iBasso DX100:24 bit for bit, PG 1> Reviews & Impressions, Downloads, VIDEO, NEW Firmware 1.4.2.
Oct 26, 2012 at 1:34 PM Post #8,686 of 13,503
I was using the JH13's last night. Some of the best bass I have ever heard. Also they were very dynamic and alive sounding.
Oct 26, 2012 at 2:37 PM Post #8,688 of 13,503
Hello friends.
I've been reading your comments for almost a year and this is the first time I write.
I would like to share my experience with you.
Because the comments I read in other sites my first buying was a Cowon J3 and I have to say that really enjoy it, personally think is better than Ipods.
Then bought a good pair of earphones (PK2) and wow what a good sound ( I prefer earphones because a can listen other peoples when playing poker lol ) 
Three month later I bought for my laptop "Media Center" and the Centrance DACport LX and again wow that thing make the music sound really Good.
Then to pair it with the J3 I bought the Fiio E17 and the (PK1 earphones) and I got to tell you that I couldn't stop to hear music when I'm out of home.
All this time I was reading your comments about de DX100 and I was very curios for that Dap, some of you writing about the great sound of the devise and tow month ago finally order it.
When the DX100 came home the first thing I did was to tansfer some of my favorite albums that I have downloaded from HD Tracks,( I was impressive with the leather case to). press the play buttom and "OH what it is?" I didn't like what I was hearing and REALLY HATE YOU GUYS, YES REALLY HATE YOU.
God, almost one thouthand dollars in this thing? I just liked the box.
Is not important to me the problems with playlist, I just care the sound and  didn't like to me because It seem that the mids (voices, electric guitars, trumpets) were IN my ears, so closed to me at the point that hurts and the bass was really weak, the sound was so flat and the EQ didn't work fine, I' been feelling really bad and prefer the J3 - E17 - PK1 for a great margin.
Three days ago I read about the new firmware 1.2.7 and without thinking install it and the "WOWW"  that I was specting the first time finally came.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH iBASSO, you have done a Great job, I'm very happy now.
The mids aren't in my ears anymore, it feels like if I am at some few meters of the musicians, the sound is not flat now, I can feel some space or 3D I don't know how to teel you, hope you understand, and the bass gain power, is very good now, just like some of you have writed.
I think is like we give vitamins to this thing. 
Now I'm a proud owner of the DX100 and I can recommend It GT40 you can order one today.
The J3 - E17 are going to rest now.
iBasso keep working on this little wonder. 
Oct 26, 2012 at 2:51 PM Post #8,689 of 13,503
received a reply back from Ibasso
Thank you for your suggestion.
We will start working on the new firmware on next Monday. We will take your suggestion into consideration. As you know, this change would only eliminate the fade in that happen on manually select the same sample rate tracks.
which is what you guys are asking for. No fade in on any track that is the same sample rate and bit depth. :)
Progress. Lets cross fingers... :)
Oct 26, 2012 at 4:18 PM Post #8,692 of 13,503
A funny thing happen on the way to the latest upgrade...wonder where my hiss went in my ALO RX3 MkB?  It is significantly lower than it was before this upgrade.  I don't understand this.  Maybe it is just my perception but having just receive a new Amperior I  was thinking I would hear a bit more than with my ES5 but no, I don't.  I put the ES5 back into the mix only to find the hiss still there on high gain but almost gone on low. 
Oct 26, 2012 at 4:55 PM Post #8,693 of 13,503
Pokersound, I am with you. You hear the same way as me and I agree with you. I just care about the sound and not all this talk about how it handles the album artwork or how it handles ones playlist. 
Oct 26, 2012 at 4:57 PM Post #8,694 of 13,503
Thing is jwm at this price-point is should not be a lot to ask to have both quality and a decent user-interface. Especially since ibasso hyped their product as being that very product. They are slowly moving along though so I can't complain. As long as they fix the remaining issues I'm cherry. :)
Oct 26, 2012 at 5:03 PM Post #8,695 of 13,503
I am a big fan of science, logic (no surprises there), math and measurements. I have and love the O2 amp.
But how the function does one measure soundstage? 

Actually you probably can measure soundstage. The main problem is that it is different for everyone due to HRTF, head related transfer function, which means everyone's ears hear differently for soundstage.
That is why it is probably ******** (to me) that you can improve soundstage easily for everyone. Common ibasso can't even do SLEEP properly, you think they will actually tweak things like soundstage in firmware revisions?
To me is like saying building a car without wheels and installing a $100k sound system in it...
Oct 26, 2012 at 5:09 PM Post #8,696 of 13,503
On my battery test last nite after factory reset . Using your method ,which is best method do far , i lost just over 20% . From 80+% to 60+%
Then down in 40% range in just over an hour of playtime .
i may have gremlins .  Another member noticed it drains differently from different % points as well . i have to concur with that
Thanks Lee

yup that is me. I am also on stock firmware after factory reset. I just left it overnight right after factory reset and for around 8 hours, it dropped 10% from 66% to 55% which is actually not too bad. Previously I updated google play store to install the system monitor to track my battery levels so I was thinking maybe the google play store or something else was draining my battery.
The FAIREST way to test this will be a plain vanilla firmware upgrade followed by a factory reset as this is what Ibasso originally intended all users to use. I think rooting the set to "fix" the battery drain problem is probably not recommended by Ibasso....
I will not update my google market and just use this for a few more days to see how good the battery drain is.
My battery drain during playback is probably normal at around 7 hours.
Oct 26, 2012 at 5:46 PM Post #8,697 of 13,503
Exactly 7 hours from full to empty on v.1.2.7. I previously got around 9 hours.

This 7 hrs. was using efficient earbuds, mid gain, 195 volume and random play of .wav files. Screen off.

Gain something, lose something, it seems.
Oct 26, 2012 at 7:15 PM Post #8,698 of 13,503
Look at the DX100 Faq page. I've posted on how to correct your tags on it using mp3tag.

Thanks for that.  I downloaded it and am cleaning them up now.  Over 9,000 tracks...SLOOOOOWWW.  Most of my tags were OK, but this tool is great for removing the extra crap, re-writing just the V1 tags and removing embedded covers.  Maybe it will save some disk space.
Oct 26, 2012 at 8:27 PM Post #8,699 of 13,503
Well, when the 1.2.7 release broke I was literally going out the door on a multiple day work trip.  Maybe not wise but I updated my DX100 and headed out.
After a few days with this update, I am much happier with my DX100.  I loved the sound of the 1.1.7, and the 1.2.7 is at least equal to that and sounds great with my JH13's...no problems there.
The UI is much more responsive, especially the all music directory which was outright broken on the 1.1.7....so no problems there.  This issue everybody discusses about songs fading in...I've never had that issue and still don't.  I have my player set to gapless setting native play.  I've also noticed that the on/off pop is reduced enough now that I can actually turn my player on/off with my IEM's on without making my ears bleed.
Minor downsides:
I am getting a new wierd effect that someone else mentioned earlier, the screen occasionally fades out and a new message comes up periodically that says "scanning media".  This seems more prevalent in the first 5-8 minutes after booting it up, and it always returns to normal mode with no lock-ups...so I am OK with that.  My player is running slightly warmer after the update.  I still have some mp3 files that are not having bitrate or album art read properly..but that is pretty minor. 
So overall....this firmware is a step forward. 
Oct 26, 2012 at 9:26 PM Post #8,700 of 13,503
@ericfarrell: I am curious how you are enjoying the new firmware? Can you make any comparison to your CLAS? I'm wondering if the DX100 is better than your CLAS now instead of equal. I'd think with it's new found sound quality and added warmth/musicality it would  trump the CLAS for sure.
@Wolfen68: I'm thinking the reason you don't have issues with gapless on the DX100 is possibly due to you using mp3 files? Do you get any sort of fade in of tracks (loss of the beginning of the chosen file) when manually selecting a different track? If not then this is even more interesting and something that should be brought up to ibasso regarding discrepancies between file formats.
@Sorensiim: The calibration recommends fully charging again after a complete draining at full charge. Do I leave the unit on while doing the full charge? Says do it "without a break". I'm assuming that means leave it on while doing the full charge?

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