Hit by a drunk...
Jan 1, 2009 at 3:43 PM Post #16 of 34

Originally Posted by ArmAndHammer /img/forum/go_quote.gif
There I am, driving down the road, a prisoner in the back seat of my cruiser heading to the county jail and WHAMMMM !!!! a drunk driver hits me head on. How great is that? Not really injured since luckily the drunk driver struck the embankment before crossing the center line and hitting me so he was slowed down a good bit. I am sore as hell and my shoulder is possibly re-injured. I just returned less than a month ago to full duty after having shoulder surgery from an injury I sustained in August while on duty. I think it is time for me to find a new job.

I'm glad it was not as bad as it could be. I hope you do not need more shoulder work. I've had rotator cuff repair in the past. It was no picnic. More recently other shoulder. Sucks! I hope for speedy recovery.
Jan 1, 2009 at 4:24 PM Post #17 of 34
Thanks all. I edited the OP so hopefully it is a little more clear now that I was driver and I was not the prisoner...lol

Thanks everyone for the words. Woke up this morning and surprisingly not very sore at all and the shoulder seems fine.

As far as an enhanced penalty, I am pretty sure that there is not one in WV for a DUI crash involving a LEO. I guess if he were charged with assault and battery on a police officer but what happened this morning would not fit the elements of that crime. Only thing would be if the magistrate decided to impose a stiffer judgment when/if the guy is found guilty at trial.


Originally Posted by Old Pa /img/forum/go_quote.gif
An event which pretty much captures the mystique of both drunk driving and uniform police work. I went back to school twenty-eight years ago after five years of similar circumstances and the desire to work and socialize with a better class of people. Worked for me. But I can still spot a "client" from some distance.
Good Luck to you.

I hear ya. I am starting school in a couple weeks getting in to the medical field. I figure I will still be able to help people and actually be a little bit appreciated instead of being the bad guy no matter what I do and the nicer paychecks will be a bonus. And dealing with a different segment of the population would be so wonderful but I am afraid my view of people and society has been severely damaged. I guess that is what happens after 9 years in this field of work.
Jan 1, 2009 at 4:31 PM Post #18 of 34
Glad to hear you are feeling better. It's too bad this driver will get off the hook too easily. Where I'm from, they have pretty intense punishments for DUI's in comparison to yours (Influenced Driving)
Jan 1, 2009 at 4:33 PM Post #19 of 34

Originally Posted by ArmAndHammer /img/forum/go_quote.gif
And dealing with a different segment of the population would be so wonderful but I am afraid my view of people and society has been severely damaged. I guess that is what happens after 9 years in this field of work.

Yup. Even thirty years ago, after dark it was either "us" or "them".
Jan 1, 2009 at 5:07 PM Post #22 of 34

Originally Posted by xnothingpoetic /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Glad to hear you are feeling better. It's too bad this driver will get off the hook too easily. Where I'm from, they have pretty intense punishments for DUI's in comparison to yours (Influenced Driving)

Yeah, it isn't so much that my state has weak punishments for DUI, it is that my local (county) judicial system is a joke. Because they don't want to do anything it is quickly becoming a criminal's paradise where I live. Very disheartening.
Jan 1, 2009 at 5:19 PM Post #23 of 34
Sorry to hear about the incident. Shoulder injuries are a real pain. This is exactly why I try to stay home on New Year's Eve and 4th of July. I guess you didn't have that option.
Jan 1, 2009 at 5:25 PM Post #24 of 34

Originally Posted by shellylh /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Sorry to hear about the incident. Shoulder injuries are a real pain. This is exactly why I try to stay home on New Year's Eve and 4th of July. I guess you didn't have that option.

Agreed, even if you can account for your own self you cant account for the rest of the worlds stupidity....

Hope your schooling and career change works out and that you dont suffer any damage from the crash!

Jan 1, 2009 at 9:39 PM Post #25 of 34

Originally Posted by Al4x /img/forum/go_quote.gif
theres no excuse for drink driving

X2. You're a real danger to anyone on the streets. The punishment for drink driving can't be high enough in my eyes.
Jan 2, 2009 at 4:50 AM Post #27 of 34
After reading that, I have to ask one thing:
Is the prisoner OK?

Luckily, you're reasonably OK.
Jan 2, 2009 at 5:17 AM Post #28 of 34

Originally Posted by ArmAndHammer /img/forum/go_quote.gif
As far as an enhanced penalty, I am pretty sure that there is not one in WV for a DUI crash involving a LEO. I guess if he were charged with assault and battery on a police officer but what happened this morning would not fit the elements of that crime. Only thing would be if the magistrate decided to impose a stiffer judgment when/if the guy is found guilty at trial.

Forgive me...LEO? I understand it is an acronym for some sort of police officer (which I am sure the O stands for). I am not sure about the first two.

Edit: Yeah yeah...googled it. Law Enforcement Officer
Jan 2, 2009 at 10:48 PM Post #29 of 34

Originally Posted by ameyer17 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
After reading that, I have to ask one thing:
Is the prisoner OK?

Luckily, you're reasonably OK.

lol...Yeah, he was fine. I actually made sure he was alright before I did anything else. He was in the back seat belted in and since the front of the car took the shot he was in the best place to be under the circumstances. Of course the BEST place to be would have been at home in bed or at least in the cruiser in front of me that was taking his g/f to the jail since that one did not get involved in the crash.

My back is a little torqued still but all in all I am doing good. My shoulder is good which is what I was worried about most since I just had surgery on it in Sept. but now my back hurting has me a little worried since I injured (compressed disc) it at work about 7 years ago. So I am hoping it is just some muscle pain. I will give it a couple more days then go to the doc if not better by next week. Thanks everyone for the kind words. They are appreciated.
Jan 3, 2009 at 1:27 AM Post #30 of 34

Originally Posted by ArmAndHammer /img/forum/go_quote.gif
My back is a little torqued still but all in all I am doing good. My shoulder is good which is what I was worried about most since I just had surgery on it in Sept. but now my back hurting has me a little worried since I injured (compressed disc) it at work about 7 years ago. So I am hoping it is just some muscle pain. I will give it a couple more days then go to the doc if not better by next week. Thanks everyone for the kind words. They are appreciated.

One word - yoga. Was a time I thought yoga was silly to the extreme, but no more. This stuff works. See if your local library has the Yoga for Dummies DVDs. Sara Ivanhoe does a marvelous job with the basics and she aint hard on the eyes . . .
Besides, we aren't all going to be around, whistling and yelling, when you do your first "down dog".

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