How many do you need?
May 8, 2013 at 4:31 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 27

p a t r i c k

500+ Head-Fier
Jan 17, 2009
As well as listening to music with headphones another pastime I have is cycling. I will mention that I never do these at the same time. A cycling friend of mine told me that he thought you need at least 7 bicycles. You need one for commuting, one for touring, one folding one for holidays etc.
It got me thinking as to how many pairs of headphones (or IEMs) you need? Here the word "need" is used in a loose sense after all you don't really need any headphones.
Here is the ideal list of headphones for me.
  • Open circum-aural for use in the house.
  • Closed back circum-aural for use when working in shared office situations.
  • Closed back supra-aural foldable for using public transport.
  • Noise cancelling for use on aeroplanes.
  • Open back supra-aural for gardening.
That is five. The only ones I don't have are the noise cancelling ones.
And I wonder what your needs might be?
May 8, 2013 at 4:36 AM Post #2 of 27
2 Headphones for home
(1 darker sounding, 1 Brighter sounding)
1 IEM for maximum portability
1 supra aural for when IEM is too cumbersome to keep removing all the time
May 8, 2013 at 11:08 AM Post #3 of 27
For me, I could slim down to 3 I think.
1. Open back full-size for home
2. Closed Back full-size for home
3. IEM for Office/commute/travel.
Of becomes a lot more when you start wanting different flavors of those 3 types.
May 8, 2013 at 11:10 AM Post #4 of 27
I refuse to face this question; it'll only make me sell and I don't want to do that.
May 8, 2013 at 11:31 AM Post #6 of 27
I think i can live with just two, a HD650 for home and RE0/DBA02 for everything else, a closed back full size is just too big to carry around and the sounstage is inferior to open backs at home.
May 8, 2013 at 11:36 AM Post #7 of 27
1 is enough, I am just lazy to sell others...
May 8, 2013 at 11:56 AM Post #8 of 27
I could live with 3
1 - open back circumaural for music at home
2 - super comfy open back circumaural for movies and PC gamig
3 - closed back circumaural for outdoors, public transport, plane travel.
May 8, 2013 at 12:25 PM Post #9 of 27
I'm happy using any and all for portables. Including open-backs. I hate things being in my ears, so no IEMs. I could live with three.
May 8, 2013 at 12:27 PM Post #10 of 27
I'd like to have at least 2. I do have 2 at the moment, but I'm trying to upgrade to a new headphone for my portable headphone. 
May 8, 2013 at 2:24 PM Post #11 of 27
I have one open dynamic, hd650, and one closed planar, Maddog. That covers all my bases and needs for now. 
Oh, forgot...just ordered the Momentum. 
 Something for portable use right of my phone. 
So three for me. 
May 8, 2013 at 2:41 PM Post #13 of 27
One durable IEM/earbud for portable listening/music/podcasts (Klipsch S4)

Wouldn't call the S4 durable, but they're a decent throwaround portable.
May 8, 2013 at 4:14 PM Post #14 of 27
I have 7 headphones right now (If I remember correctly :) ),but I would be satisfied with the following 3:
1)Sennheiser HD600,a good quality,comfortable,natural sounding open circumaural headphone,for serious home use with a headphone amp.
2)Shure SRH840,a nice closed back circumaural headphone which is easy to drive from portables and gives good isolation,so I find myself using it quite often with my portable player,when I need some more freedom and block of noise in my house,or at another house/place etc.
3)Koss portapro,which is quite good for general use (both home and portable).

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