Introducing the T10i, an all new IEM from RHA
Oct 16, 2014 at 2:47 PM Post #271 of 613
Regarding sound signature only - you would say its quite a good upgrade from VSD3S? I like really much the VSD3S and I dont wanna lose any details, crispness. It costs 4 times as much as the Vsonic. Is it as good with classical music and pop as VSD3S, or better?

Thanks :)

No the T10i would not be the sonic upgrade for you if you like the VSD3S. I think your upgrade path would be the GR07 of some flavour or the Vivo X800. But this only speaking from a sonic performance evaluation as the T10i is a much better IEM from a build perspective.
Oct 16, 2014 at 3:36 PM Post #272 of 613
Dweaver, I do appreciate your reply from earlier,  for someone that listens to mainstream hip hop/dance/pop do you feel these iems would be the perfect candidate for that genre ?  I like Bass, but I don't want it to be overwhelming that drowns out the clarity of the music.  Do you think the bass on these are excessive maybe ?  
Oct 16, 2014 at 5:56 PM Post #273 of 613
For my music they are heavy at times but still enjoyable. They might work really well for hip-hop though, unfortunately I am not a listener of that genre though so can't say for sure. I do know that EQing down bass will not adversely affect sound quality versus boosting it. So you could do that if it Was a bit to much.
Oct 16, 2014 at 7:04 PM Post #274 of 613
One thing I want point out. I hope people understand I am more interested in conveying the type of signature I am hearing by giving examples of what I like. This is because for a bass lover the T10i might be considered balanced sounding while someone who used an Etymotic IEM would say it nothing but a bass cannon, BOTH OR CORRECT from their own viewpoint. Because I listen to something between those extremes generally for me these are bass heavy and warm.

By the way, as I type this I am on the train and using the T10i versus my brand spanking new Vivo X800 or my proffessed favorite DJE1500 or one of the other 2 IEMs in my bag. So I really do enjoy this IEM versus just trying to be nice to RHA. It won't be my only IEM that gets use but I do think it will get lots of use.

I have owned and returned the XBA-H3 which I think has a very similar signature so part of me asks myself the question, "am I willing to use these because I got them for free?". To be honest I can't answer that question fully because I wasn't given the H3 for free so will never fully know the answer. BUT I do know I had issues with the ergonomics of the H3 as well as minor wind noise neither which exist with the T10i so I do think that plays a roll in what would make me decide on favour of the T10i.
Oct 16, 2014 at 8:18 PM Post #275 of 613
I wonder how these compare to the Dunu dn-1000s? I like bass as I prefer variations of electronic music but ultimately listen to several genres including classic rock, jazz, and progressive bluegrass/jam.  
Thanks for the review dweaver.
Oct 16, 2014 at 8:43 PM Post #276 of 613
  I wonder how these compare to the Dunu dn-1000s? I like bass as I prefer variations of electronic music but ultimately listen to several genres including classic rock, jazz, and progressive bluegrass/jam.  
Thanks for the review dweaver.

From what I'm aware about the Dunu's is that they're likely to be more lively up-top, especially when you consider two balanced armatures are handling both the mids and highs. But I can't comment on quality. It would be an interesting comparison though.  
Oct 16, 2014 at 8:43 PM Post #277 of 613
Jazz is a mixed bag for me, older vocal Jazz from the 50's and 60's sounds great on the T10i in my opinion But really technical jazz like Patricia Barber works better with less bass and a lot more treble presence and detail. So the song I used for my comparison earlier was actually to the detriment of the T10i because it lent itself to the X800 more. But Nat King Cole Sounds amazing on the T10i.
Oct 17, 2014 at 9:51 AM Post #278 of 613
OK I am looking for some comparison volunteers...

Here is my proposal. I want to compare these two headphones to the T10i head to head.

MA750I and XBA-H3. I am picking these two IEMs because I want to answer the MA750 owners question about whether to upgrade. The physical design pretty obvious but in the end we need to know about audio differences. The XBA-H3 on the other hand is more about whether my sonic memories with a brief flirtation with the H3 are accurate or not.

So here is the proposal.

If someone has both IEM's it would be ideal but if not I need volunteers for each model.

The volunteer would ship me their IEM(s) which I would use for a week and write up my comparison.

I would then ship back their IEM(s) plus the T10i which they could then use for a week and write up their own comparison review. They would then ship me back my T10i (I will split pay for the return shipping to balance out shipping costs).

In the case of two volunteers I would have the first volunteer ship the T10i to the 2nd volunteer who would spend a week testing both IEM and doing his review, they would then ship both IEMs to me and I would do the same comparison review and then I would ship their IEM back to them.

Sounds more convoluted than it would actually be but I think I am clear enough for everyone to understand.

Anyone up for some comparison testing?
Oct 17, 2014 at 11:01 AM Post #281 of 613
OK, looks like I have the first volunteer :). Anyone with the H3 up for the task?
Oct 17, 2014 at 11:34 AM Post #283 of 613
I can also provide quick impressions vs. a few other IEM I've been enjoying recently (Altone, DGS100, T1-E, VSD3) and compatability (at least to my ears) with musical styles I enjoy which might not have been reported on yet (experimental electronic, dark metal, modern/minimalist). I'm not an expert in describing sonic characteristics, but I know what I like and have tried out many mid-tier IEM over the past decade.
Oct 17, 2014 at 11:40 AM Post #284 of 613
I would volunteer my MA750i's but I have a business trip coming up and wouldn't be able to live without them for that.
Oct 17, 2014 at 3:19 PM Post #285 of 613
No XBA-H3 owners interested in trying out the T10i? I could be persuaded to throw in a 2nd IEM for testing of that will help? :wink:.

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