How are you budgeting for the economy?
Nov 13, 2008 at 1:53 AM Post #46 of 97

Originally Posted by milkpowder /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Why rely on plastic? Pay with cash/debit cards. If you don't have enough cash, then don't buy it. This obviously doesn't apply to cars and houses.

Er, it absolutely applies to cars. You can't get a $500 house. You can get a $500 car.

I spend what I have. I wasn't able to save much before all this hit, but hopefully will be able to when I get a new job (jobless, right now). I have no credit and would be happy to keep it that way.

I try to spend well, considering future usefulness of what I buy. It pisses me off to no end when I can't find a high quality durable product like I want. I mean, I want to spend more for better quality, but can often only spend more for more features, or cool styling.

I don't pay normal high prices for entertainment, either. I get deals from eBay, buy used here, or from Secondspin, etc.. Not having any new money coming in, I've got about $600 worth of DIY projects waiting in the wind, too, which is annoying
. The chances of the costs going down by the time I feel OK spending that are pretty much nil (which is why it's so annoying).

I don't go to see a doctor as much as I should, because I could use a single visit's cost to pay for weeks of food (that's with insurance, BTW). I hate to finally send in the COBRA forms and a check, for the same reason (except not doing so could get me screwed when getting new insurance).

The thing is, there's very little room to move down, right now, except for getting crappy food, or trying to get a CC and abuse it. I'm not keen on crappy food.
Nov 13, 2008 at 2:34 AM Post #47 of 97

Originally Posted by Tribalambient /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I decided the best way to cut back was only buying head-fi goodies on days that end in "y" ...



I'm putting a hold on my Amazon purchases. NZ dollar is weak against USD at the moment... Oddly, I'm spending more money now than ever. Quarter-life crises, methinks.
Nov 14, 2008 at 2:08 AM Post #48 of 97
More budgeted boiled pototes with olive oil for dinner. I like olive oil but it is expensive. So I will use less olive oil and add a little more butter in the olive oil mixture to cut the costs. Fortunatly, it will taste very yummy.
Nov 14, 2008 at 4:46 AM Post #49 of 97
I guess I could stop buying fast food and cook my own food. Cooking my food is cheaper since I don't buy the food in my house. I have to buy the food at the fast food places almost all the time. I could even go with the instant noodle route but I get daireha from that sometimes. I usually only have this problem when I go to the local "Chinese guy that sells instant noddle soup" store and get some that has no English labels or anything. My dog loves instant noodle soup though!!! He nearly bit my hand when I tried taking the bowl away from him. He's cute but a fighter.
Nov 14, 2008 at 1:36 PM Post #50 of 97
Living just as regular in the daily life, but cut down on importing goods.
Nov 14, 2008 at 4:29 PM Post #52 of 97
the ruble becoming mandatory = death of usd? No way... maybe death for russia, but there are plenty of countries that still trade using the usd, and russia never happened to be one of the biggest, the only reason they still even talk is for oil. If anything russia will fail utterly, the ruble will shoot up, everything imported will get crazily expensive and there will be mass infaltion.
Nov 14, 2008 at 5:43 PM Post #53 of 97
selling all of my old electronic gadgets that I am not using locally, speakers, cameras, lens, mp3 players, PDAs, cell phone and a lot more...each of these toys only worth a little, but they added up to a number that surprised both my wife and I.
Nov 14, 2008 at 10:54 PM Post #54 of 97

Originally Posted by Spareribs /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Since the economy is not that great, what are you sacrificing?

For me, I am taking less weekend trips and eating out less. I hate doing this because it will mean more boring Sundays. Also more of the same food and less variety. I refuse to eat cheap junk food though. I probably won't be buying any new clothes until maybe next summer. What will you sacrifice?

budgeting to buy more actually while things are cheap and businesses are liquidating. should travel more too cause dollar is stronger. buy up houses and stocks--not gonna be an opportunity like this ever again! bad economy my butt--this is payday.
Nov 14, 2008 at 11:27 PM Post #55 of 97
Well, sounds like I'm not the only one who managed to get themselves into a heavy situation. At least I'm realising soon enough that I'm over-extending in certain areas and that I had to call quits on some dreams and that I can revive them much later when I've run through my own debt-free plan.

It's all happening a bit late, but one has to just focus and believe you've caught the problems at the right time.

2 years... that's my goal. Some careful self-discipline is going to be happening.
Nov 16, 2008 at 4:44 AM Post #56 of 97
Tight times here. Selling off old, no longer used things, eating in only, limiting going out, cut all unnecessary spending. Planning to move soon since we can't seem to get new jobs here. Seriously hoping things turn around real fast. I've grown too accustomed to a warm bed, hot shower and morning coffee with head-fi.
Nov 16, 2008 at 9:36 PM Post #58 of 97
I started my career a few months ago, so for me this "downturn" has been pretty nice. I have a few months rent in my savings just in case, but otherwise I'm staying out of investing for a little while.
At this point, I see a buyer's market and I'm making the most of it. We're planning on buying a car in the next couple months and a house/condo within 18 months.
Sep 6, 2012 at 8:41 PM Post #59 of 97
I just found these McDonalds coupons. Pretty good deal where I can stuff my belly for just a few dollars. Here's a tip: At McDonald's, you can get a free water cup and it's pretty good cold filtered water. (I am not a soda drinker)

Sep 9, 2012 at 1:06 AM Post #60 of 97
Eating out much less is a great money saver. So is eating much less meat, and eating lentils, chickpeas, and eggs instead. Taking public transportation or walking saves plenty instead of owning a car or taking taxis.
Buying clothes at the end of the season saves plenty. Shorts that are around $30 in May are often $5-10 at the end of August. Winter coats that are normally $200 might be $50-$75 in late January or early February.

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