Higher end closed back headphones - which one?
Oct 17, 2012 at 8:11 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 13


Headphoneus Supremus
Jul 26, 2012
Airstrip One
Until now I have been using mostly open back headphones, but my circumstances have changed and now I have a need for headphones providing some sound isolation (noisy work environment, lots of travelling etc). I am used to pretty high standards (LCD-2, HD650, Q701) and would like my closed cans to match this collection, if possible without breaking the $1000 barrier.
I listen mostly to jazz, some rock and electronic, but don't shy away from other genres either. Appreciate good soundstage, instrument isolation, tight bass (but not too boomy), smooth treble, slightly warm signature, no excessive sibilance.
I've been trying to put together a short list of possible candidates which hopefully I'll be able to audition before making the final decision. So far I'm thinking of checking out the following:
Audio-Technica ATH-W5000 
Beyerdynamic T5p
Ultrasone Signature Pro
I'd be interested in opinions on the above from people who have some experience with them and perhaps other suggestions too.
At this stage I'm not concerned about amping them - that will come when I decide which one.
Thanks in advance for all the input and advice!
Oct 17, 2012 at 9:59 PM Post #2 of 13
From my experience :
W5000 - Very smooth, Warm, Beautiful mids, so refined
T5p - Clear, Fast, Sparkly treble without being peaky
Haven't tried Ultrasones
I think for faster and PRaT demanding music like rock, T5p is definitely better than W5000, W5000 is more suitable for slower paced music and pickier on source IMO
Oct 17, 2012 at 10:11 PM Post #3 of 13
dun think the isolation on the w5000 is tat great...some honkiness...dun know if its inherent or gear mismatch..when i had it.
No sure if the fine woodcups are suitable for travelling. :p I like this can for chorals hymnals..its got that big hall soaring sound.
T5p...hmmm... the bass is just missing...the clarity is clarion..like a searchlight.
if u can take the cupsize of the Q701/LCDs.. how about the K550, closed can for travelling...looks hardy.
I had a brief testrun on this can, quite impressed with it to wanna snag one myself.

Oct 17, 2012 at 10:15 PM Post #4 of 13
From my experience :
W5000 - Very smooth, Warm, Beautiful mids, so refined
T5p - Clear, Fast, Sparkly treble without being peaky
Haven't tried Ultrasones
I think for faster and PRaT demanding music like rock, T5p is definitely better than W5000, W5000 is more suitable for slower paced music and pickier on source IMO

I have the T5p and the W3000ANV and I would certainly agree that the T5p is better suited to rock, for exactly the reason you mention.
From the OPs description of the sound he wants I think the Audio Technica's are going to be a better fit for him than the T5p (no experience of the Sig Pro yet, hopefully soon).
Oct 18, 2012 at 2:08 AM Post #5 of 13
Thanks for all the opinions so far.
I have forgotten about the W3000ANV and it looks promissing as well. Stocks are getting low however, so it may be difficult to sample this one.
The K550 seems worth checking too - thanks for the tip.
In the meantime I have checked the Signature Pro and didn't like them. The sound wasn't actually too bad, but the cups are too small and generally the fit is rather poor.
Oct 18, 2012 at 5:47 AM Post #6 of 13
T5p...hmmm... the bass is just missing...the clarity is clarion..like a searchlight.

The bass quality is lovely though! I just EQ it a tiny bit.
The W3000ANV may indeed be difficult to audition, but everything I read suggested it was a step up from the W5000, so worth your while to try and find it I think.
No idea about correlation between W3000ANV and the W5000 for sound isolation, but the W3000ANV definitely isn't quite on a level with the T5p or Edition 8 for that (the T5p/Ed8 seem basically the same to me from the point of view of sound isolation when others are using mine in the same room as me). From what I have read from others impressions the Sig Pro is similar to the T5p and Ed8 for sound isolation - maybe slightly better.
Fair point about the AD woodies not being the most travel suited, but I suppose ultimately that depends on the traveller. 
To the OP: You haven't mentioned the Ed8 in your round-up of high-end closed cans - was that because of the price? They can be found cheaper at a few places, so may be worth thinking about. For myself they are easily the least preferred of my closed cans (T5p/W3000ANV/Ed8), but others rate them much more highly than I do, seems remiss not to at least consider them given your use-case scenario.
I've not heard it, but the K550 suggested is certainly worth looking into too.
Oct 19, 2012 at 12:10 AM Post #9 of 13
I managed to sample the W5000 and the T5p today. My impressions were a bit different from what has been described here before.
The W5000 sounded smooth, but cold and almost metallic - something that surprised me a lot. I thought that may be related to how it interacts with the amp (NFB 27), but switching to a tube amp (WA2) failed to rectify this. Also the fit is quite loose, so isolation is not that great. For that reason I think I'll also discard the W3000ANV, as mechanically they seem pretty much the same and they are told to sound similar as well.
I actually liked the T5p very much, especially on the WA2. I'm not a big fan of tubes but on the NFB 27 the mids were a bit rougher, so I guess that's an indication of where the synergies may be. But who knows - the pair I sampled was only a few days old, so they may change a bit when burned in. I didn't find it lacking in bass quantity, and the quality of bass was just superb. The soundstage seems quite decent for closed cans. Fit, finish, comfort and isolation were very much to my liking. I also like their looks: classy but understated. A hint of occassional sibilance was the only concern, but I noticed it only on recordings I'm not that familiar with, so possible it was just recorded like that.
I think I liked the T5p enough to take the plunge and get a pair in a few days. I thought I'll check the K550 as well, but decided to expand my experience with other brands as I already had 3 sets of AKG headphones...
Now there's the matter of pairing them with the right amp. I'm thinking of getting two: one simple portable amp that will help them shine on the go, and one stationary DAC/amp to squeeze out every last drop of performance when used in the office. But that looks like a topic for another thread in the amps forum.
Thanks for all the input provided! I'll report back once I get some experience with my set.
Oct 19, 2012 at 12:28 AM Post #10 of 13
Nice to get your feedback now that you've worked through a few headphones. I love my T5p, nice that it to your liking (I think your sentiment echoes mine - they're not a bassheads can, but the quality of the bass is really nice). I really like my HeadAmp Pico with the T5p, FWIW.
Oct 20, 2012 at 4:05 AM Post #12 of 13
I picked up a pair of T5p today and spent a few hours testing them in my own environment. For those interested here's some of my first impressions:
They are very comfortable. I had them on my head for about 3 hours and nearly forgot they're there.
Straight off a laptop there's no shortage of volume, but the sound quality is quite average. Many $20 headphones could successfully compete here.
Through NFB-5 they gain speed and definition, but this combo is a bit too bright, with the same harshness in the mids that I heard on the NFB-27.
In both cases gentle equalization does the trick and restores the tonal balance, but they always remain quite forward sounding.
The biggest surprise was when I connected them to my AV receiver: the sound was absolutely gorgeous without any eq. Pity I can't lug this beast with me on my business trips...

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