How to recover from influenza?
Mar 9, 2005 at 2:39 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 21


Thought the last line in Citizen Kane was nosebud.
Jun 22, 2001
Munich, Bavaria
Argh, it so sucks: I've been plagued by influenza for more or less three weeks, now - didn't even notice I was feverish at the beginning with a lot to do at the office, until I broke down. In the meantime, the fever and the freezing seem to be under control and more or less gone (the doctor and her medication didn't seem to help a lot for that, though - Aspirin had to do the job...) - but I'm really having a hard time to get back to my feet, which is what should happen soon, as there's quite a bit of work waiting for me. Still, I'm not yet having much of an appetite and I just feel rather exhausted and so tired I could sleep all day. Any helpful hints?

Greetings from Hannover!

Manfred / lini
Mar 9, 2005 at 3:07 PM Post #2 of 21
A lot of vitamin C, a lot of healthy food and don't overdo it because then it only takes longer to recover...

I don't have any good tips I'm afraid.
Hope you feel better soon!
Mar 9, 2005 at 4:47 PM Post #3 of 21
Water! Water! Water! Force yourself to drink a LOT of water. Even if you are throwing up, drink it anyway. Your body can recover alot faster if it's not dehydrated, and when you're sick your immune system is desperately in need of flushing. When I'm sick I try to drink 10 glasses of water per day.

Vitamin C is also good, it's a natural antioxidant which helps your system to kill bacteria and fight virii.

Zinc, and garlic oil will help as well. The garlic oil makes you smell like a greek cook but it really works!

Oh and did I mention WATER!

Hope you feel better soon,
Mar 9, 2005 at 4:55 PM Post #4 of 21
Yeah, forgot about the water because I'm so used to drinking 3 liters a day.

If the water comes out of the wrong hole downstares you can drink apple juice or (don't know in english) juice. And eating banana's.

Onions are always good too. Or so my mom tells me.
Mar 9, 2005 at 4:59 PM Post #5 of 21
i personally just go about life as normal, However I am a no medicines guy.i w9ld advise bed rest and as an excuse lots of hot chocolate / milk.
Mar 9, 2005 at 5:02 PM Post #6 of 21
If you have any hispanic grocery or Pharmacy around (specially if Dominican), try to get Antiflu-Des use it for a few days and report back to us.....
Mar 9, 2005 at 5:03 PM Post #7 of 21
I agree about the vitamin C and water, but disagree about life as normal. I find I get better faster if I'm allowed to actually lay low and get well. But yeah, every year since moving here, I get the flue, and it stays around for about a month, and then for the rest of the winter any little virus flying through the air lands on my face.

So I learned my lesson and got the flue shot this year. So far I've only gotten a cold and that's it.

Next year Lini, get that flue shot!

Now then, have some Chicken Noodle soup, some sprite, and go lay on the couch and watch tv.
Mar 9, 2005 at 5:13 PM Post #8 of 21
If you have been ill for 3 weeks and don't feel much better, you probably have an "opportunistic" (secondary) infection (usually bacterial) that has taken advantage of your weakened state to flare up. That means that it's time for a course of antibiotics. The flu that's been going around is particularly nasty, in addition there has been a lot of pneumonia and bronchitis as well. I needed 3 courses of antibiotics to lick the thing, but finally can say that I feel 100%. So, hang in there, see the doctor about the possibility of the secondary infection and rest. Sorry, but there is no substitute for that.

Btw, if you are dehydrated, go for Gatorade or something similar that will give you glucose and electrolytes. Otherwise, chicken soup, clear liquids and bland foods are the way to go. If you have a cold/sore throat, avoid milk products as they coat the throat and can make it worse.

Good luck and I hope you are feeling much better very soon.
Mar 9, 2005 at 5:26 PM Post #9 of 21
Maybe this is a very Californian suggestion, but here goes.

What gets me better faster than anything is to do something that makes me feel completely happy. A couple years ago I had a BAD flu, it had lasted for weeks. I still wasn't well on my birthday, when my wife had front-row seats for us at Cirque du Soleil's Varekai. Felt too lousy to go, but went anyway. What a great show! I grinned all the way through it. Next day, bam, completely cured.

That's not an isolated incident. Other happiness-engendering experiences have also helped me get over being sick.

Talk to your physician and see if happiness is right for you. This message sponsored by the Head-Fi Happiness Council.
Mar 9, 2005 at 5:57 PM Post #11 of 21

Originally Posted by jjcapurro
Water! Water! Water! Force yourself to drink a LOT of water. Even if you are throwing up, drink it anyway. Your body can recover alot faster if it's not dehydrated, and when you're sick your immune system is desperately in need of flushing. When I'm sick I try to drink 10 glasses of water per day.

Vitamin C is also good, it's a natural antioxidant which helps your system to kill bacteria and fight virii.

Zinc, and garlic oil will help as well. The garlic oil makes you smell like a greek cook but it really works!

I also recommend what Jeremy said. I would add to drink sage/salvia herb (in case of common cold and sore throats) and use honey (I prefer forest honey) instead of sugar (if you sweeten your tea).

Vitamin B-complex if you feel exhausted.

Bunnyears also made a good point about possible secondary infection.
Mar 10, 2005 at 5:00 AM Post #13 of 21
Airborne actually works quite well, if you're willing to spend the money. There's not any mumbo jumbo, its basically a lot of vitamins and zinc and stuff, I remember thinking it was overpriced for what it was. But you should definately check it out, it works. Others have told me that Zicam is effective but I've never used it.
Mar 10, 2005 at 9:23 AM Post #14 of 21
Ok, you could call me kind of well read in the natural therapy stuff. Here's my suggestions:

1. drink lots of water (4L per day ish)

2. suppliments:

Vit B (all of them)
Vit C
Thermogenic stack of some sort ( SCA - Synephrine caffiene aspirin) - this will raise the body temperature and make the body unhospitable for bacteria and the virus

3. Lots of fresh fruits (especially pineapple and kiwi if you can get them)

4. baths rather than showers (again with the raising of the body temperature)

5. find a chinese herbalist in your area and talk to them, often where western medicine doesn't deal well with diseases eastern medicine does. I had a similar problem and what would have taken weeks usually for me to recover took 3 days (though the herbs were terrible tasting)

6. REST, the worst thing that you can do is push yourself more when you're sick, doing so will probably result in it just taking longer to go

7. get a good night's sleep every night (8-10 hours sleep being optimal) this is the time for the body to repair itself.

8. old fashioned Chicken soup! I know it sounds wacky but chicken soup has chemicals in it which are known to help out with viruses like colds and flu
Mar 10, 2005 at 11:09 AM Post #15 of 21
I was told that a pitcher of hot beer will get you back in shape but you might be better off not following this kind of advice.

Hope you'll get better soon!

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