Ipad! It's here! Anyone Have it yet?
Apr 6, 2010 at 2:00 AM Post #32 of 104

Originally Posted by balderon /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Doubt if I will purchase the noPAD.

1) NO USB ports
2) NO multitasking
3) NO camera
4) NO flash
5) NO character recognition
6) NO iChat
7) NO iTV

It also won't make your breakfast in the morning, do your laundry, or take out the trash.. However, no one buys things because of what they don't do. They buy them for what they do well...in this case, that is books, magazines, RSS feeds, Netflix, ABC, photos, news, the web, gaming, etc... The list will continue to grow as more apps come out. The only thing on your list I even care about is multitasking (would be nice to use Pandora while surfing the web), but I expect a jailbreak very soon that will solve that issue.


If I use logmein on a mobile device, that device MUST HAVE a keyboard because I am trying to control another computer!! I want to have a keyboard on everything I have. I want a keyboard on my cell phone.

Logmein, on the iPad, has an onscreen keyboard and it is very easy to use. Also, I will NEVER have another phone with a keyboard. I have had several Treos (the last being a 755p) and I much prefer the iPhone. The keyboard is a trade off in screen space and I much prefer a bigger screen.


. If I want to read a book on a mobile device, I want that device to have a keyboard so that I can search easily.

Once again, it has an onscreen keyboard and I doubt you are searching for an entire paragraph, so it should more than suffice for typing in a few words to search by.

If it did not have the onsceen keyboard, I would not have bought it.
Apr 6, 2010 at 2:05 AM Post #33 of 104

Originally Posted by uofmtiger /img/forum/go_quote.gif
It has an onscreen keyboard

On screen keyboard doesn't work for me. It has no tactile feedback, making me unable to type without LOOKING AT THE KEYS.

I absolutely hate typing on iphone screen.
Apr 6, 2010 at 2:15 AM Post #34 of 104

Originally Posted by choka /img/forum/go_quote.gif
On screen keyboard doesn't work for me. It has no tactile feedback, making me unable to type without LOOKING AT THE KEYS.

I absolutely hate typing on iphone screen.

the iPad is a lot bigger...its also not as big a deal because you're looking at the screen anyway.
Apr 6, 2010 at 2:20 AM Post #35 of 104

Originally Posted by grawk /img/forum/go_quote.gif
the iPad is alotbigger...its also not as big a deal because you're looking at the screen anyway.

I know it is a lot bigger. I have one here in the office...

looking at the screen or not doesn't make a difference. I think touch typists type in a completely different manner compared to people who look at keys. I have a hard time even when the keys are on the screen, because I still need to search for where the key exactly is, instead of relying on the actual physical keys themselves to tell. It is very easy for me to type on neighboring keys if I don't look hard enough on the screen, which is a pain for me.
Apr 6, 2010 at 2:26 AM Post #36 of 104
I'm a touch typist who types over 100wpm on a good keyboard. it doesn't matter, this is slower but it's still amazingly useful.
Apr 6, 2010 at 3:15 AM Post #37 of 104
Apple announced today that they are holding a press conference on April 8th about the release of OS 4.0 for the iphone. There aren't any more details yet but I'm guessing that 4.0 will finally give us multitasking. Hopefully this update will also apply to the Ipod Touches and Ipad's.
Apr 6, 2010 at 5:05 AM Post #39 of 104

Originally Posted by choka /img/forum/go_quote.gif
But the fact is, flash is more than just effects. There are tons of flash applications out there that DO things.

I agree, however there are a lot of things that HTML5 and java can do as well. I'm not saying there isn't a place for flash, I just think that both users and developers put a lot of emphasis, in my opinion too much emphasis on the platform. When I've done dev for websites I prefer using open standards and I honestly stay far an away from flash for a few reasons:

1) it's a pain to work with
2) unless done picture perfect it looks tacky
3) I dislike the implementation method and prefer a cleaner approach.

You make a valid point though. There are a ton of flash apps out there that can do amazing things. I'm just saying I prefer using just about any other method before using flash. This is just my two cents, not the lay of the land as it were lol. I don't know if I'm completely right or totally off base, however these are my feelings toward the matter.
Apr 6, 2010 at 5:35 AM Post #40 of 104
I've never developed flash applications at all. If i went to school a year later I probably would have. Recently I've been asked to learn flash on the side and write some apps for that though, so I have to get on it soon... but there is one thing i wonder, when you say it is a pain to work with, i doubt that. I've talked to a lot of non-technical people and those who've worked with flash before, usually would tell me it is dead simple, so... I guess I'll have to see for myself. (disclaimer: I did CS in grad school)

With that said, I don't know much about flash, but I have fair amounts of experience with Java and web and HTML, which I worked on in my previous jobs. I like the language with is nicely designed, but on the performance front, especially when we are talking about Java Applets (which is the only thing in Java I can equate to Flash), it just doesn't cut it. There is always a stupid "Loading Java" time, security problems, etc. When it comes to Flash it is usually a much cleaner experience for the user.

Html5? For all the previous html versions there's always been standards compliance problem. It is just a headache to get all browsers to display the same thing. I sure hope everyone will do the right thing this time, but my hopes are not high.

Anyway, back to ipad, I'll have to mess around with it a bit more to see if it is of any use.
Apr 6, 2010 at 5:47 AM Post #41 of 104
I did not have a good opinion of it until I tried my son's iPad. Pretty neat.
If you are going to be doing mainly web surfing, emails or reading, it really is a great device. The virtual keyboard is easy to use, and once you play with it, going back to the iPhone or iTouch is disappointing. The lovely screen it really is nice.
Having said that, the iNook is here to stay and is better if you want to read out in the sun by the pool.
I't be great to trips. I will probably buy me one when the come up with a built in camera.
Apr 6, 2010 at 6:29 AM Post #42 of 104
I actually considered getting one, but then I really thought long & hard about how I'd use. For me, it'd be nice for browsing & email, but to make really "worthwhile" for me, I'd want it for music & video as well. There just isn't enough onboard storage for the amount of lossless music & higer-rez video I'd want on it. I'll be waiting to see higher capacity iPads released in the future perhaps.
Apr 6, 2010 at 8:19 AM Post #43 of 104

Originally Posted by derek800 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Apple announced today that they are holding a press conference on April 8th about the release of OS 4.0 for the iphone. There aren't any more details yet but I'm guessing that 4.0 will finally give us multitasking. Hopefully this update will also apply to the Ipod Touches and Ipad's.

I predict we touch users will once again get shafted with a 10 dollar upgrade free.
Apr 6, 2010 at 11:24 AM Post #45 of 104

Originally Posted by choka /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I know it is a lot bigger. I have one here in the office...

looking at the screen or not doesn't make a difference. I think touch typists type in a completely different manner compared to people who look at keys. I have a hard time even when the keys are on the screen, because I still need to search for where the key exactly is, instead of relying on the actual physical keys themselves to tell. It is very easy for me to type on neighboring keys if I don't look hard enough on the screen, which is a pain for me.

I think you're missing the point -touch typing typically occurs because your screen and your keyboard are separated, but what if they were the EXACT same thing you were looking at? With the exception of the physical feel and bounce of the keys, spacing, custom keyboards etc... can all be fixed with newly released apps.

Actually a lot of people's complaints including multi tasking can be fixed with software updates. As far as I'm concerned I'm also waiting for the second gen of ipads to come out -not so that I pick up a second gen, but rather pick up a first gen at a cheaper price that will also benefit from the software updates from apple.

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