmed by the extra headroom and getting listening fatigue already, i had in-denial beads of sweat going down my forehead thinking i should of got -3 of my 16's!
But gradually a few hours at a time it opened up and became more subtle and refined in the way it sound's overall in the last several hours (on approx 40 now) and i have also noticed that the placing of instruments that where first class to start with are even more convincing than ever that it is almost a bit surreal listening to a sound this good from these little plastic things with metal and wire stuck together with glue and solder. 
Nothing short of Amazing with a capital "A".
Even though i know there is much more that could be extracted from these 16's with even better equipment with the funds if i won the lottery or did not eat for a while then it makes me wonder will that JH3 be a must if i have one pair of JHpro's only?
The answer for me no matter how good the treasure is in the chest is i would need a second pair of JH pros as i would want to use my first (current) pair with so many other good sources now and in the future.
Thought my wallet had gone through the ringer enough since i found head-fi a year ago especially after my 16pro purchase, but now my wallet is going to report me for battery and assault at this rate!! 

So may take a breath and despite how good the technical advance Mr. Harvey has possibly made with this exclusive amp that only lets you use your Pros with it and nothing else i think i will still invest in a balanced twag with Protector to see me through the next Millennia!


Jun 6, 2010 at 5:26 AM Post #1,388 of 3,787

Ultimately, I knew it would come down to this. Please stop Daniel. Thank You.

Well, it was a bit of a low blow and not very called for. So I'm sorry, Sonic 748! I'm sure you are a nice person. However I do not want to be the judge of how you smell. 

Jun 6, 2010 at 5:58 AM Post #1,389 of 3,787

I don't know what I did, really.


You don't understand the way of head-fi my sad friend. Even new comers like me are being pushed off these improtant threads because of your stupid antics. Please back off and show some respect to everyone Sonic, espeacially to the senoir members. If your upsetting people, listen to that and try and get the message.
Jun 6, 2010 at 6:29 AM Post #1,390 of 3,787

the only problem i have with the new iems is that they are not portable you have to have them plugged into the amp to listen which is very inconvenient for me bc i plan to travel with them a lot.

I'm quite sure the JH16Pro is portable - very portable. It may be true that it sounds better with an amp, but it doesn't need one to sound amazing.
Jun 6, 2010 at 8:44 AM Post #1,391 of 3,787
Just heard these at canjam and it took a few seconds to know how good these are, that the 13 is more accrate and for me, the better of the 2. The 16 was a bt big in the bass but I'm sure many will think it just right.
 Also heard the 5 and was impressed for what it was. A bit warm and lacked some minor bass extension but much better balanced than other 2 ways I've listened to. Hard to believe this is the same guy that designed the UE 5 pro. No comprison and would be better than 10pros for me plus are already custom.
Jun 6, 2010 at 8:48 AM Post #1,392 of 3,787

Well, it was a bit of a low blow and not very called for. So I'm sorry, Sonic 748! I'm sure you are a nice person. However I do not want to be the judge of how you smell. 

IMHO, now you are just letting him off. I know he tries very hard, but the constant repetition is more than enough. Hence, this is not a low blow, merely a wake-up call on that there are other headphones, other people and a variety of different opinions here on head-fi.
Jun 6, 2010 at 9:59 PM Post #1,394 of 3,787

Muse is sublime on the 16's, i am going to see them @ Wembley Stadium in September.
The Rock/Pop fused orchestral sound has the bass range all over the place with the way Muse write their songs and yet the 16's handle it with aplomb. 
Can't wait to hear them live, wonder if i should hold up a banner saying "Hear it through a JHPro Muse"!? lol

Oh I agree Muse sounds great through the JH16s (better through them than anything else I can remember), but they were better live :p
Didn't hear them at Wembley Stadium, but I'm sure you'll be in for a treat :)

Jun 7, 2010 at 5:43 AM Post #1,395 of 3,787
can we make a thread dedicated for jh13 and jh16 customers who ordered their pairs and havent received it yet or have ordered after january and received it?i dont want to derail this thread with such information because it is an impressions thread afterall.
i will make a thread right now and please for anyone who is waiting in this stupid waiting game(yes stupid) to say his order because i would like to know.

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