Hisoundaudio Wooduo Impressions, Reviews & Discussion Thread
Oct 31, 2012 at 10:23 AM Post #31 of 53
[..] They're just more enjoyable from the perspective of bass alone. However, I have noticed that vocals just sound completely wrong with these IEMs compared to all my other headphones. I think the treble and midrange just lack a certain amount of refinement. Even though there is more treble presence in these than the EPH-100, I feel that it's not as refined. I'm planning on keeping them though just because they're so darn enjoyable in the bass department. But for listening to anything other than really bassy music, they're just not that good.

Hmmm. I do enjoy some drum 'n bass and dubstep now and then, or things like the Daft Punk - Tron Legacy Reconfigured (remixes of the Tron Legacy OST). I'm guessing these would fit perfectly for music like that, then? Cause if that's the case, it would mean they'd be a nice addition for these bass-heavy electro stuffs. Interested in your opinion on that.
Nov 3, 2012 at 10:30 PM Post #33 of 53
Hmmm. I do enjoy some drum 'n bass and dubstep now and then, or things like the Daft Punk - Tron Legacy Reconfigured (remixes of the Tron Legacy OST). I'm guessing these would fit perfectly for music like that, then? Cause if that's the case, it would mean they'd be a nice addition for these bass-heavy electro stuffs. Interested in your opinion on that.

Yah, I think they're relatively bad for everything but bass heavy music. I guess the treble is a bit grainy and slightly shrill in the treble department as well. But like I said the vocals just sound wrong.
They can't match the bass of all my other headphones though so I'm gonna keep them in case I get an itch for bassy music.
Nov 4, 2012 at 1:26 AM Post #34 of 53
+2 on these being applicable only for bassy music. I do enjoy these for that though!
Nov 9, 2012 at 6:47 AM Post #35 of 53
+2 on these being applicable only for bassy music. I do enjoy these for that though!

They work pretty good for movies as well. Not worried about messing them up while using them as well. They seem pretty sturdy. Still my IE80s are best for movies. Actually found myself getting irritated watching Star Wars with them. So much detail and you hear every little squeak and squawk lol.

Nov 14, 2012 at 11:26 PM Post #37 of 53
Thanks for the detailed review

Would you be able to help me out here, seeing that you've listened to both the wooduo2 and the b2? http://www.head-fi.org/t/636240/looking-for-new-iem-wooduo-2-r-50-b2-advice-suggestions-thoughts-help#post_8868056 thanks !
Jan 24, 2013 at 3:54 PM Post #40 of 53
I just received a pair of the Wooduo2's. Took part in a deal hisoundaudio put out a while back:
We just received the package with the DAP and IEM's. I took some pics of the new packaging, which I can only assume to be the updating version as its not the same as the pictures posted here from last summer and fall.
As you may have noticed I'm a newbee and as such cannot yet post photos. Once I'm able to do this I'll get those unpacking pics posted.
Regarding the IEM's first impression is...amazement. The bass is so much more clear than anything else I've heard. Which doesn't tell you anymore than all the previous posts in the thread I realize, but its the first thing that stuck me about the W2. That, and the fact that they are beautiful IMO. Very well put together. I'll need to listen to a wider variety of music, bust out the terms glossary on here, and take some notes before I try to write any real review, but I still wanted to check in.
I'd also thank to all of the experienced audiophiles on head-fi, your reviews really help the junior head-fi'ers figure everything out.
Apr 19, 2013 at 12:16 PM Post #41 of 53
A quick review. Just received my iem. Shipping went fast and smooth from china with a very short wait.
I got a different box than others. Simple cardboard box with a lot accessories.
Nice square case, cable winder , lots of tips and of course iem it self. Will make pics and try and post them. Could this be the full retail version? Anyway very nice and complete package.

The iem is the same as on other pics posted here. In real life it's really quite striking combo. People think its beats iem. :frowning2:
Just worn it a few hours. Really comfortable fit with very good isolation. I am using it with the round ear tips single flange. Very comfortable. You easily forget you are wearing it.
The iem also sounds louder than my other iems.

Just listened to it for a few hours. A balanced bass heavy anything is like a holy grail to me. It's nearly impossible for me to find or get it right. FYI I love bass. With my cars and at home I use a subwoofer.
Finding the right balance along with an impactful bass is impossible to get. Somehow the music ends up skewed to my ears.

What I notice:

1)After a few hours I have to say that wooduo has not gotten it quite right. Its not balanced at all. It's all about the bass.
2) midrange is weird. Somehow vocals integration in the music is not seemless to me. Like the mids are played thru a different cheaper speaker than the highs and lows. Is it due to it being recessed? Or is the bass and highs just so good.
3) Bass is incredible. Embarrasses my other headsets. Quantity and surprisingly the quality is really good. A lot of bass heavy headsets delivers bass with no control. Leading to a bloated sound. With bass reverberating everywhere. Wooduo bass is quite tight and as a result so far have not had much problem with this.(but its still outthere)
Matter of fact of fact with some songs it's able to add a fuller sound to the (male)vocals.

Anyway I am starting to love this headset. It didn't deliver on its promise to deliver a balanced sound with great bass. But it's extremely fun and its sound is full of excitement and before you know it you are immersed in the music and you think you are in a club and not on the streets.and if you are not carefull you will look like a total idiot because the sound makes you want to move and dance.awesome iems if you like to listen to music with a good beat in it. It's like listening to these songs for the first time when using this iem.

I can't help but enjoy and smile when listening to this iem. Going thru my collection and relistening a few songs/albums. If you like dance or other music with a good beat. A must have. Or if you have a car with a good subwoofer in it and want to have similar experience when walking around. Try this.

Anyway will get back with more. I think will use this quite extensively.
Apr 21, 2013 at 7:55 AM Post #42 of 53
Yes, this is the retail version, I already got the same version in January.
I use the Wooduo2 in ears only for bass heavy music like rap (I mostly listen to metal and rock music). Songs like Snoop Dogg's "Lodi Dodi" will blow you away with this in ears!
Bass has good quality and is boosted a lot, mids are a little recessed and highs are about average.
They don't really fit to my ears, I can realize deep insertion only with over the ear style (looks weird). Deep insertion makes them much more detailed.
Different tips can change the sound a lot. With wrong tips the bass is boomy, with the right ones it's perfectly punchy.
I might try Sony hibrids (they should fit). I'm using tips from UE700 at the moment.
Build quality is not the very best, I already had to put some gluee on it because the housing opened.
Wooduo2 can't compete with my TDK BA200 with Westone star tips at all, but it has a sound signature that is quite "fun" to listen.
I would rate my in ears as follows (the prize is what I paid for them in new condition, I'm a penny pincher :wink: ):
Creative EP-630 (11 Euros): 3/10
Sennheiser CX 400 II (25 Euros): 5/10
HiSoundAudio Wooduo2 (together with NOVA N1 for about 113 Euros): 8/10
Ultimate Ears 700 (50 Euros): 8,5/10
TDK BA200 (85,90 Euros): 9,5/10
May 23, 2013 at 6:57 PM Post #43 of 53
Guys I hope you guys can help me out. Been playing around with the different tips. And lost the ovalish medium tips.
Now I cant get the right sound back. tried the Sony ones...but it doesnt get tight enough. Any other tips you can recommend?
Another weird thing...when the tips get moved while in ear...it distorts the sound or the sound dissappears. Is this driver flex? Dont have this problem with my other iems.
Jun 2, 2013 at 6:00 AM Post #44 of 53
Hi all,

Just a little story about these earphones, maybe can help something.
I bought on the London meeting 2 these wooduo2.
One for my girlfriend one for me, just to get something for on the go.
She really liked with galaxy s 》fiio5 》wooduo2.
I use them galaxy note 》rsa predator (only amp) 》wooduo2.
I found them bass poor...
Then after a month yesterday I sarted to mess around with different tips, I found some sony tips and wow, I really like them now.
I got a really detailed bass, but I miss a little bit the voice of singers, the hights are high but not really clear.
Anyways I love to use them now.
I cant say to muchh technically but the smile factor is;
Use them just with the phone normal tips - just ok
With the sony tips = + 40% happiness
Sony tips + amp = + 30%
Sony tips + predadator running from pc as dac amp = +15%
Some of my flac sound better for me than the hd650 of course not everything.
I just realised now its all about your ear canal, and how is important the right fit.
And read or testing different earphones is really subjective.

That's the straight way to the custom iems?
Jun 29, 2013 at 3:57 PM Post #45 of 53
Further update on the Wooduo 2.
I combined it with the GoDap 03 and i was dumbfounded by the result. It created seemingly the perfect IEM in my book.  It kept it's signature bass, but inproved its mids and highs so much. The sound signature is perfect for me. The sound is almost balanced...but with a very very good bass.
So it's not only for music with a beat, But works with all sorts of music. 
Cant believe that i am recommending this...but you should listen to Adele with this combination...its simply astounding.

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