How is the Hifiman EF-5 with the HE-500s?
Jun 8, 2012 at 5:05 PM Post #2 of 4
Just wondering if this combo sounds as good as advertised?

It does not.  Don't waste your money.
The EF-5 doesn't have enough voltage, or current (don't know which), to clear up the HE-500's - they sound muddy, or veiled, driven by the EF-5... which is why I returned both.  
I had no amp that would clear the veil of the HE-500's - and I also drove them with the WA6 SEm, and Millett MiniMax (none of these cleared them up - sounded like I was listening through water, especially in the lower mids).  
Jun 9, 2012 at 1:27 PM Post #4 of 4
I wouldn't look any farther than the LYR plus a good dac. 

I actually like the way they sound with the EF-5  a bit better. The Lyr sounds a bit cold on them, the EF-5 sounds more real and warm, but i did upgrade the tube. The Lyr is fantastic for some other applications I have used, but in this case I prefer the EF-5.
Again this is a used Lyr with stock tubes vs the EF-5 with a Black Coated Glass TUNG-SOL.

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