iFi audio iDSD Diablo - A portable reference done our way!
Feb 14, 2021 at 1:55 AM Post #556 of 2,990
Was that a ready player one reference?

Thanks for your continued support of iFi and much love you've given to the Diablo already :) so glad you're loving it!
and ‘no’ haven’t seen ‘ready player one’ (yet)
hope the context was ‘supportive & friendly‘ and not ‘guy who is yet to have some interpersonal breakthrough being sarcastic’.

Based on your tone and happy mugshot, will run with the former.
Thanks again -=grin=-
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Feb 14, 2021 at 4:18 AM Post #558 of 2,990
If anyone was considering the Fostex TH900 mkii with the Diablo it pairs very well with "normal" power. I found eco a bit lacking and i was always reaching for the volume pot. With normal i am at about 10-11 O'Clock and the sound is perfect without as much need to adjust the volume. The red wooden cups of the Fostex look great with the diablo red. :darthsmile::darthsmile::darthsmile:

I am looking for a nice closed back. Sounds like you would recommend the Fostex...
Feb 14, 2021 at 4:41 AM Post #559 of 2,990
I am so sorry ifi...
I bought a Diablo 2 weeks ago. I listened to it. I sent it back. I can't stop thinking about how good my HD 800s did sound...
I ordered it again and will keep it for a very long time.

Shame on me....
This is a strong accolade. I feel positive about the little red guy.
Feb 14, 2021 at 4:46 AM Post #560 of 2,990
If anyone was considering the Fostex TH900 mkii with the Diablo it pairs very well with "normal" power. I found eco a bit lacking and i was always reaching for the volume pot. With normal i am at about 10-11 O'Clock and the sound is perfect without as much need to adjust the volume. The red wooden cups of the Fostex look great with the diablo red. :darthsmile::darthsmile::darthsmile:


Awesome! Thank you for the feedback. :)

I've got a 909 and currently using it paired with the Micro BL, how's the highs/treble with Diablo? I'm thinking of upgrading to it.
Feb 14, 2021 at 5:28 AM Post #561 of 2,990
Sometimes I think it would be nice to get rid of my iPhone as a music source. But I don't want to spend a lot of money for a DAP. Is anyone using such a device like the Diablo or Signature with a "cheap" DAP? Or do you take your phone, because it doesn't matter soundwise? I mostly listen to my own FLAC files.

Thank you
Feb 14, 2021 at 5:43 AM Post #562 of 2,990
My review is coming in 2-3 weeks including some comparison to the RME ADI-2. I am still waiting for a 4.4mm headphone cable I ordered to be able to give a full evaluation. So far I am more impressed than I was with the Neo and I also find the Diablo a step up from the Micro iDSD BL.

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Feb 14, 2021 at 5:53 AM Post #563 of 2,990
a lot of that comment feels backwards to those who understand the actual benefits of a DAP.
The phone is a jack of all trades/master of none.
Running ‘outdated’ OS on a DAP is usually due to it being custom code designed around perfect audio transport from an ‘outdated CPU’ (also chosen due to a manufacturer having great white docs/knowledge with ‘how to get the best’ from said part).
Keeping the devices seperate typically leaves a phone capable of taking calls during critical moments (without affecting the audio that everyone might be enjoying) and usually leaves the phone with the power it needs mostly by removing the multimedia burden from its function.
I have found that most of the DAPs I buy have ‘no features’ (just pure audio), and when I have them, both of my devices never have any power concerns...(sometimes for days)
Having all sorts of stuff loaded on my phone is the distraction.. where as having my ‘toy’/entertainment device be pure usually makes it better for that (i actually play on a nintendo handheld frequently, and no ‘not a Switch’, cause it has never left the dock..) I like physical controls and dedicated gaming units. I like the vastly better audio output that most mid tier DAPs offer (even just as a transport), generally due to having custom OS’s and chips.

I have never had great digital transport duties pulled by any of the mainstream OS’s.
The sound quality upgrade by getting away from kernel level mixers that don’t care about output sampling rates etc is noticable, especially into higher level kit.
I gather many here run select audio playback software that *hopefully* restores control / or grants better access to hardware features.. but having bought a DAP that doesn’t even have a radio in it, its output flogs even a *great* CD player for digital transport duties.

I basically consider using a phone the ‘last option’ and I usually choose to simply go without music when that is the case.
If iFi did have a product that was tailored along the same lines as a Diablo (music first, everything else be damned) then I’d certainly champion its goal.
I think iFi implementing circuits that use much of their clever tech makes perfect sense.
I kinda like that their concepts are more than their output and that they are already happily over worked :)

DACs and amps make sense to many more people than the world of DAPs simply because most people justify that their expensive phone IS a camera and a GPS and an internet portal etc, and hence should be their DAP as well.
Its been a long time since phones were actually good at being a phone. (they are certainly very average at being a transport)
iFi targeting DACs and amps make practical sales to many markets, not just phone users, and I’m not sure if the unit sales to be found with DAPs is worth the effort.
Sometimes I think it would be nice to get rid of my iPhone as a music source. But I don't want to spend a lot of money for a DAP. Is anyone using such a device like the Diablo or Signature with a "cheap" DAP? Or do you take your phone, because it doesn't matter soundwise? I mostly listen to my own FLAC files.

Thank you
It might be worth trying a DAP, that has optical output, with Diablo. Cowon Plenue R2 is a good example of decent modern DAPs (not TOTL, so it is rather reasonably priced). It can be used as an USB DAC with a computer as well and has quite powerful balanced HP 2.5 mm output as well as aptX Bluetooth. R2 has large internal memory and a micro SD slot and 20h battery life. Good solution for travelling light with at least an essential part of one's music collection. Of course, there are several other options as well.
Feb 14, 2021 at 7:46 AM Post #565 of 2,990

It might be worth trying a DAP, that has optical output, with Diablo. Cowon Plenue R2 is a good example of decent modern DAPs (not TOTL, so it is rather reasonably priced). It can be used as an USB DAC with a computer as well and has quite powerful balanced HP 2.5 mm output as well as aptX Bluetooth. R2 has large internal memory and a micro SD slot and 20h battery life. Good solution for travelling light with at least an essential part of one's music collection. Of course, there are several other options as well.
Thank you. I am looking in a Hiby R3 Pro. Sounds promising.
Feb 14, 2021 at 10:14 AM Post #566 of 2,990
Righto I am surprised that so few peeps are posting up thoughts on this part. (so far)
Whilst my unit is not even two days played yet, and is unfair to judge it (subjectively or otherwise)- I‘d like to throw up a few more notes on how this part plays in a system or by its lonesome... for anyone looking and wondering at whether it is a justifiable purchase. (I am penning a review but that is for elsewhere so am happy to share my musings and findings as they evolve, if only to further the discussion..)

The other night I gave the unit a good old blast through the home hifi using the balanced outputs. I do think that the cables plugging into the rear of the unit are all too close together- if a user needs to use the included fibre optic adapter, it will certainly push up against the 4.4mm xlr ’y’ cable.. The USB isn’t so close to the other two that it ‘pushes back’ but it does look a little not field tested that the included adapter have a perfectly round edge. (I want to shave 1mm from a side so that everything fits together neatly)..

Plugging in the USB cable (power), whilst the Diablo is turned on and outputting to the preamp drops the sound momentarily. The part doesn’t run so hot that I am afraid to charge it whilst it is in use. I did, from a full charge, get eleven hours of headphone use in eco mode with the dial, for large durations, at the 2pm position (very loud even for my sensitive ’over ear’ cans (Ultrasone Edition 5s’))

The sound is very precise, so much so that the cat now tracks sounds in the room. This is an interesting point that bears longer discussion, but just like when we stopped using a plasma TV, the cat could finally watch what was on the TV (LCD/OLED). Using the prior DACs didn’t elicit any interest from the feline. When I turn the valve monoblocks on, the cat typically looks up, but using the Diablo, the cat responds to trackable instruments, and more so ‘sounds’ in some recordings. (this room has had no change in front end setup, other than DACs, for well more than a year (when I ‘toed in’ the speakers a few degrees), and this behaviour in the cat is a ‘newly observed phenomenon, since Fridays shopping run. (When I found a Diablo at my local ‘Addicted to Audio’)

Due to the nature of the sound/circuits still settling, I won’t get all poetic on what I am hearing- I will list what the unit has been doing to ME though...

First night of ownership I stayed up till 4am. I literally couldn’t pull myself away. I wasn’t overly energised, or sleepy, or stressed about ‘buyers remorse’ (actually haven’t had any of that, but am confused as to what to do with my Hugo DAC now) - it was just engaging, either as background or with full attention- the sound- every track- was giving me stuff that I previously had either missed or was giving me things that were obvious, but now lifelike and truly present.
I had this experience with some Audeze Planars from the Chord Hugo when I first bought the planar headphones.. I figured “this is a match”, and that prior to hearing them together I wouldn’t have believed that recorded audio could sound that good. (tears formed)

I give my ‘tears formed‘ statements - not because I am overly empathetic (and certainly not regarding consumer electronics), but due to that culmination of ‘so much’ human emotion, that at certain times with audio kit, I tear up a little. (maybe a couple of times a year, typically when playing with a whole new tier of kit, or having found some magic pairing/system synergy)..

So, goosebump moments aside, a rather exhilarating challenge keeps landing in my lap,.. like right now, as to ‘which setup should I play this thing (Diablo) on?’.

I was lying in a quiet room critically listening to familiar recordings, mostly skipping tracks to listen for key notes and effects, and ‘brief (reference) moments’ that I am very familiar with.
Of course the problem is there just isn’t enough time in the day. To wind up my Sunday morning listening, the house was quiet, partner at work, child in bed, I kept skipping tracks and ‘not having enough time to visit albums‘ (Alan Parson I Robot!) and give them the time I wished.

After listening to Billy Eilish (eek spelling)- Bury a Friend, and the track before it, I felt guilty for not having my note paper handy. So many examples of better positioning or layering, or low notes being given proper resolving power even sitting under what is Trent Reznor like (Nothing Records/Nine Inch Nails) levels of engineering dynamism..
Guilty for not having my note paper handy as you only get one chance at a ‘first impression’ and that is always the time I can tell when something stands out most! (more than any time previously)
Hearing extra lyrics or, like on a few Tori Amos tracks, being able to hear all the lyrics clearly, even in the backing vocals she happily gives herself..

Not wanting to miss out notetaking what music I was doing and my experiences I decided to settle on one album that would play until my partner returned.

So I figured I would throw on the London Philharmonic playing Pink Floyd tracks.
Time was the opening track and if I didn’t ‘yet again’ have one of those confusing moments (of absolute beauty, big ‘smile on my dial’)- I wanted to play this on the hifi rig!
As I write this Breathe has finished, and to say that this is excellent is an understatement. Excellent just doesn’t cut it. I did expect that classical music must be the genre that the Chord DAC would claw its way back to a win.
Given I am not benchmarking (subjectively) the two parts until the Diablo has run in for a few more days, I am not ‘fast switching between them’. I know that I will have to get back some $500 reference RCAs to make the competition in its‘ fairest light, even against the ‘free’ cable that comes with the Diablo.

At this point I can only guess that the XLR/balanced input on my twenty year old preamp is simply in a healthier state. Or something (the science guy in me wants to know ‘how is this possible’).

What I can say, and just know “I‘m no muso”, my preference is always towards soundstage & imaging, and then dynamics as my first two criteria to get right. (of course I don’t listen to anything that doesn’t have an infinite noise floor, so that is probably pole position and I just don’t acknowledge it).. the last couple of days has had me tearing up more often than not. More often than ever. Never on these speakers have so many tracks delivered real ‘in the room’ instruments.
Its why I logged in and commited words here in the first place;
-=This little one box wonder is *something special*=-
I don’t know what they have done, but I can only guess that the world population of fairies has diminished further, and that ground up unicorn horn is disappearing from all dispensaries even as I type: I reckon both of these parts are making their way into magic little parcels and traveling world over to hifi stockists everywhere.. Like hearing those Audeze Planars for the first time, audio market rules are being rewritten is my take..

$0.02 given.

And just like every album over the last couple of days, typically left on repeat and heard two or even three times in a row;‘Time’ is once again playing, and I just don’t care....

Great to read your comprehensive reports on Diablo, whittedragem! I seem to be behind you in burning in my Diablo, but the sound is getting better and better. The harshness that I heard sometimes in the high frequencies with Denon D9200 is disappearing. With a track like Paul McCartney's Find My Way from McCartney III has – by purpose, I am sure – a very dirty and thin snare drum sound that was almost unlistenable on D9200 a week ago, but the distortion has now tamed and the full bodied but precise bass sound is growing on me. My Fostex Massdrop Ebony and Denon D9200 are both great matches to Diablo. Even un-modded Fostex T50RP MK3 finally sounds good and I can understand what the fuzz is all about. Diablo has absolutely no problem in handling hard-to-drive Hifiman planars like HE-6 and HE-500.
Feb 14, 2021 at 11:45 AM Post #567 of 2,990
and ‘no’ haven’t seen ‘ready player one’ (yet)
hope the context was ‘supportive & friendly‘ and not ‘guy who is yet to have some interpersonal breakthrough being sarcastic’.

Based on your tone and happy mugshot, will run with the former.
Thanks again -=grin=-

Ah got it, no worries!

I am so sorry ifi...
I bought a Diablo 2 weeks ago. I listened to it. I sent it back. I can't stop thinking about how good my HD 800s did sound...
I ordered it again and will keep it for a very long time.

Shame on me....

No shame at all, we understand the push and pull and are glad the Diablo pulled you back in!

Sometimes I think it would be nice to get rid of my iPhone as a music source. But I don't want to spend a lot of money for a DAP. Is anyone using such a device like the Diablo or Signature with a "cheap" DAP? Or do you take your phone, because it doesn't matter soundwise? I mostly listen to my own FLAC files.

Thank you

I don't use a DAP primarily because of the Diablo / Signature, I understand the benefits of a DAP, but going exclusive in UAPP through my Note 20 is good enough for me.

My review is coming in 2-3 weeks including some comparison to the RME ADI-2. I am still waiting for a 4.4mm headphone cable I ordered to be able to give a full evaluation. So far I am more impressed than I was with the Neo and I also find the Diablo a step up from the Micro iDSD BL.


Looking forward to you review!

It might be worth trying a DAP, that has optical output, with Diablo. Cowon Plenue R2 is a good example of decent modern DAPs (not TOTL, so it is rather reasonably priced). It can be used as an USB DAC with a computer as well and has quite powerful balanced HP 2.5 mm output as well as aptX Bluetooth. R2 has large internal memory and a micro SD slot and 20h battery life. Good solution for travelling light with at least an essential part of one's music collection. Of course, there are several other options as well.

Part of the fun is mixing and matching to see what's best for you!

Great to read your comprehensive reports on Diablo, whittedragem! I seem to be behind you in burning in my Diablo, but the sound is getting better and better. The harshness that I heard sometimes in the high frequencies with Denon D9200 is disappearing. With a track like Paul McCartney's Find My Way from McCartney III has – by purpose, I am sure – a very dirty and thin snare drum sound that was almost unlistenable on D9200 a week ago, but the distortion has now tamed and the full bodied but precise bass sound is growing on me. My Fostex Massdrop Ebony and Denon D9200 are both great matches to Diablo. Even un-modded Fostex T50RP MK3 finally sounds good and I can understand what the fuzz is all about. Diablo has absolutely no problem in handling hard-to-drive Hifiman planars like HE-6 and HE-500.

Your ongoing feedback is much appreciated as well! I'm glad you're enjoying it a whole heck of the lot more after burning it in! It is indeed a little beast with planars.
Feb 14, 2021 at 12:14 PM Post #568 of 2,990
@Sebastien Chiu @iFi audio may I ask what the official recommendation/solution is for connecting the Diablo to an unbalanced headphone or speaker amplifier? Is there no issue connecting directly 4.4mm to RCA or is some kind of transformer necessary?
Feb 14, 2021 at 12:18 PM Post #569 of 2,990
@Sebastien Chiu @iFi audio may I ask what the official recommendation/solution is for connecting the Diablo to an unbalanced headphone or speaker amplifier? Is there no issue connecting directly 4.4mm to RCA or is some kind of transformer necessary?

Let me check in with our team for an official response on that and I'll get back to you tomorrow morning when they're back in office!
Feb 14, 2021 at 1:39 PM Post #570 of 2,990
Sometimes I think it would be nice to get rid of my iPhone as a music source. But I don't want to spend a lot of money for a DAP. Is anyone using such a device like the Diablo or Signature with a "cheap" DAP? Or do you take your phone, because it doesn't matter soundwise? I mostly listen to my own FLAC files.

Thank you
Iphone suck for uploading Flac music, I would skip on a DAP and buy a cheap Android phone if you already have the Diablo.
A cheap phone that take Mirco SD Card and put the Flac files there and just use on WIFI to stream music

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