Impressions | aune AR5000 Full-Size Open Headphones with MLD Driver
Dec 26, 2023 at 11:20 AM Post #18 of 228
These headphones seem to have an excellent sound quality and a comfortable design. The overall build quality and materials used in the construction of these headphones look also premium.

Anyway, thanks for this giveaway :wink:
Dec 26, 2023 at 11:39 AM Post #20 of 228
How it competes against 300$ market opponents like 6xx, Sundara or maybe refurbished Ananda stealth. Market in that segment is tough, I went with a hype of FT3 and had to sell them shortly after and lose some dime. Dang there is Dt900 Pro X from Beyer as well in that segment. Lets see what reviews says first.
Dec 26, 2023 at 11:40 AM Post #21 of 228
I think what mainly caught my attention in the video is not the measurements nor the sound, because as stated in the video, those are purely subjective and I can't give a comment on it since I've never heard it.

However, the focus on comfort and durability, is something that is very welcomed and often gets overlooked by many companies, be it weight, size, flaking pads, bad fit expansion systems etc.

Sometimes even at higher prices, those issues remain, so seeing it at 300$ is a very nice treat.

I'm hoping that Aune was able to achieve that goal :) It'll be a key component in this product's success.
Dec 26, 2023 at 11:50 AM Post #22 of 228
A ver professional produced video with your specific vision and mission of creating this headphone, specially liked that you developed everything in-house yourself with self-developed drivers.
Inclusion of a 4.4mm cable would have been nice.
Dec 26, 2023 at 12:10 PM Post #23 of 228
The Video was good but it seems to be too long for the typical American. I wanted more discussion about the headphones though, may be a separate video should be good?

Welcome to the rush to audio paradise with your own headphone gear!
Dec 26, 2023 at 12:32 PM Post #25 of 228
28 ohms, 108db sensitivity. Should sound great even when just plugged into a cabbage
Dec 26, 2023 at 12:37 PM Post #26 of 228
Build quality wise, it's wonderful! can't wait to heart it! I think all the passion you poured into it will surely show!
Dec 26, 2023 at 12:39 PM Post #27 of 228
I really like the angled drivers, I have come to like this feature in other headphones. I like the careful consideration of backwave, I believe this has much to do with detail. One thing I wish you had considered was leather earpads. It is much easier to clean leather earpads than suede. Longevity of your earpads will increase if you can change the tuning to match different earpads, imho.

I have seen your products before and have been interested. I love to see the Jasper which I did not know about. I will keep a closer eye on you guys.

Thank you for this opportunity to win an AR5000.
Dec 26, 2023 at 12:44 PM Post #28 of 228
After seeing the video here, what stuck out as the most important to me was the human story. The story of the passionate Spirit. It's a story that breaks down cultural and national boundaries. You see, there is an underlying fear and distrust between our governments as seen in the constant geopolitical jockeying for economic and power hedgemony. This underlying "current" hurts chinese brands. And we sometimes feel guilty buying Chinese as Americans. We feel like we're betraying our country buying Chinese products. And, in a way we are. So, the way to break down these fears is to focus on the human story, the history, the passion, the vision, etc. Your video plays up the human story of Aune's founding and its team of engineers. Making an excellent product is not enough when you're a Chinese brand. You have to overcome geopolitical currents, worries, prejudice, "foreigner syndrome". You have to share the passion, the humanity, the history of your company, in a way that makes your buyers feel connected to your founding executives. You need to close the cultural gap. You need to makes us feel good about connecting with fellow passionate audiophiles, that, oh by the way....just happen to be Chinese. Your video has does that. Your video put a face to the company; put a love to the company.
We need that human connection. Consider our audiophile community's Zach and Bevin from ZMF. They are our community's beloved friends. That's how you do business. You build friendships and you build brotherhood. Do this and AUNE will be on top of the pile of Chinese brands.

Now, as to the headphone you're producing. I found it interesting that you've used 3-layer composite diaphram to deal with high frequency break-up. And not all headphones use an angled diaphram such as yours. And the fact that you've used diffusion and absorbtive materials behind the driver seems very thorough. I did not know these things contribute to a sense of space in the sound. I also noticed the extremely clean waterfall chart showing the frequency dampening characteristis very impressive. I find it interesting how you've calibrated the impedance and efficiency to consider how most people are listening with portable devices at 28 Ohms. I find it interesting how AUNE did not go with off-the-shelf headband solutions but went back to the drawing board and recreated their own solution--even applying for a patent and using 10 different materials. Your video mentions "composite materials" but doesn't mention what those are. The 1.8 meter drop test seems like a good test but is it rigorous enough of a test? I found it interesting that you wanted to maintain the balance sound signature of your IEM model JASPER rather than create a unique sound signature. And I did not know about your portable dac/amp "YUKI" which made me wonder if your unit sounds as good as the other Chinese brand, Questyle M15, since it looks very similar. Lastly, your video mentions that your AR5000 is "affordable to most audiophiles" which makes me wonder what that amount is? And I found it interesting that you mentioned "an entire upcoming line of headphones"!!!! Wow, can't wait.
Dec 26, 2023 at 12:47 PM Post #29 of 228
AR5000 full-size over-ear open headphones with MLD driver, now available.

Here is a promo video we made for the AR5000 which we are very proud of. It's also the story of aune.

We are giving away a pair of AR5000 to one lucky winner! :)

Simply reply with what you think of the video and what features of the AR5000 are left on your brain when you finish watching the video/what features impress you.

No word limit. Any honest thoughts are welcome. But sure we'll check whether the features are correct:wink:

We'll use a random number tool to generate the lucky post number.
Every ID one entry; If multiple posts, only the first post counts.
Closes on Jan 8th 23:59 (Beijing time)
*If the corresponding post doesn't meet the requirement, the next number/post wins.

Good luck everyone!

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☞ Learn more about the AR5000:


My first experience with headphones was in 1975 as a college D.J. (see my Icon) :wink:

The college's AM radio studio provided Koss Pro 4 A headphones. I self-taught to cue up the record players needle on the song I wanted to introduce and play with a practiced spin of the platter to get the song cued and the platter up to speed. Since that time I've been on a long exploration of many, many headphones as I stare at the wall of headphones I have right now.

The AR5000 looks to be dynamically styled that should appeal to those looking for classic and modern at the same time. I'm sure these headphones will appeal to both headphones veterans, and those who are looking to upgrade their sound.
Dec 26, 2023 at 12:59 PM Post #30 of 228
More companies should think this way: "In a market that favors novelty, we aim to create something classic with excellent quality."

Making comfort a priority is smart, and the angled driver looks promising. Eager to hear the tuning.

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