InEarZ (Fisher Hearing) Custom Remold Owner's Thread
Apr 11, 2012 at 9:15 PM Post #1,516 of 3,191

Yeah, if you want to try a swirl, I would recommend using opaque colors instead of translucent.

No. I wanted a red logo, so I decided to get a dark grey faceplate to provide some contrast. The first time they gave me a red logo and clear faceplate by mistake, which didn't really stand out with the mostly red body. That was the reason I had to send them in to Fisher again.

IMHO, continuing the swirl into the faceplate, then just adding the logo might of looked better.
Apr 11, 2012 at 9:50 PM Post #1,518 of 3,191
I wasn't that specific.  
@ Kimchee, Yeah, you're probably right. I was told to be very specific with them - i.e. not to change the filters, the number of bores, the width of the bores - if possible, the crossovers
I was happy to have gotten this advice, as I've never done this before. Does anyone have any experience with InEarz and custom reshells? Would love to hear some feedback/input into this!

Apr 11, 2012 at 9:56 PM Post #1,519 of 3,191

Perhaps. If I ever get the chance to alter them or get new cIEMs there are definitely some changes I would like to make.

I have actually thought about how mine would of looked if I had gone with a white faceplate, with a blue and black swirl. Like you were trying to do, create some contrast.
Apr 11, 2012 at 10:03 PM Post #1,520 of 3,191
Man if the turnaround time is really 2.5 weeks I'd be ecstatic. That would mean I'll expect a call mid next week. Even though I'm antsy to get mine back, if it takes them the full 4 weeks to do a great job then I rather wait. I just have no guarantee that my impressions were perfect, but the doctor that did it seemed to know what shes doing. She even did it twice because she thought the first time wasn't good enough. The doctor works directly with Westone for all hearing aids so I'm hoping its perfect the first time. She did mention that if it isn't right I can go back to get new impressions for a cheaper rate.
Do you guys think the oxidation for the cables will be a big problem? I ordered the white custom cables from UE. I hope it doesn't turn a nasty yellow within a short time. I also looked at the Chris_himself cables, man they're pricey. I'll consider purchasing a set from him later down the line.
Apr 11, 2012 at 10:09 PM Post #1,521 of 3,191
It won't turn yellow, it'll turn green..the Chris Himself cables are the best ones out there especially for the money.  The CH cables are silver so they shouldn't oxidize.
Man if the turnaround time is really 2.5 weeks I'd be ecstatic. That would mean I'll expect a call mid next week. Even though I'm antsy to get mine back, if it takes them the full 4 weeks to do a great job then I rather wait. I just have no guarantee that my impressions were perfect, but the doctor that did it seemed to know what shes doing. She even did it twice because she thought the first time wasn't good enough. The doctor works directly with Westone for all hearing aids so I'm hoping its perfect the first time. She did mention that if it isn't right I can go back to get new impressions for a cheaper rate.
Do you guys think the oxidation for the cables will be a big problem? I ordered the white custom cables from UE. I hope it doesn't turn a nasty yellow within a short time. I also looked at the Chris_himself cables, man they're pricey. I'll consider purchasing a set from him later down the line.

Apr 11, 2012 at 11:07 PM Post #1,522 of 3,191
I bought the Chris_Himself cable, waiting for it to get done, so I could ship my stuff to Inearz. Someone asked Chris if his cable turns green, he said no. For the group buy, do I just have to get it shipped before May 1st?
Apr 12, 2012 at 12:50 AM Post #1,525 of 3,191

That's because it's copper wire, Chris himself cables are made of silver wire so that won't oxidize.
My clear UE custom cable turned green in about 3 months and I barely used them. 

Apr 12, 2012 at 12:53 AM Post #1,526 of 3,191
All the clear cables with copper turning green made me think about houses I have seen. It use to be quite popular for people to have copper rain gutters put on their houses, they would turn green from the oxidation, it was the look at the time.
Apr 12, 2012 at 12:56 AM Post #1,527 of 3,191
I actually don't mind the green color at all, it looks rather nice to me (call me weird, haha). I have a Westone ES cable that is half green, half clear, I wonder if I can make the whole wire green by taping my wire on a window with direct sunlight.
All the clear cables with copper turning green made me think about houses I have seen. It use to be quite popular for people to have copper rain gutters put on their houses, they would turn green from the oxidation, it was the look at the time.

Apr 12, 2012 at 1:04 AM Post #1,528 of 3,191

I actually don't mind the green color at all, it looks rather nice to me (call me weird, haha). I have a Westone ES cable that is half green, half clear, I wonder if I can make the whole wire green by taping my wire on a window with direct sunlight.


Dont be silly, all you have to do is whats listed below. Just take the wire out of the sleeve. 

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