How you divided your funds in audio...
Jul 7, 2005 at 2:49 AM Post #2 of 31
I think there is something wrong if your equipment costs come close to your music costs. Music is, after all, the reason for equipment.
Jul 7, 2005 at 3:01 AM Post #4 of 31
Unfortunately I'm one of those guys who gets obessed with stuff, and that happened to me regarding MD and CD portables...I now own, what...17 all-together? not including my new HD3? Sheesh...yeah, by FAR electronics. I have like 60 cds, that's like 700 compensate for the varying prices of my portables, I'm gonna say 75 dollars for each one...that's 1400, not including my stereo equipment. So yeah.
Jul 7, 2005 at 3:16 AM Post #5 of 31
I have put much more money into my music than my hifi gear - especially since a lot of it were handmedowns.

I had something like a 64:1 music:equipment ratio from that thread a while back
Has only gone up since then, since I just ordered the 30th Aniversary EMI Dark Side of the Moon LP and the Neil Young - "Greendale" 3-LP set. Also on the way is the entire Miles Davis - "Bitches Brew" session.
Jul 7, 2005 at 3:24 AM Post #6 of 31
i haven't spend much in audio in awhile . . my setup has stayed the same, and I listen to the same music. I used to buy CDs alot, til I realized it was hit or miss. (I remember when I'd be the only guy browsing the music store, everyone else was using napster) Admittingly I tend to dl single songs now. I just don't wanna spend $15-30 on an a recording I won't like; which tends to be the case 98% of the time. The last one I enjoyed was a mini-album by a bunch of 13yr-old girls. I used to be cool damnit . . .
Jul 7, 2005 at 3:43 AM Post #7 of 31
I'm thinking it's about $1500 rig and $2500 music, but it might be closer than that because I'm not completely positive how much it cost to build the CDP.
Jul 7, 2005 at 4:00 AM Post #8 of 31
I was actually just thinking about this very subject on my way home from work today. I know many people are disparaged for spending a disproportionate amount of money on equipment. They are seen as equipment lovers and not music lovers. I happen to have over 500 CDs and 200 records that have been collected over almost 20 years...yikes I'm getting old. While this is not an insignificant investment in time or money, I've spent more on audio equipment.

However, what if someone has but a modest collection of a few CDs, but to that person, this small sampling of music possesses the sublimity of all that is perfect. Would that person be any less a music lover if he invested vastly more money on audio equipment so he can appreciate the music he has? If this person, through his investment in equipment allows the music to truly touch his soul, I would suggest he is much more of a music lover than someone with thousands of CDs without any time to actually hear them at all.
Jul 7, 2005 at 4:21 AM Post #9 of 31

Originally Posted by Oski
However, what if someone has but a modest collection of a few CDs, but to that person, this small sampling of music possesses the sublimity of all that is perfect. Would that person be any less a music lover if he invested vastly more money on audio equipment so he can appreciate the music he has? If this person, through his investment in equipment allows the music to truly touch his soul, I would suggest he is much more of a music lover than someone with thousands of CDs without any time to actually hear them at all.

Dang Oski, you perfectly described my "musical personality!" It's really hard for me to find music I truly like. Sure, songs come and go, but it's hard to find the ones that truly stay. It's probably because I get too picky -- a song's gotta have the right combination of instruments, timing, mood, timbre, harmony, etc. etc. blah blah lol. I only rotate a very small but specific set of songs.
Jul 7, 2005 at 4:31 AM Post #10 of 31
We *just* had this thread. It couldn't have been more than a week ago.
Jul 7, 2005 at 5:36 AM Post #14 of 31
Oski, thanks for so eloquently expressing my situation as well.

Now that I've joined Head-Fi and have put together a rig, I find myself buying more CDs. I've probably bought more CDs in the last six months than I have in the previous several years.

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