If you still love Etymotic ER4, this is the thread for you...
May 29, 2016 at 1:57 PM Post #7,816 of 19,319
Damn right he does. Busy pressuring management to set two pair aside for the Head Fi tour

If there's no Head Fi tour, we can mail around the flyer I got and posted from the ASCAP expo
May 29, 2016 at 1:59 PM Post #7,817 of 19,319
Don't stress yourself too hard! You probably have actual work to do

Yep, trying to get the project finished so we can start shipping!  It's all fine;  I've got a hot cup of coffee next to me and things are getting done.  
I just wanted everybody to know that I hadn't forgotten about the graphs.
May 29, 2016 at 2:00 PM Post #7,818 of 19,319
FWIW, I brought up the suggestion of a head-fi tour the other day.  You'll find I don't tend to make promises until something is finalized, but I think there's a good chance that it happens.
May 29, 2016 at 2:06 PM Post #7,819 of 19,319
  FWIW, I brought up the suggestion of a head-fi tour the other day.  You'll find I don't tend to make promises until something is finalized, but I think there's a good chance that it happens.

That's be awesome! However, I wouldn't join the tour since I already had an opportunity to hear them. I'm just waiting for the day I can hit that order button!
May 29, 2016 at 2:42 PM Post #7,820 of 19,319
That's be awesome! However, I wouldn't join the tour since I already had an opportunity to hear them. I'm just waiting for the day I can hit that order button!

That's fantastic.  I'm glad you liked them enough to jump right in.
May 29, 2016 at 11:13 PM Post #7,822 of 19,319
Don't forget to make them very high resolution! :)

Don't stress yourself too hard! You probably have actual work to do :wink:

Yep, trying to get the project finished so we can start shipping!  It's all fine;  I've got a hot cup of coffee next to me and things are getting done.  

I just wanted everybody to know that I hadn't forgotten about the graphs.
May 30, 2016 at 2:15 AM Post #7,823 of 19,319
  FWIW, I brought up the suggestion of a head-fi tour the other day.  You'll find I don't tend to make promises until something is finalized, but I think there's a good chance that it happens.

Good news, though I guess it probably won't extend outside of US?
May 30, 2016 at 5:43 AM Post #7,824 of 19,319
I emailed the customer service mid April to ask if a headfi tour would be ok. but I never got a reply(and I'm guessing, so did not the hundred of other people sending mails for intel regarding the new IEMs ^_^). then when I thought all was lost and etymotic was yet another JHaudio, Dave came down from the sky and talked to us on the forum. \o/
May 30, 2016 at 10:06 AM Post #7,825 of 19,319
Good news, though I guess it probably won't extend outside of US?

I'd like to do one outside of the US if we can figure out the logistics of it.  With the whole tour box thing, it generally works with each person on the list sending it to the next person on the list.  I am not sure if people would want to pay to ship from country to country outside the US.  If they are willing, I don't see why it couldn't work.
May 30, 2016 at 10:12 AM Post #7,826 of 19,319
  I emailed the customer service mid April to ask if a headfi tour would be ok. but I never got a reply(and I'm guessing, so did not the hundred of other people sending mails for intel regarding the new IEMs ^_^). then when I thought all was lost and etymotic was yet another JHaudio, Dave came down from the sky and talked to us on the forum. \o/

I am a bit surprised that you didn't get a response.  Setting up Head-fi tours is not really something they are used to doing so perhaps it caused a bit of confusion.
The early info on the new IEMs is a bit tougher for them as they usually don't have all the info until the product is released.  I'm probably more likely to share early info and some of that I still keep close to the vest.  I do try to share what I can, however.
I will say that I don't think we've done a good enough job directly engaging with the Head-Fi community in recent years.  We've always gotten a lot of support here and we really appreciate it.  My rate of posting may ebb and flow a bit, but I'm going to my best to be around to help.
May 30, 2016 at 10:20 AM Post #7,827 of 19,319
I'd like to do one outside of the US if we can figure out the logistics of it.  With the whole tour box thing, it generally works with each person on the list sending it to the next person on the list.  I am not sure if people would want to pay to ship from country to country outside the US.  If they are willing, I don't see why it couldn't work.

I think most of the grief comes when shipping to some countries in europe which charge VAT on just about everything. The customs declarations can be quite daunting in some cases and you can get put in a bind if you declare a value for insurance.
May 30, 2016 at 10:35 AM Post #7,828 of 19,319
If there is a tour I would advise all to get in early on the tour................or ensure there's quite a few tips in the box :)

Or byo of course

And let's not forget an Australia/New Zealand option for a tour
May 30, 2016 at 11:30 AM Post #7,829 of 19,319
  I am a bit surprised that you didn't get a response.  Setting up Head-fi tours is not really something they are used to doing so perhaps it caused a bit of confusion.
The early info on the new IEMs is a bit tougher for them as they usually don't have all the info until the product is released.  I'm probably more likely to share early info and some of that I still keep close to the vest.  I do try to share what I can, however.
I will say that I don't think we've done a good enough job directly engaging with the Head-Fi community in recent years.  We've always gotten a lot of support here and we really appreciate it.  My rate of posting may ebb and flow a bit, but I'm going to my best to be around to help.

no problem, I went at it in my usual disorganized style, asked if a tour for headfi would be ok and explaining poorly how it's a thing. then I went on to ask 10 questions per line about everything from left/right driver matching, to impedance, to the actual difference between hd5 and mk5 for some reason
. well, me being me.
so maybe the person reading my mail decided to reenact one of the "bored to death" scenes from Airplane the movie. and that would be understandable.
I blamed it on the announcement of a new product and moved on, your customer service was always good for my personal needs in the past.
May 30, 2016 at 4:41 PM Post #7,830 of 19,319

...the ER4 is perhaps one of the most underrated, if not the most underrated IEM on the market. The main complaints are usually that it lacks bass and/or sounds too clean. Personally, I completely disagree with both of these views. I don't think ER4 lacks bass at all and I also don't think that sound can be too clean. ... I haven't heard a high end custom like JH13, but in my humble opinion, the ER4 blows away pretty much every IEM I've heard, including Westone ES3X in timbre accuracy and overall sound quality. I am starting to doubt the need for multi driver IEMs.

I've been enjoying my ER-4S over many years, for the same reasons you mentioned in your OP.  But at 100ohms, I needed to use an additional portable amp. Somewhere down the line I tired of schlepping it all and long-story-short, stowed them. Despite not using them on a daily basis, I still consider my Etys as reference IEMs - uncolored and neutral character. Now I'm no longer sure.
A friend of mine recently brought me back into the fray and I decided to go "all in" with A&K / JHAudio's Angie (Angie II).  I'm still reviewing my new Angies but it's looking like the ER-4S might no longer be wearing the crown for much longer. One thing still going for the Etys though is the size. Multi-driver IEMs certainly do take up a lot of real estate... !

p.s. Yeah, I still prefer to go with an external DAC / Amp, but this time around it really is portable... !

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