Help my Aunt choose some speakers
Apr 12, 2006 at 8:43 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 7


Organizer for Can Jam '09
Jun 3, 2003
My Aunt has had a pair of Pioneer CS510s for 15+ years. She liked them a lot but the surrounds on the drivers have all deteriorated and it doesn't look like they are available for replacement.

She is looking to spend around $400-600 on a pair of speakers. They need to be fairly detailed, have accurate tonal balance, and be fairly flat down to at least 40Hz. For reference, she seems to really like my PX200s with her Zen Touch.

Studio monitors are one possibility, but that will open up a whole new bag of worms, and I'd rather just find her some regular speakers that she can use with her existing amp.

Your recommendations are welcome and appreciated. Thanks guys (and gals).
Apr 13, 2006 at 3:08 AM Post #2 of 7
Infinity Primus 360 towers,or any in the line really....

Or onix $199 a pair bookshelves with the Onix $200 subwoofer .

Epos Speakers

Magnepan MMG's......they still sell that pair for like $500,depending on the sound shes looking for and music style and room complement,and what shes driving them with.

OutLaw Audio has a new reciever for like $600.......umm,,a 2150 i think it is. That with a Marantz CD Player and the speakers above,and a Marantz tuner might be a nice inexpensive system.

I think they also have speakers,and alot of their stuff are Giant killers for the money.

Paradigm makes some nice stuff also . Their speakers have good sensitivity too for lower wattage amps,if thats the case. Theyre easy to drive.

Theres so many,,but theres a start. I really dont know what youre looking for exactly,,but that should get ya going.
Apr 17, 2006 at 12:06 AM Post #4 of 7
Ascend 340SEs, if she can stand the plain looks.
Apr 18, 2006 at 11:57 AM Post #5 of 7
I recently listened to the Diamond 9.4 and Morduant Short 900 series. They are quite good speakers and should be well in your budget range. Personally, I leaned towards the Morduant Short because it has a tighter sound than the somewhat bass heavy the Diamonds.

IMO, both speakers have beautiful constructions and design.
Apr 18, 2006 at 8:38 PM Post #6 of 7
Have you considered repairing the speakers she has and likes? Take a look here:

They offer a bunch of kits that'll help you repair what you have. Replacing foam surrounds isn't that difficult, either. It's more labor than skill.

But if she's interested in new speakers, I'd recommend the Magnepan MMG, too. Probably the best $550 you can spend on a pair of speakers.

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