Introducing Lotoo PAW Gold
Aug 18, 2016 at 2:25 AM Post #2,344 of 4,766
Ask Audionewbi. The valoq is warmer and more musical but less reference than the LPG apparently.

Correct the Valoq has a warmish full lush musical fun signature but still has greath depth and layering. Also a great pocket size.

LPG is definitely more reference signature for serious technical listening. Also parametric offers lots of signature flexibility. As we all know build quality is fantastic

Both are great so just buy both :wink:
Aug 19, 2016 at 1:26 AM Post #2,346 of 4,766
What could be "more" than the best sounding DAP?

I auditioned this one in Singapore. TBH I don't see any exceptional or best sounding like the hype. Beside the build quality sucks for a price tag like that. It all spells out cheapness, promiscuity in design and manufacturing regardless of the gold they try to strap on in a very nonsense way. And customers who bought this now waiting for support for mundane and trivial features any other DAP/cheap smartphone can do, that's why I say you guys should expect more than that.
Aug 19, 2016 at 1:32 AM Post #2,347 of 4,766
I auditioned this one in Singapore. TBH I don't see any exceptional or best sounding like the hype. Beside the build quality sucks for a price tag like that. It all spells out cheapness, promiscuity in design and manufacturing regardless of the gold they try to strap on in a very nonsense way. And customers who bought this now waiting for support for mundane and trivial features any other DAP/cheap smartphone can do, that's why I say you guys should expect more than that.

Did you audition the LPG, or the 5000?  I ask, because the build quality is "like a tank".  If there are DAPs with better build quality, I'm not sure I've seen it.  As for me -- what support?  I don't need support for a device that puts out great sound and works perfectly.  Not one hiccup I can recall, and I've had mine for awhile now.  You seem to have problems with the appearance, yet, it was the sound I suggested was what made it worth the price. I've owned a few DAPs, and for me, the LPG is at the top of the list -- right beside some that cost thousands more (yeah, that one). 

Aug 19, 2016 at 6:32 AM Post #2,350 of 4,766
Some people have gold ears...or are extremely deaf...i don't discute tastes, i just ask if the LPG has the false hype what about the AK240 and the Ak380?what about Tera player!!!!!?????

I own both LPG and Tera and find LPG better as far as SQ goes (more resolution, better instrument separation, and bigger stage). In the past I have also tried AK240 but liked Tera SQ significantly better.
All of the comparisons between these were with done with Tralucent phones (original 1plus2 & Ref 1 with Tera and AK240, and Plus 5 with LPG and Tera).
By the way, I find LPG UI perfect for a player with screen - much prefer simple screen with buttons and folder approach to any type of touch screen interface. However Tera screenless UI with 5 large buttons and no heat whatsoever generated by device is still my favorite device as far us usability goes (because I prefer to keep device in my pocket when I listen - cant do that with LPG because it does generate some heat).
Aug 19, 2016 at 7:25 AM Post #2,351 of 4,766
I own both LPG and Tera and find LPG better as far as SQ goes (more resolution, better instrument separation, and bigger stage). In the past I have also tried AK240 but liked Tera SQ significantly better.
All of the comparisons between these were with done with Tralucent phones (original 1plus2 & Ref 1 with Tera and AK240, and Plus 5 with LPG and Tera).
By the way, I find LPG UI perfect for a player with screen - much prefer simple screen with buttons and folder approach to any type of touch screen interface. However Tera screenless UI with 5 large buttons and no heat whatsoever generated by device is still my favorite device as far us usability goes (because I prefer to keep device in my pocket when I listen - cant do that with LPG because it does generate some heat).

Heheh! Agree on the portability of the Tera Player. I can slip into my jacket pocket and sneak listens in between meetings... Imagine the bulge the LPG would make...

But in terms of stellar SQ paired with simplicity of usage, the LPG and Tera are hard to beat. Not to mention the battery life. Hence, these tend to be my travel companions.

Also agree on the great pairing with Tralucent IEMs. :)
Aug 19, 2016 at 9:36 AM Post #2,352 of 4,766
Was a big shame that i wasn't able to audition any Tralucent IEMs especially the one that got my attention Plus5 with my Tera Player.
Was absolutely everything at the CanJam London apart from the items mentioned above..
Still will keep my eyes open and if I get to hear it and love it i will buy it with Uber Too cable.
Aug 19, 2016 at 10:08 AM Post #2,353 of 4,766
I own both LPG and Tera and find LPG better as far as SQ goes (more resolution, better instrument separation, and bigger stage). In the past I have also tried AK240 but liked Tera SQ significantly better.
All of the comparisons between these were with done with Tralucent phones (original 1plus2 & Ref 1 with Tera and AK240, and Plus 5 with LPG and Tera).
By the way, I find LPG UI perfect for a player with screen - much prefer simple screen with buttons and folder approach to any type of touch screen interface. However Tera screenless UI with 5 large buttons and no heat whatsoever generated by device is still my favorite device as far us usability goes (because I prefer to keep device in my pocket when I listen - cant do that with LPG because it does generate some heat).

Heheh! Agree on the portability of the Tera Player. I can slip into my jacket pocket and sneak listens in between meetings... Imagine the bulge the LPG would make...

But in terms of stellar SQ paired with simplicity of usage, the LPG and Tera are hard to beat. Not to mention the battery life. Hence, these tend to be my travel companions.

Also agree on the great pairing with Tralucent IEMs.

I also travel to work every day and carry both LPG and Tera in my bag. I use LPG and Plus5 with Uber too on the NJ train (when I'm typically sitting down) and able to have the device out of pocket, and then switch to Tera with Ref 1 and Whiplash cable for later part of the trip (30min walk or NYC subway - much prefer the device in the pocket for that). While this is overall a long commute to work being able to enjoy LPG and Tera with Tralucent phones makes the trip feel too short (no joke).
Aug 19, 2016 at 3:41 PM Post #2,355 of 4,766
Some people have gold ears...or are extremely deaf...i don't discute tastes, i just ask if the LPG has the false hype what about the AK240 and the Ak380?what about Tera player!!!!!?????

No hype. LPG is that good! I can't speak to the Tera player as I've never heard one, but I own the AK380/amp, and while the sound is "different", I enjoy the LPG just as much.  IMHO, the LPG is better at sub-bass and the high end excels.

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