How do you care for your IEMs?
Nov 8, 2010 at 3:49 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 29


Aug 9, 2009
I haven't owned many IEMs till now. My first one was the UE 5 Pro. As a student, I shelled out a pretty penny for them. Also, like an idiot, I used to simply shove them inside my jeans/trouser pockets. In other cases, I used to keep them attached to my mp3 player socket, fold the cable around the player and keep it in my bag. After an year of use, they fell apart. The housing on the left earpiece became weak and gradually broke. Unable to afford anything expensive (had almost jumped the gun on the RE0 but I was severely out of budget), I couldn't afford anything expensive so I had to make do with a Creative EP-630. Massive step down but hey at least it isolated well! And three weeks back, I lost them as well. *@#k!!!
So, here I am looking for a new IEM. I was going to order a RE0 with the FiiO E7 but before I do that, I would first like to ask you experienced head-fiers - how do you care of your IEMs? How long would you expect you current IEMs to last? Do you think that with proper use (which I am eager to learn from you folks) an earphone like RE0 or DBA-02 last for 2-3 years? Can these earphones last for this long if I simply keep them in an altoids case after each use?
Nov 8, 2010 at 4:10 PM Post #2 of 29
As we speak, I am soaking my Comply foam tips and triple flanges in a Hydrogen Peroxide solution at my desk at work. I have heard all types of horror stories on the forum about how some guys IEM's came apart, got washed, stepped on, cat chewed them ect.
I rotate my earphones and I keep them in a padded camera bag along with my other portable audio equipment. I periodically clean and exteriors with a light, sanitizing cleaner.
I probably spend more time and effort cleaning my equipment, but when you invest hundreds or more, you should do no less.
Nov 8, 2010 at 4:29 PM Post #3 of 29
My UM1's are going on 4 years now and I regularly inspect them for wax build-up (use the wax loop to remove if so) and store them in the hard case they came with. (I wrap the cable around my hand and then place the spool in the case.) I try to clean the my tips at least twice a month, by soaking in Hydrogen Peroxide and wipe them down regularly with warm soapy water. With good, common sense care I don't see why some quality IEM's shouldn't last at least 10 years.
Nov 8, 2010 at 5:20 PM Post #5 of 29
I have my crappy apple earbuds since five years.
Well... okay, they aren't in ears but their "structural stability" is well known. ^^
Although I didn't take care of them - I handled it analogue to avalanche - they still work.
Anyway, I am really glad that I'll get the RE0 this week.
I think, as long as the miserable processed apple ear buds survive my treatment for five years the RE0 will last minimum ten years.
Knowing that they are at least ten times as much worth than the apple I'll care for them ten times better.
They'll be cleaned periodical and have their after-work-home at the case.
@avalanche: If you think that you'll maybe loose your next IEMs again buy cheap ones. (f. e. Soundmagic PL30 or MEElec M9 ?)
If you resolve to take a little more care about them, buy the RE0!
BTW: I did both - the Soundmagic PL30 for jogging as well as the RE0 for daily routine.
Nov 8, 2010 at 6:55 PM Post #7 of 29
 I would first like to ask you experienced head-fiers - how do you care of your IEMs? How long would you expect you current IEMs to last? 

I baby my iems. I really do. I even have a Pelican case for each & every one of them thats how i transport my Cowon D2+ & Earphones everyday.
Honestly the way i take care of them they should all last me at least 10 years or more.
Nov 8, 2010 at 7:03 PM Post #8 of 29
I wrap the cable of my triple fis around 3 fingers, store them in the case that came with them, and about once a week, clean the wax in the sound bores out with the wax loop that came with them
Nov 8, 2010 at 7:26 PM Post #9 of 29
after each use i wipe any ear wax off of them and gently lay them on a shelf. my current IEM's i haven't actually traveled with yet. if i was to travel with them, then i'd coil them up and put them in their case. i would expect them to last at least a few years.
Nov 9, 2010 at 8:35 AM Post #10 of 29
Nice replies guys!

It really helps a new person like me to understand how earphones should be taken care off. I still don't care of my earphones how you folks have mentioned. Heck, I did not even know what hydrogen peroxide could be used to clean earphones - I just used to think it was an indregient for mouthwash! :p I think I should start developing the habit and then make the investment in a new IEM. I think its time to take the UE carry case again.
Nov 9, 2010 at 8:39 AM Post #11 of 29
I just wrap mine around 3 fingers and put them in a case. I've never had an issue with durability.
Nov 9, 2010 at 8:55 AM Post #12 of 29
Same here except I did have a SF3 lose a cable connector from it's body. Luck of the draw and not a use issue. A removable pin cable in great condition should always pull out of a jack before the jack comes away from the device. The cables can get twisted from winding so I usually let them hang free before the next use.

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